Top 10 Travel Problems

Top 10 Travel Problems – If you go long enough you will have all these problems and more. You will also learn that every problem has a solution. Here are 10 common travel problems and ways to avoid them.

When you commit to a life of travel you must accept that it will not always be an easy process. Some trips go smoothly without a single problem, but many do not. Some things you can prepare for, others you just have to deal with.

Top 10 Travel Problems

Top 10 Travel Problems

The best solution to most travel problems is preparation. Sometimes you’ll need to be creative and clever with your solutions, but it’s also one of the fun things to visit.

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Although circumstances and situations may vary, there are common problems that all travelers face in the end.

Some people have good spatial awareness, some don’t, but most people have gotten lost at least once in their lives. It can be a terrifying feeling—your heart beats faster as fear begins to rise. You can get lost anywhere: in a store, at the airport, in the city center or in the wilderness.

With modern technology this is one of the easiest travel problems to avoid. In the past you would need a map of each country. These days almost everyone has a smartphone. Before you go, download Google Maps, then download an offline map for the cities you’ll be visiting. Offline maps are small – usually between 20 to 50mb.

A word of warning though, this is not a foolproof plan! If your battery dies the plan will fail. Pen and paper may be old technology, but it doesn’t require batteries. Write down where you are going just in case.

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The most important thing is not to panic. If you can, sit down and breathe slowly. Strangers are nice and helpful, so if it’s safe to do so, ask for directions. If you don’t speak the language you can show them the written address (it’s not wise to flash your phone everywhere).

In almost 20 years I have been robbed only four times. Two of them were in my village, a few minutes away from me.

Some countries are more dangerous than others. It is important to check any government warnings before you visit. It’s also worth checking out Facebook groups and other forums for comments from other visitors.

Top 10 Travel Problems

If I had listened to every piece of advice about South America I would not have gotten on the plane. I have read many horror stories about Brazil but I have lived there for over a year without a single problem.

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There are many articles on how to stay safe while traveling, but what should you do if you are attacked?

The first thing you should do is report it to the police. You will need a Crime Reference Number to make your insurance claim. If you travel with , your host will know the nearest police station and be able to help you with any translation problems.

Once that’s done it’s time to tackle the emotional side. After I was attacked in Chile I was very emotional. I was attacked after I left the bar, beaten and robbed. Days after that I didn’t want to leave the hostel and I was suspicious of everyone on the street.

It wasn’t my fault. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It took me a while to accept it, but it wasn’t my fault. It was not personal. They didn’t know me. I was just a random tourist. Once I accepted that it was just a business for them I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. That may seem silly, but it’s an important mindset shift to make.

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You are allowed to feel anger, rage and frustration, but you must learn to let it go. It’s a devastating feeling. Most of the world is a strange people. Don’t let a few idiots ruin your trip.

This may seem silly to add to the list of travel problems. Why not a camera? Laptop? A bag? Because most people do everything on their phone.

I had to use a public computer in the hostel, which caused all kinds of security alerts about my online accounts. Logging into a foreign computer usually requires you to answer some security questions, and then they’ll help you send a code to your phone.

Top 10 Travel Problems

This is one of the most common travel problems as cell phones are big business around the world. Your shiny new iPhone could be the prize of the year for a local.

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The solution is to use common sense and not to wave it in public. As with all valuables, keep them out of sight, and wherever possible, keep them on your person or lock them in a safe.

Motion sickness is caused when the signals from the inner ear do not match the signals from your vision. For some people it happens every time they walk. Others only suffer from certain types of transportation. I hated buses. The smell of the engine and the vibration of the engine would make me gasp. This was a problem on any trip longer than 30 seconds.

If you don’t have allergy medicine there are a few things you can try. First I would try to reduce the stimulation. Looking out the window at passing buildings made it worse, so I would focus on the front seat and focus on my breathing.

For some people the opposite is true. Acknowledge yourself and take your mind off your thoughts, whether through conversation, music, reading out the window, etc. Add to the sensory dysfunction by adding some feedback.

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If you can get some fresh air and drink some water, you can hopefully calm your mind and focus on more positive thoughts.

This is one of the lesser problems of travel. Although many people use jet lag to mean that they are tired, it is a real condition. It’s caused when your body clock goes wrong after crossing periods. Your body still thinks it’s the same time but the world works in a different time.

When I flew to Australia I was woken up at 2am by the flight attendant with my dinner. Thai green curry at two in the morning might sound good after a night of partying, but not when you’re waiting for a flight. For the flight crew it was normal dinner time, but my digestive system was not agreeing.

Top 10 Travel Problems

Symptoms of jet lag may include fatigue or restlessness and inability to sleep. There are several different ways to eliminate it. You can try to sleep it off, but this can mean losing time at the beginning of your trip. I prefer to exercise. When you get to your destination, try and be as active as you can.

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Get out, walk a lot, get lots of fresh air. I don’t recommend alcohol as this can further disrupt your body clock. If you arrive in the middle of the night and can’t leave, relax. Meditate, read a book or something that doesn’t involve a lot of stimulation.

While some bites may be itchy or mildly irritating, others can be very dangerous. If you are going to an area where mosquitoes or other insects are known to bite, wrap up. Better than anything repellent is a layer of clothing. If you are bitten, try not to scratch. Easier said than done, but this can lead to worse problems.

It is a magnet for insects, from fire ants in Costa Rica to mosquitoes in Paraguay to mosquitoes anywhere in the world. When I get off the plane, it’s bug fest time. I always carry a good, non-toxic repellent along with essential oils to treat the itch when I get bitten.

It is also important to know the active periods of insects. They vary around the world so get local advice, but most mosquitoes are active from dusk to dawn. Try to avoid being outside during these times. If so, make sure you cover up or wear a good repellent.

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Even if it’s cloudy, wear protection! Check the weather conditions before you go, especially the UV conditions. Cloudy skies can still produce harmful UV rays, which are the most damaging.

Apply 30 minutes before going out and every two hours thereafter. If you swim or sweat then go crazy and do it every hour. The term “less than” does NOT apply to suncream!

The effects of sunburn can be terrifying. I couldn’t walk for two days after I thought I was safe that cloudy day. It was like being hit by a car…it was excruciating pain for 48 hours.

Top 10 Travel Problems

If you have access to an alligator, use it! It works wonders for sunburn. If you don’t have any at that time keep the heat cool without using ice directly. Or better yet, don’t get sunburned! Prevention is less painful than treatment. Sunburn is one of the most permanent travel problems, so try to avoid it at all costs.

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