Why Is It Important To Preserve Our Heritage

Why Is It Important To Preserve Our Heritage – We are our own culture, history and language. In today’s increasingly globalized world, we must act as guardians of the unique cultural heritage that forms the basis of our identity.

New technologies are making this arduous task easier. Artificial intelligence (AI), the architect of the future, can pave the way for preserving our unique cultural heritage for future generations.

Why Is It Important To Preserve Our Heritage

Why Is It Important To Preserve Our Heritage

Just over a year old, AI startup IVO’s mission is to “bring the ancient art of storytelling to smart home his devices.” IVOW is working on developing a chatbot that records and shares user stories.

The World’s Cultural Heritage Is Being Preserved One Nft At A Time

“I realized there was a big hole in AI algorithms that would define our future stories: the lack of creative and prolific content about culture and heritage.” NPR News journalist. “By effectively blending AI with cultural storytelling, we can reduce algorithmic discrimination bias and train AI software more comprehensively.”

This involves training IVOW’s “Culturally Sensitive Deep Learning model” on different images to suggest detailed captions that reflect the cultural elements of the photos generated by natural language processing algorithms. .

Ellen Yount, Vice President, Management Systems International (MSI) for Artificial Intelligence (AI), said: Cultural Symposium co-hosted by Morgan State University and her IVOWin in her April 2018.

An international research team involved in the open-source Time Machine project will not only digitize the vast amount of information currently stored in archives and museums, but also use AI to analyze the data and bring it closer to the year 2000. It aims to reconstruct the history of Europe over a period of time in a “large-scale historical model”. simulator”. Having just secured €1 million in funding from the European Union, the project will act as a time capsule to facilitate exploration of the cultural, economic and historical development of European cities, significantly improving our current understanding. .

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“Records preserved before the year 2000 are basically non-existent because there is no way to see them,” says Frederick Kaplan, director of EPFL’s Digital Humanities Lab. “We urgently need to bring our archives into the digital age. We must not lose touch with the past.”

Kaplan is leading the prototype for the Venice Time Machine project. This project analyzes 1000 years of city history, trade routes, art, and its impact on European history and culture.

To digitize millions of manuscripts, a multidisciplinary team of researchers created semi-automatic scanners, robotic page turning, and even an automatic handwriting recognition system to transcribe annotations. This data is eventually made searchable in an engine called Canvas, allowing authorized users to edit any mistakes in the scans, improving the accuracy of the information.

Why Is It Important To Preserve Our Heritage

Amsterdam, Nuremberg, Paris, Jerusalem, Budapest and Naples have already launched digital initiatives to develop their own time machines.

Unesco Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists

Her Julia Noordegraaf, Professor of Heritage and Digital Culture at the University of Amsterdam, is working on a time machine for her city. “Our heritage is our ‘cultural DNA,’” she said. The tangible (works of art, monuments) and the intangible heritage (values, ideas) are integral components of local, national or transnational identity, guiding individuals and societies towards an uncertain future. It’s essential to be prepared,” she says.

The 20,000-kilometer Great Wall presents a daunting task for architects and historians working to preserve it. Certain areas are hard to reach and manually probing the walls can be very tedious. Intel recently worked with the China Cultural Heritage Protection Foundation to collect thousands of photos using the latest drone technology and analyze the data with AI to identify the exact areas of the wall that need restoration. Did.

“Having accurate information about where and what repairs are needed allows us to get the job done faster, more efficiently, and more cost-effectively,” said Global Brand and Thought Leadership Marketing at Intel. Alyson Griffin, vice president of charge, explains.

This technique can also be applied to commercial projects. Anil Nanduri, Vice President and General Manager of Intel’s Drone Group, explains: Towers – These are difficult to reach and complex locations, making it very difficult for people to use them. “

Preserving Ukraine’s Cultural Heritage Online

The global “founding” forum in the global movement for AI for Good is the AI ​​for Good Global Summit, hosted by the United Nations ITU, where governments, industry, academia, the media, and more than 30 UN agency partners join the ACM and Participating with XPRIZE. The forum will spotlight his day-long track on AI culture, with an emphasis on the intersection of AI and culture/arts, and will be a non-profit, open collaboration, so 1500 people can get the coveted registration pass. can attend for free. Among the notable keynote speakers was Jean-Philippe Courtois, Microsoft’s International President in charge of global sales, marketing and operations for 122 subsidiaries around the world.

A region’s culture is loosely defined by the art, music, language, and dance found in that region. It takes many forms and styles around the world and is often influenced by the past. You get to know your own culture by learning people’s stories, owning them, and making them resonate in your heart. Save it as your own song to sing and share with your children and grandchildren.

It is very common to see the songs of indigenous cultures go unsung as indigenous peoples migrate, adapt to modern technology and, in the case of new generations, are not interested in the history of their culture. It is estimated that one language disappears every 14 days as communities adopt English, Spanish and Mandarin.

Why Is It Important To Preserve Our Heritage

Nana Oforiatta-Ayim is a pioneer in documenting African cultural history and art. This is something no one has ever thought of before. She compiles the evolution of contemporary art and different arts in her 54 African countries to create her first ‘Cultural Encyclopedia’. She believes her passion for starting this project came from her time spent as a PhD student.

Your Career Journey: Tangible And Intangible Cultural Heritage

“I went into the vaults of the underground library and found a paper that was very nice and interesting, but nobody had seen it. It’s so worth it,” she told the New York Times. When I read about technology, etc., I completely get sidetracked, and at the same time, I thought that the story being told about Africa was still a backward narrative: no innovation, ahistorical and stuck. Yet everything I was reading was a story of innovation, knowledge and technology.”

The Ghanaian author and art historian received his $40,000 grant from his County of Los Angeles his museum in 2015 to fund the project. The museum recognized the need to preserve the artistic expression of African peoples and to spread knowledge of the continent’s rich history to the world.

Villagers of Kontari, Djibouti, perform a traditional African wedding dance at a cultural festival held for Seabees of the 5th Naval Mobile Construction Battalion at a schoolhouse in Kontari.

The Cultural Encyclopedia encourages Africans to contribute old photographs, intricately designed textiles and original works in the form of books and articles. She has worked on creating a collection of photographed oral histories from community elders and others who are willing to contribute.

Paragraph On World Heritage Day 100, 150, 200, 250 To 300 Words For Kids, Students And Children

Clearly, she couldn’t do everything herself and had to reach out to interested people in other countries who were willing to take on the challenge of data collection. She has created a system that everyone can follow that ensures the consistency of the collection.

Human culture, like the fields of health and science, has stories to read through its evolution over time. As this Ohio University resource shows, the development of new data systems is gathering data to tell the health of the population as a whole. As the British Antarctic Survey shows, ice core samples allow us to look at the story of rising CO2 levels in her atmosphere, past and present. Oforiatta-Ayim’s research helps us see a clear history of how cultures developed.

Pottery and remains found in the southwestern United States can help archaeologists to determine the age of the various sites where the Anasazi people lived, by analyzing the decorative patterns on the fragments and the weaving of the baskets. teach. There are identifiable differences in the remaining glyphs and petroglyphs that remain intact from these ancestral peoples that tell stories of hunting, where to find water, and how to find food stashes.

Why Is It Important To Preserve Our Heritage

Cultural encyclopedias work to preserve the art of African peoples so that historians do not have to decipher its meaning. Also useful for overtaking

Preserving Cultural And Historic Treasures In A Changing Climate May Mean Transforming Them

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