Travel And Leisure Careers

Travel And Leisure Careers – Best jobs for travel enthusiasts 1. Athletic recruiter 2. Au pair3. Construction manager 4. Consultant 5. Cruise line worker 6. Engineer7. ESL Teacher 8. Event Coordinator 9. Flight Attendant 10. Foreign Service Worker 11. International Aid Worker 12. International Tour Guide 13. Massage Therapist 14. Peace Corps Volunteer 15. Photographer 16. Retail buyer 17. Scuba diving instructor 18. Ski instructor 19. Stage hand/road 20. Interpreter 21. Travel agent 22. Travel nurse 23. Itinerary 24. Truck driver 25. Virtual Assistant

Do you want to pay to see the world? Here are 25 career options for travel lovers.

Travel And Leisure Careers

Travel And Leisure Careers

Working eight hours behind a computer screen is not for everyone. Some people love to travel and use that passion to make a living.

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If you’re constantly planning your next vacation, consider finding a career that fits your lifestyle. Instead of spending your PTO and hard-earned money once or twice a year, you can earn money while seeing the world. Here are 25 potential career paths to consider.

Disclaimer: The following offers ideas and inspiration for potential career paths. These are not open job listings, and Business News Daily is not hiring or recruiting for these positions. We recommend doing your own research before pursuing any of these professions.

College and professional sports organizations employ athletic recruiters to travel to schools and sporting events around the country to scout new talent. Of course, you will need to know the ins and outs of the game, and the specific skills a player needs for certain team positions. If you are an avid sports fan, however, this part of the job may be easier for you.

Do you work well with children and know another language? If so, becoming a couple may be a good option for you. Au pairs live with a host family in a foreign country and provide childcare services, such as babysitting and help with schoolwork.

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You’ll receive a small salary on top of your room and board, but you’ll also immerse yourself in another culture as an extended family member. To learn more about becoming an au pair, visit InterExchange.

Construction managers not only earn good money, but they also get to travel. Sometimes, they move to different areas and oversee a project for several months.

Even if you don’t have the skills to be a project manager, construction companies are worth checking out – many employees support staff to move as well.

Travel And Leisure Careers

Companies hire consultants from various fields to solve problems. Because their knowledge is so specialized, a consultant’s client base often spans the country — or even the world.

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Additionally, maintaining a positive relationship with customers requires regular on-site visits, making this a great job for people who love to travel.

Working on a cruise ship is a travel lover’s dream gig. You live to see the world while getting free food and lodging.

Whether you’re a restaurant server, a shop clerk or an actor in a cruise’s entertainment lineup, there are opportunities for people of all backgrounds to work on one of these floating resorts. Websites such as list job openings with some of the top-rated companies when searching for “cruise ship jobs.”

For many industries, jobs are becoming distant and engineering is following suit. As a result, you can work virtually anywhere with a computer science or engineering degree.

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Travel the world developing software or flexing your artistic graphic design skills. There are currently over 12,000 remote engineering jobs available through LinkedIn alone.

English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers are in high demand at home and abroad. When you take a job as an ESL teacher in a foreign country, you help students understand their native language while immersing yourself in that country’s culture.

You’ll need at least a bachelor’s degree, ESL training and a special license to get the job. offers a step-by-step guide to becoming an ESL teacher.

Travel And Leisure Careers

Event coordinators can work on local events like parties and weddings, but organizing large-scale events like festivals and trade shows can be the golden ticket for travel enthusiasts.

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In this position you will meet with potential vendors from around the country, then travel to the event location to oversee everything from setup to tear down. A search for “trade show coordinator” on LinkedIn returns over 20,000 jobs in various cities.

This may be the most obvious travel-related job, but it’s also one of the most accessible. You don’t need a special degree to become a flight attendant, and most major airlines only require previous customer service experience and certification from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

The hours are often unusual and the work isn’t always easy, but you’ll get a glimpse of hundreds of cities around the world during this career. A bonus benefit? Free or discounted flights for you and your family.

If you want to combine your love of travel with your love of your country, a career as a foreign service officer or specialist might be the right gig for you. The best-known Foreign Service job is that of a U.S. diplomat, but there are many other career tracks that allow you to meet and interact with foreign governments.

Passenger Travel And Leisure Industry Applications

The US Department of State has job descriptions listed on its website. With more than 250 embassies around the world, there are plenty of travel opportunities.

If you want to travel for a living making a real difference in people’s lives, consider working for an international aid organization like USAID.

While working for USAID, you can visit struggling countries and help residents recover from dire situations, such as natural disasters and famine. You will need a background in a relevant field – such as health, agriculture or education – and a strong interest in social work.

Travel And Leisure Careers

Imagine spending your days guiding fellow travelers through a bustling European city, or perhaps a small village is more your style. Wherever you want to go, popular travel destinations always require friendly, knowledgeable guides to lead visitors through the city’s sights and cultural excursions.

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If you want to visit famous tourist spots, you should consider getting a massage therapy skill. You can work for hotel chains, spas, cruise lines or become self-employed.

Licensed massage therapists are always welcome and to relieve travelers and locals alike. Although you can start at rookie rates, you can increase them continuously as your customers and skills grow. Also, massage therapists usually have a flexible schedule to work full or part time.

The American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) can help you with training programs, business tools and even discounts on equipment.

As the title “volunteer” may indicate, you certainly won’t be making six figures working with the Peace Corps. But if you don’t mind living on a budget, you can be part of a worthwhile organization that allows you to travel the world and make a difference in the lives of others at the same time.

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Assignments typically cover the last two years and involve education, health care, and economic and agricultural development in the overseas community. The Peace Corps also provides housing and health benefits, not to mention a great resume point.

If you are skilled with a camera, consider becoming a travel photographer. While news organizations like the Associated Press need staff photographers, you can also make a living as a freelancer.

Travel photographers are needed in a variety of locations, including tourist attractions, local events and high-end restaurants. Start your journey by following in the footsteps of Worldpackers or taking a Skillshare course.

Travel And Leisure Careers

For fashionistas with vandals, a career in retail buying can be the ultimate dream job. In addition to monitoring in-store inventory, retail buyers attend vendor meetings, trade shows and conferences around the country — or even around the world, depending on where the company sources its products. Employees in this position identify industry and consumer trends, and decide what products the company should sell.

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Of course, it’s not just clothing stores that hire buying agents. Major retail companies employ buyers to help them select and negotiate a variety of merchandise deals.

There’s a whole world beneath the surface of the ocean, and you can explore it by traveling and learning the basics of diving.

Scuba instructors have the opportunity to see parts of the world that are often hidden. A great way to start is with the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI), which offers training courses and diving guides.

If you love snow sports and travel, consider combining your passions to become a ski instructor. Ski resorts are open all over the world, including the United States, France, Switzerland and Canada.

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You can look for other seasonal work when the ski season ends; Many locations remain open for outdoor activities during the warm season and still require staff. Start your search for ski instructor jobs on the Season Workers website.

Theater productions and musicians go on tour all the time – and they take busloads of roadies and stagehands with them. While theaters and venues may have their own stagehands, some still travel with each act.

You can start looking for stagehand jobs on the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) website by finding your local union.

Travel And Leisure Careers

Are you fluent in multiple languages? If so, you can become a translator and travel the world, helping people communicate. The interpreter should speak at least

How To Answer Job Interview Questions About Travel

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