Why Is It Important To Conserve Biodiversity

Why Is It Important To Conserve Biodiversity – Conservation of Biodiversity Essay: Mother Earth is home to different species and a place where they can live together. The term biodiversity is a combination of two words – biodiversity and diversity. This means that diverse organisms simultaneously maintain themselves in an ecosystem. Ecosystems encompass diverse communities of organisms, including forests, coral reefs, wildlife, microbes, etc. A staggering 8.7 million species inhabit the planet.

Existence of biodiversity is an essential element of planet earth. Every organism is interconnected and connected to each other. Everything on this planet is in a complex web. However, human exploitation of resources threatens the ecological balance of biodiversity. Thus, it becomes important to protect and support all species.

Why Is It Important To Conserve Biodiversity

Why Is It Important To Conserve Biodiversity

Below are two English essays in both long and short form on the topic ‘Conservation of Biodiversity’ for students and children. The first essay of 400 to 500 words on ‘Conservation of Biodiversity’ is for class 7, 8, 9 and 10 students. Moreover, it is helpful for competitive exam aspirants. Additionally, a 150-200 word essay on ‘Conservation of Biodiversity’ will help students and children of class 6 or below.

Enviroatlas Benefit Category: Biodiversity Conservation

Long ‘Conservation of Biodiversity’ Essay in English for Class 7, 8, 9, and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. Below we have given a long essay on ‘Conservation of Biodiversity’ of 400 to 500 words. Essay on ‘Conservation of Biodiversity’ is best for students of class 7 to 10. Moreover, if students go through this article, competitive exam preparation will become easier.

Biodiversity is a combination of two words – biodiversity and diversity. Therefore, the definition of the term ‘biodiversity’ encompasses a large variety of living organisms coexisting in an ecosystem. Biodiversity ranges from the smallest microbes to the largest mammals. It also includes many species of bacteria, plants, animals and humans. A recent study found 8.7 million different species worldwide, of which the average person recognizes only 1.2 million species.

However, existing biodiversity is under threat. Both natural and human activities are contributing to ecosystem degradation. A changing climate and the invasion of alien species are threatening existing biodiversity. Furthermore, in pursuit of modernization, urbanization, and aggressive ambitions, humans are exploiting natural habitats. Many factors, such as habitat fragmentation, environmental pollution, overuse of natural resources by humans, etc., are putting additional pressure on the planet.

More than a million species are on the brink of extinction. Humans have changed the environment in their quest to dominate the planet. In this way, the vast wealth of the earth is gradually being depleted. There are thirty or more such places on the planet where many species are threatened with extinction. Scientists have termed these regions as biodiversity hotspots. These biodiversity hotspots are home to 60% of species diversity.

The Society For Conservation Biology

Contributing to biodiversity conservation is the need of the hour. Another word for conservation is environmental stewardship. The first step in preventing declining biodiversity is to preserve plants and animals in their natural habitat.

By eliminating the fragmentation of land for selfish purposes, it will be possible to create a safe habitat for various species. Many species are sensitive to pollution. For example, salmon can only thrive in freshwater. Concentrations of toxic chemicals in streams can lead to declines in salmon populations. Additionally, burning fossil fuels increases carbon dioxide emissions, which are harmful to some species. Deforestation results in the displacement of a large number of species. Moreover, deforestation also causes climate change. It harms migratory species.

Native plants and animals survive when they interact freely with the environment. It is best not to disturb them in their natural habitat. Thus, humans need to take responsibility for their actions, and consciously stop polluting the environment.

Why Is It Important To Conserve Biodiversity

The government is conserving biodiversity by restoring natural habitat and designating protected areas. Additionally, in an initiative to protect wildlife, the government is banning wildlife trade and poaching. The government will take further steps to mainstream biodiversity conservation. The government is working for fisheries, mining, farming, concrete construction in green zone areas, etc. so that multiple species are able to interact and interact freely.

Solution: Environmental Studies And Ecosystem Conservation Of Biodiversity

Below we have given a short essay on ‘Conservation of Biodiversity’ of 150 to 200 words. This short essay on ‘Conservation of Biodiversity’ is perfect for all students in Grade 6 and below. Biodiversity includes all living things on Earth. It includes various forms of life from plants, animals, bacteria to fungi. However, in today’s era, the earth is losing flora and fauna as well as genetic diversity.

