What Airport Scanners Can See

What Airport Scanners Can See – BALTIMORE, MD () — Security teams at airports today are taking advantage of new technology that’s far more advanced than your typical metal detector. In fact, some say the images this machine produces are borderline pornography.

It’s a cylindrical glass and steel device called a millimeter wave passenger display device. The device performs a circular scan of the entire body from head to toe in less than a minute.

What Airport Scanners Can See

What Airport Scanners Can See

It is amazing that the energy emitted is 10 thousand times less than that of a mobile phone. However, don’t be fooled by what the machine does. The technology uses radio waves to look under your clothes.

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In another part of the airport, far from the scanner, a TSA officer sits in front of a monitor, looking at an image of a blurred face. Any object under clothing, regardless of what it is made of, can be seen.

“This technology uses harmless electromagnetic waves to create an image of the body that allows the security officer to ensure that there are no objects or dangerous items concealed on that person,” TSA spokeswoman Lauren Gaches said.

One of its employees recently demonstrated “backscatter” capabilities in Phoenix. She walked around with a pistol tucked around her waist. You can easily see the gun in the picture above… along with everything else.

And she is definitely not alone. The American Civil Liberties Union has vocally opposed the machines.

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“This is the ultimate government intrusion into your privacy,” said Kent Williams of the ACLU. “It’s literally a camera that undresses you for government employees.”

However, passenger Stacey Zabel took a more pragmatic approach. As a frequent business flyer, he says time and safety are his two biggest concerns. Modesty isn’t even on the list.

“I have no doubt it’s more time efficient,” Zabel said. “And it’s less invasive, in my opinion, than being a wand.

What Airport Scanners Can See

Millimeter wave screening machines are clearly marked. And so far no one is forced to go through them. TSA lets the passenger decide. They are used at 21 of the nation’s largest airports, including Atlanta. These two sets of images provided by the Transportation Security Administration are samples that show the details of what TSA officers see on computer monitors as passengers go through body scanners at airports.

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For decades, airport security officials have depended on metal detectors to screen passengers for concealed weapons. The technology was safe and simple, but it had one glaring flaw: it couldn’t detect non-metallic threats, including plastic explosives. In 2009, the infamous underwear bomber nearly exploited this flaw to devastating effect.

Following this near-tragedy, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) quickly updated its screening procedures and technologies. By 2010, it had implemented two new types of full-body scanners.

One of them, called a millimeter wave scanner, uses radio waves to search for hidden weapons or devices. These are the full-body scanners you’ll encounter in U.S. airports today — the ones where you stand with your feet apart and your hands above your head — and experts agree they shouldn’t worry you.

The second (and much more controversial) of the two is called a backscatter X-ray scanner. You’ll remember it as the machine that produced revealing full-body images of passengers that many found unnecessarily disturbing.

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In addition to the privacy questions raised by the use of backscatter technology, some experts were also concerned that these scanners exposed passengers to potentially dangerous amounts of radiation. “We found that the exposure from these machines was about 10% of what you would get from a chest X-ray, which is significant,” says John Sedat, a professor of biophysics at the University of California, San Francisco.

What Airport Scanners Can See

“There was probably very little risk of cancer associated with these X-ray machines,” says David Brenner, a professor of radiation biophysics at Columbia University Medical Center. “We know there are biological mechanisms by which exposure to X-rays can cause cancer … it seemed likely that these backscatter scanners carried some small risks.”

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European authorities almost immediately banned the use of backscatter X-ray machines, and the TSA followed suit in 2013 — though the agency has never formally acknowledged that it tossed the scanners because of health concerns. (It also doesn’t rule out bringing them back.)

“Scientists can never say that something is 100% safe, but I would say that there is no credible evidence that millimeter waves can damage DNA,” says Brenner. “If there are risks, they are extremely small.

Andrew Maidment, associate professor of radiology at the University of Pennsylvania Health System, agrees, saying current scanners are “not a concern.”

Maidment has published dozens of studies on radiation exposure and human health and is responsible for ensuring that all of Penn Medicine’s medical equipment is safe for patients. He explains that microwave-emitting devices—from the heating appliance in your kitchen to the smartphone in your pocket—are only thought to cause health damage if they are powerful enough to cause molecular changes. The radiation emitted by airport millimeter wave scanners does not come close to this level.

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“I was on a panel that looked at exposure [to these types of microwaves] to pregnant and potentially pregnant patients and newborns, and I’m convinced they’re safe,” he says. “I don’t care about them for myself or my wife or my children.

While some experts have raised theoretical concerns about less powerful forms of microwave radiation, especially the types emitted by mobile devices and technology, Brenner says what you encounter when going through an airport scanner is such a low dose — and something you experience so rarely, even even if you are a regular flyer, you don’t have to worry about anything.

“It’s beyond my imagination to theorize about a significant risk of cancer from using these millimeter wave scanners,” he says.

What Airport Scanners Can See

In fact, the only criticism any of these experts had about airport scanners had nothing to do with radiation exposure or cancer. “In the old metal detectors, we had something that was fast, cheap and very accurate, and when they found something, they beeped loudly,” says Maidment. “But now we’ve replaced them with something that relies on people staring at a screen to find things, and so we’ve introduced human error and frailty into the equation.”

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He points to research that has concluded that it is very possible for someone to fool the new scanners and sneak camouflaged weapons or explosives past their defenses. “This is my personal opinion, but these new machines” — which cost more than $150,000, compared to just $30,000 for a metal detector — “are too expensive and too inaccurate.”

But how best to protect passengers from airport threats is another story. When it comes to cancer, you can feel safe entering airport scanners. Full-body imaging technologies can see through clothing and detect metallic and non-metallic objects, including weapons or plastic explosives. They also reveal the person’s silhouette and the outline of the underwear. David Mcnew / AFP – File Getty Images

New airport security scanners could become a popular alternative to body searches, but they have also raised some privacy concerns.

Full-body imaging technologies can see through clothing and detect metallic and non-metallic objects, including weapons or plastic explosives. They also reveal the silhouette of a person and the contours of underwear.

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That didn’t stop security officials from implementing them. The U.S. Transportation Security Agency (TSA) began using full-body imaging at six airports this year and plans to expand it to airports in several other U.S. cities later this year.

The TSA tested two technologies, including “millimeter wave” (MMW) technology, which bounces high-frequency waves off people to create a 3D image in seconds. The TSA has also temporarily leased four “backscatter” units that use X-ray scanning, although the MMW method is currently faster.

Earlier this year, TSA began implementing MMW as the primary screening technology alongside metal detectors at airports in San Francisco, Miami, Albuquerque, Tulsa, Salt Lake City and Las Vegas.

What Airport Scanners Can See

Airports in 20 US cities, such as JFK in New York and LAX in Los Angeles, have used or plan to use MMW technology this year. Other countries have also begun using or evaluating MMWs for screening at airports, including the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Japan, and Thailand.

Airport Body Scans Reveal All

MMW and backscatter intentionally blur facial features, and the security officer who reviews the images sits in a remote location where he cannot identify passengers, said Lara Uselding, a TSA spokeswoman. She added that the systems also delete scanned images after viewing and have “zero storage capacity”.

“Body scanners create graphic images of passengers’ bodies and are an assault on their basic dignity,” said Barry Steinhardt, director of the ACLU’s Technology and Liberty Project. “The safeguards announced by TSA do not convince us that the technology is acceptable, and we question the alleged voluntary nature of these scanners.”

The TSA pointed out that passengers can currently choose between an MMW screening and a more traditional body search conducted by a security officer with a wand. The new screening technology has really proven itself

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