Why Is It Important To Understand Culture

Why Is It Important To Understand Culture – Culture and speculation are complex topics. Are they the same? Are they distinct? Search for five texts and you will get five different answers and five different definitions. In fact, the world view is a complex conglomeration of any number of factors in someone’s life: metaphysical factors, anthropological factors, theological factors, and the list goes on. If you put together a whole bunch of people with similar world views, it tends to manifest itself in culture.

But we want to provide a practical tool that, although perhaps too cultured, gives local church members no exposure to the aforementioned discussion. In recent posts, I have written briefly about the need to move from cultural expertise to cultural acquisition in speaking and instructing work with international populations in the States. In this post, I plan to draw that thread again. When I teach and train in local churches about cultural acquisition, this is where I start.

Why Is It Important To Understand Culture

Why Is It Important To Understand Culture

Think about skin culture; everyone has it, and while there are a few broad shades, it’s a little different for everyone. Culture is also like skin because you wear it without realizing it. People are rarely aware of their own culture. For most people think of culture as something different from everyone else. Often the first step in teaching people to belong to other cultures is to help them feel that they are one of their own. But not the land of the land. Worldviews and culture shape the way everyone sees the world, but no one’s destiny is determined by it. Otherwise, the point of the Gospel would not be there at all.

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Culture is also like ice. While humanity manifests itself in visible ways (think clothes, food, festivals, etc.), it runs much deeper than the surface. Think about the matter on the surface, which is the external manifestation of internal thoughts and feelings about the world. Because of this, culture definitely colors the way we see things. This truth about culture means that many communities will understand the groups of people around your church very differently than you do. For this reason, we need to understand other cultures if we are to preach the Gospel reasonably. This doesn’t mean you have to be culturally aware to talk to them. However, this means that you need to start learning about their culture.

Did we say this is an oversimplification? However, every culture (as far as I know) has five broad categories that shape its image. This category often starts with the surface aspects of culture, but can easily reveal deep norms and principles. Cultural acquisition, or learning about another person’s culture, can be as easy as asking questions that revolve around these five categories. In order to make it simpler, the categories can be explained by five characteristics: family, festival, faith, food, money.

It is a great place to ask about the observation of family dynamics as a starting point for cultural acquisition. How many children do they have? How do they raise their children? Do they see close friends or extended family as brothers and sisters? What words do they use in their language to describe the various relationships in the family structure?

Festivals can be the most visible part of culture. In this category though, I also include the items they wear and the activities they have for the game. Of course, this category is full of others, but how they spend their leisure time is very important. What are they celebrating? Do they have special family naming ceremonies or celebrations? How do they have a wedding or a funeral? Do their clothes mean anything? So what is it?

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This category is perhaps the most obvious for our purposes. What are religious? Don’t just ask them if they belong to a particular world religion. Knowing someone is a Hindu is one thing, but staying there forces you to assume a lot about their beliefs. But they ask specific questions about their main religions. These can be broken down into basic beliefs about God, the origin and end of the world, about sin and evil, and how they see the solution to that problem. With the exception of festivals and religious practices, much of this kind is hidden beneath the surface of what they all do. It should be very interesting.

This may seem like a stretch to Western minds, but most cultures place great value on food. You have comfort food, and so do they. Questions about food often serve as the front door to other cultures. What do they want to eat? How do they prepare these things? Would they like to do something for you? Questions like these show interest and respect for their culture. It also provides opportunities for guests to show up, as well as accepting invitations from them, and inviting them to your home for an exchange of refreshments.

I break this down into two main questions. What do they do with money and travel, and how do they spend their resources? These two questions provide a wealth of information about their lifestyle and what they value. People spend more money than they value.

Why Is It Important To Understand Culture

By thinking through these five categories, you begin to understand the culture of the groups of people you work with. This process of discovery may take time and multiple interactions. This is not a survey to deliver on someone’s doorstep. But consider these questions especially the conversation with that Hindu lady you meet in the grocery store, or the Muslim index that owns the Shawarma restaurant down the street. Asking these questions faithfully allows you to discern the culture and reveal the Gospel in a meaningful way.

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*You have seen the five Fs in another setting, I understand that they are different indexes. Some include “flag” or “face” for “money” or “family.” In some circles, these Fs are cast in a negative light (such as education and art school). My particular list was designed with the evangelical fight in mind, and has a starting point for dialogue.

One of the joys of my job is serving as the band for episodes of our podcast seminar, Life Sent. Scott Hildreth and I talk every week about the Christian mission…

Hello! If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve been on my site before, probably clicking on an article along the way. Historical…

This article is the second in a two-part series on Christ’s command in Matthew 7:1-5. In this article we provide a special application of this principle. This. CULTURE Culture includes beliefs, religions, race, ethnicity or experiences. It can be a part of many.

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Presentation on theme: “STUDYING CULTURES KYLEE FOWLER. Culture is aggregated by beliefs, religion, race, ethnicity or experience. Many people can be a part of it.” – Presentation transcript:

2 Culture includes beliefs, religions, race, ethnicity or experiences. Many people can be part of more than one culture. Culture helps people understand the world in terms of their beliefs, hopes, and values. Understanding different cultures is a way of understanding how the world works, good or bad. Culture is a way of life, important to people and how they live their daily lives. Knowing the elements of different cultures, such as history, art, language, food, etc.

3 UNDERSTANDING CULTURE Understanding different cultures is important. Respecting how different cultures work can solve and reduce problems that affect people. Knowing how different cultures work is really amazing. You see how amazing some of the experiences people have.

Why Is It Important To Understand Culture

4 Culture Some different cultures can vary by race…Caucasian, Asian, African, American, Latino, etc. Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, etc. Or by ethnicity…American, Japanese, African, Indian, Greek, etc.

English Culture Magazine By Atle Strømstad

5 Culture will always be here and will never go away because it is the way we live our lives. It’s amazing to know different cultures.

Download ppt “LEARNING CULTURES KYLEE FOWLER. Culture includes beliefs, religions, race, ethnicity, and experiences. Many people can be a part of it.”

To make this website work, we collect user data and share it with processors. To use this website, you must agree with our Privacy Policy, including cookies. Focus Questions 1. Why is it important for you to understand another country’s culture? 2. Why is it important that you understand older cultures?

Presentation on topic: “Focus Questions 1. Why is it important for you to understand the culture of another country? 2. Why is it important for you to understand older cultures.”- Presentation transcript:

Create Your Own Culture Lesson

1 Focus Questions 1. Why is it important for you to understand another country’s culture? 2. Why is it important to understand the major cultures of Western Europe?

9 Value of culture standards or judgments of right, good, or desirable Society decides what is just and unjust, and these are their values.

11 Normae The

Why Is It Important To Understand Culture

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About ricky

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