Why Travel Is Good For You

Why Travel Is Good For You – Traveling is becoming an increasingly popular pastime, but why do people love it so much? Scientists are now discovering that international travel is good for you in unexpected ways. So what are the surprising benefits of traveling? Read on to find out why travel is good for you.

Stepping out of our comfort zone and leaving our daily routines can be good for our health. It’s about being truly open to the tides of the world around us. Allowing us to be spontaneous.

Why Travel Is Good For You

Why Travel Is Good For You

A year-long world tour in 2013 changed my perspective. But you don’t need to go on a long adventure with your backpack to experience the benefits of traveling.

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Years ago, I planned a three-week road trip around the West Coast of the United States with an ex-boyfriend. He suggested we play by word of mouth, meaning we won’t pre-book all our accommodations.

Of course, it increased my anxiety levels. I’ve only been on package holidays so far. Now we would just go around with a loose plan.

When I took the trip, I realized that there were advantages to being spontaneous. We can move from one place or stay longer without worrying about canceling. It took me a while to get used to the idea.

But as the wind blew my hair as we raced along California’s bumpy coastal roads in our convertible Ford Mustang, I realized we were free. Unlike my hair, which mostly ends in knots.

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The biggest obstacle to traveling was money. Vacations, like ground travel in America, were expensive because of flights, rental cars, hotels, and out-of-the-way meals. And that was only three weeks. I thought it would cost me a small fortune if I traveled for a year. Especially since it means quitting my job and saying goodbye to my regular monthly salary.

Saving for a once-in-a-lifetime trip teaches you to prioritize what’s important in your daily life. I started with debt, so I learned to cut back on unnecessary spending. Buying things for the sake of it has become less attractive.

Pro tip: Many women swear by Denise Duffield-Thomas’ book that helps you improve your relationship with money.

Why Travel Is Good For You

Instead, you can become an expert at selling items you no longer need on online marketplaces. Maybe you get that promotion or bonus, sign up for a second job, or get extra freelancing. You will value every penny that comes your way because you know it will gradually go towards financing your dream. It may take a year or more to save enough cash, but you know it will be worth it.

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Still, I was worried that I would run out of money halfway through my world tour. To deal with this, I applied for a one-year work vacation visa in New Zealand so I could earn money during my stay. These programs are offered by many countries to people up to the age of 30 or 35. A great way to earn money while traveling and experience the working life abroad.

I didn’t have to worry so much. As counterintuitive as it may seem, long-term travel can be cheaper than your daily life at home. Flights are an expensive expense to begin with, but these days there are plenty of budget airlines, travel deals, and reward destinations to help keep costs down. I chose to book a number of pre-planned world tours and it cost less than if I had booked them individually. Plus, I’ve accumulated enough points to pay for the full return flight from Thailand to the UK.

Otherwise, if you’re traveling to places like Southeast Asia, you’ll find that you don’t need to spend a lot of money. Food is cheap, especially street food.

Public buses and trains are cheap, you don’t have to pay for accommodation, especially if you’re traveling at night. Dorm beds in hostels around the world are usually very affordable. If you are no longer paying rent to the house like me, this will significantly reduce your expenses. I kept spreadsheets to keep track of my expenses during my travels.

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Because I was realistic and careful about my finances and I didn’t run out of savings thanks to my paid job in New Zealand. In any case, the benefits of traveling far outweigh the costs.

Once during a world tour, I nearly missed a domestic flight in Australia and found myself sprinting through the terminal, accidentally leaving some belongings behind at the security check in a hurry. Another time in Thailand, my luggage was put on the wrong plane by airline staff, so I arrived at a beach resort wearing only my clothes. Unexpected situations will happen. But research shows that traveling reduces stress.

A 2013 study found that more than 80% of Americans surveyed noticed significant reductions in their stress a day or two after traveling. Other studies have shown that the health benefits of traveling abroad persist even weeks later. Traveling to explore a new place can help you get away from stressful situations, lower your cortisol levels, and make you feel more relaxed. Getting away from our work and daily demands gives us time and space to think about our lives and what we really want.

Why Travel Is Good For You

I suffered from daily depression and anxiety for several years. During this time, I was able to rediscover my passion and joy for life most of the time when I went on trips abroad. Leaving everything behind to finally go on a long-term trip was the best thing I did for my emotional and mental health.

Benefits Of Travel: Why It’s So Good For You

One of the first things I did on my world trip was to sign up for a meditation course in Goa. Over the course of two weeks, I went from being an anxious and paranoid person to a much calmer and happier person. It left me tools I could use when panic and self-doubt overwhelmed me.

My physical health has also improved as I no longer sit in an office all day during my travels, travel to new places all the time, and take yoga classes at beach resorts and studios around the world.

We were stranded at Sydney airport for hours not knowing if we would be able to board a later flight. But traveling teaches you how to take difficult situations step by step. Airline staff gave us coupons to spend at the airport to ease the pain and boredom. When I learned that these coupons could be exchanged for drinks at the bar, I shared the news with fellow travelers. This frustrating experience turned into a fun one, especially when five hours later we received the good news that we could finally fly to Auckland that day.

“No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until they come home and lay their head on their old, familiar pillow,” said Lin Yutang, a Hokkien Chinese writer.

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When we come home from travel, we realize many things. First, how different are the countries we visit from our prejudices, how movies and media portray these places. How do our imaginations and dreams predict them?

When I went to Thailand alone, I was nervous as it was my first time to visit Asia. But when I arrived, I saw that in some ways it was not much different from the one at home. I saw huge billboards in English, advertising toothpaste and cars. While there’s certainly some to be learned, it wasn’t the big culture shock I was afraid of.

When you travel, you not only learn about foreign cultures, you also open your eyes to your own culture. Some of the customs and behaviors you are used to are actually fascinatingly interesting and unique to your homeland. The more you accept the aspects you missed, the warmer you are in the things you miss. You notice changes and some things never change.

Why Travel Is Good For You

The world is much bigger than your little corner. But it’s also smaller than you think, because you find yourself meeting the same people in different countries.

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After a long time abroad, there’s nothing like the feeling of coming back to the sights, sounds and people you know and love. But in another way, home is more than where you grew up. The place where you were born or studied becomes a part of your story, and you begin to fall in love with distant places. When you finally stay for weeks or months and make friends there. You realize that you can reasonably make a life in this new place. Home becomes a more fluid concept.

As Pico Iyer puts it, “For more and more of us, the house has more to do with a piece of soul you might call it than a piece of land.”

Traveling is an investment in yourself. The more you travel and meet new people and places, the more your experiences will subtly change you internally. Gradually, your perception of yourself, your relationship with others, and your place in the world will transform.

Being exposed to a lot of change and a lot of new things in your life

Why Travel Is Good For You

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