Why Is Vitamin B Good For You

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Cassie Goff Medically Reviewed by Amelia T. Medical Reviewer Amelia T. is a NYC-based Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES) Registered Dietitian (RD) and certified. She completed her bachelor’s degree in nutrition and dietetics at NYU and her master’s in applied nutrition at Russell Sage College. Amelia’s evidence-based knowledge and passion for the field allows her to translate nutrition research and innovation to the public. Expert nutrition, nutrition, diabetes care, nutrition innovation. See more about Credentials Registered Dietitian Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist Education New York University, BS in Nutrition & Dietetics Russell Sage College, MS in Applied Nutrition

Why Is Vitamin B Good For You

Why Is Vitamin B Good For You

Unlike its fellow micronutrients, B vitamins actually refer to eight different vitamins. You may even know them by other names. Folic acid, biotin and riboflavin are all B vitamins. You need B vitamins to live—all eight of them. Because the benefits of B vitamins vary depending on the type, though, it can be helpful to dig a little deeper. So let’s do exactly that.

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There is not a single B vitamin, but actually eight different types. To make things even more complicated, though, you don’t have eight to eight B vitamins. Instead, it goes through B1 through B3, B5 through B7, B9 and B12. Vitamins B4, B8, B10 and B11 are no longer considered vitamins because the human body technically does not need them to survive.

The eight types of B that meet the technical definition of a vitamin (meaning you need it to live) are:

Together, these vitamins play a major supporting role in your body. They help the enzymes in your organs work as they should, which means they’re involved in everything from processing food to circulating oxygen and nutrients throughout your body.

As a result, people often equate chronic fatigue with low vitamin B and prescribe a B vitamin complex for an energy boost.

Signs And Symptoms Of Vitamin B6 Deficiency

While taking a B complex, which contains all eight B vitamins, can help you get your recommended daily intake, you may be getting it from your diet.

As you might imagine, since vitamin B comes in eight forms, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a food that ticks all the boxes. That said, there are some food sources that provide many of the B vitamins — and, in turn, many of the B vitamins’ benefits.

Beyond that, if you think you need a particular B vitamin — or if a doctor tells you to increase your intake — you should take that particular form. To help out there, we’ve rounded up all the best food sources of different types of B vitamins.

Why Is Vitamin B Good For You

Food gives you a great place to start when it comes to getting the nutrients you need. But also talk to your doctor, especially if you suffer from chronic fatigue or you eat a vegetarian or vegan diet.

What Do B Vitamins Do And Why Should You Take Them?

If you have a malabsorption disorder, you may be deficient in B vitamins. If you are taking certain medications such as metformin and PPIs (eg omeprazole), you may also have a higher risk of B12 deficiency. If you are deficient in or not getting enough of any of these key nutrients, you can absolutely benefit from taking a vitamin B supplement.

What exactly are the benefits of taking vitamin B? If you’ve read this far, you probably already know that it’s about Type B that you’re talking about. To make things clear, and to encourage us all to get this essential nutrient, we are listing the benefits of B vitamins by type.

Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, plays a major role in the strength of your cells. In particular, your body needs it to get energy from nutrients to power cell growth and function. B1 deficiency is a bit like walking around in a nearly dead battery.

Not only does B2, also known as riboflavin, reduce your risk of certain cancers and other health conditions, but it also helps your body fight aging, inflammation, and cell oxidation. To get what your body needs, make sure you get plenty of riboflavin.

Vitamin B Complex

Pantothenic acid, or vitamin B5, helps your body metabolize fat, produce hormones, and make red blood cells. Simply put, this vitamin supports your nervous system and brain health.

Without enough vitamin B6, your body has to work overtime to keep your immune and nervous systems healthy. It also supports protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

You’ve probably seen supplements with biotin in them before. People usually take it in an attempt to support nail, hair and skin health. It also plays a role in energy storage.

Why Is Vitamin B Good For You

Your body uses B9, or folic acid, to make your genetic material (DNA and RNA, in particular) and to support red blood production. Everyone needs it, but it’s especially important if you’re pregnant. Getting enough B9 is directly linked to a reduction in birth defects.

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You need B12 to make healthy red blood cells. B12 also supplies your nervous system with what it needs. The best food sources of B12 are meat and fish. If you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, you may benefit from the supplement.

Most of the benefits of vitamin B are risk-free. This is because all eight B vitamins are water soluble, just like vitamin C. This means that if you eat more than your body needs, it excretes it as a waste product.

Chronically taking too many of these vitamins — usually in supplement form — can result in toxicity, he said. For example, chronic intake of 200 to 500 milligrams of vitamin B6 per day has been associated with neuropathy. Most of the major issues come from too much niacin. Here are some details:

B3 (niacin) can adversely affect your blood sugar levels and your insulin action. If you have diabetes, you probably know that both of these things mean trouble. Talk to your doctor before adding any type of niacin through a supplement, including B complex vitamins. In particular, look for nicotinic acid, a synthetic form of niacin.

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What are the benefits of vitamin B? Now you know: it depends on the type. Overall, though, all eight vitamins play important roles in your body.

But that doesn’t mean everyone should take B-complex. For starters, most people can get the benefits of B vitamins from food.

Talk to your doctor before adding B supplements to your rotation. If you are pregnant or vegetarian or vegan, you may benefit from taking B6 or B12, respectively.

Why Is Vitamin B Good For You

Most people will not consume large amounts of B vitamins because your body breaks them down. Taking too much B3 and B6 consistently, however, can cause problems.

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If you’re not sure whether you should take B vitamin supplements, ask your doctor for a blood test. It can identify any flaws so you can learn if you need more B – or if you’re just wasting your money.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions regarding a medical condition or health goals.

Sell ​​your favorite products and we will find the best deal with one click. Designed to make shopping easy. B vitamins are vital to maintaining optimal health, as they play an important role in supporting many body functions; Brain function, nervous system, energy production and they work harder in times of stress to see you through.

There are a total of eight B vitamins – collectively called the B complex vitamins. Contains thiamine (B12), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), biotin (B7), folate (B9) and cobalamin (B12).

B Vitamins That Actually Work For Anxiety

If you eat a healthy, varied diet you should be getting all the B vitamins you need but sometimes, for various reasons, we fall short. Lifestyle choices, medications and health conditions can all affect your B vitamin status. Overuse of pesticides in intensive agriculture has led to nutrient depletion in food, certain cooking methods such as boiling can reduce the vitamin content of food, and certain gastrointestinal conditions such as IBS or IBD can affect the absorption of vitamins. Do, use oral contraceptives. Pills can interfere with absorption and chronic stress can lower your B vitamin levels.

Maintaining healthy reproductive hormone levels requires metabolism by our liver and the detoxification pathways necessary to make this happen rely on a number of B vitamins, including B3, B6, folate and B12. If we are deficient in any of these vitamins, it can cause our hormones to go out of whack and consequently our blood flow.

There is growing evidence on the role of vitamin B6 for PMS, with preliminary evidence suggesting that B6 supplementation may help relieve a range of PMS symptoms such as bloating and breast tenderness.

Why Is Vitamin B Good For You

B vitamins are important for stress tolerance

A Guide To B Vitamins: Everything You Need To Know

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