Due to the dominant human species, many other species of plants and animals are becoming endangered. Pollution, deforestation, global warming, overexploitation of ecosystems, and poaching reduce the natural biodiversity of the Earth.

Humans are the biggest threat to biodiversity. Scientists have identified more than thirty regions of the world as global biodiversity hotspots. On the one hand, there are abundant resources in these areas. On the other hand, these are high risk areas for endangered species. In an ecosystem, every creature is interdependent and interconnected. The extinction of a single species can disrupt the entire food chain.

In the pursuit of biodiversity conservation, it is compelled to reduce carbon footprints. Planting, reusing, recycling, and reducing waste can help protect biodiversity from further loss. The creation of wildlife sanctuaries and biodiversity reserves can help in the natural recovery of biodiversity. Thus, we must conserve biodiversity for the survival of all species, including humans. We must set an example to inspire the next generation to follow the same path.

Biodiversity And Health

Students who are preparing for competitive exams or entrance exams can use this text on ‘Conservation of Biodiversity’ for reference. Moreover, children can take note of these points to help them deliver a speech on stage. Children who plan to participate in a literary work or debate competition may also find it very useful.

Biodiversity hotspots are biologically rich regions around the world that are threatened by population loss. Currently, there are more than 30 biodiversity hotspots recognized by the world.

It is important to reduce the exploitation of the earth’s resources. Humans should limit their activities that are damaging the natural environment. We must make a collective effort to stabilize different species around the world. This article is submitted by a student. This is not an example of work written by professional essay writers. Importance of biodiversity conservation

Why Is It Important To Conserve Biodiversity

Thesis Statement: As a global society we must find solutions to overpopulation, pollution, misuse of natural resources, and rapid climate change in efforts to conserve biodiversity. The interconnectedness that keeps the world running.

The Value Of Biodiversity

As the human population continues to grow and consume additional resources, biodiversity is threatened more than ever. Human actions, such as clearing forests, burning fossil fuels, and urbanization have a direct impact on biodiversity. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, (MA), published in 2005, identified five major threats to biodiversity. The five major sources of threat named in this publication are: habitat alteration, climate change, invasive species, overexploitation, and pollution (ed. Debra Rowe, 2014). Each of these five hazards is directly caused by human actions. For example, habitat modification that threatens biodiversity is a result of the human process of deforestation. This can often result in a chain reaction effect. Deforestation causes animals to lose their homes and releases more carbon into the atmosphere. This leads directly to another threat, climate change.

Climate change destroys biodiversity in a number of ways. When temperatures begin to rise, various ecosystems cannot handle the impact and therefore shut down. Over the past 100 years, Earth’s climate has warmed and precipitation regimes have changed (Araujo and Rahbeck, 2006). It is expected that climate change will affect the species composition of many ecosystems, leading to a decline in species abundance, affecting the continuity of ecosystem function.

Anticipated invasion of non-native species into several ecosystems has also been identified as a major driver of climate change as a result of climate change (Hellmann et al., 2008). These adjustments will ultimately lead to changes in the functioning of ecosystems around the world. The previously mentioned impacts will undoubtedly affect the availability of ecosystem services to local communities and society. Studies in different regions of the world have already shown that climate change impacts fisheries, water flow systems, and carbon sequestration. (McCarty, 2001).

The other three threats described by MA are fairly self-explanatory and humanity’s responsibility for these consequences is equally clear. Invasive species occur when humans move into a new area, leaving existing species to invade the new environment. Additionally, humans exploit animals for more than they can reproduce, causing them to become endangered or extinct. And of course, humans pollute the earth to the point where life becomes almost unbearable for animals. Truth be told, if humans stop and realize the consequences of their actions, biodiversity will continue to decline and eventually reach a point of no return.

Beyond Predictions: Biodiversity Conservation In A Changing Climate

Another impact on biodiversity is globalization. Globalization is the process by which people, ideas, and goods spread around the world, promoting greater interaction and integration among the world’s cultures, governments, and economies. (Darity, 2008). Globalization advances society by lowering consumer prices, breaking down divisions, and improving the overall quality of life (Takacs, 1996). However, nothing can come without a price. unfortunately,

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