Research On Early Childhood Education

Research On Early Childhood Education – Recent months have seen the flourishing of more concrete ideas that address the pressing problem of access to quality, affordable care and education, a problem that has not been treated as a national priority in recent decades. A growing body of new research is making us think about the importance of early childhood and highlights that quality, affordable child care and education is not only good for families, but also for the economy of America as a whole.

At the center of the problem are childcare costs, a huge burden on many families, especially in single-parent homes. The average cost to provide center-based, licensed child care is $1,230 per month — about a fifth of the median family income — and even more for high-quality childcare. In more than half of the states, a year of childcare costs more than the average annual cost of public college tuition. Rising costs don’t explain rising quality: A federal study found that only 10 percent of childcare in the United States was rated as high quality. In times of high income and wealth inequality, high costs exclude low- and middle-income families and prevent children from fully developing their human capital, while those at the top have the resources to provide the best environment for their children.

Research On Early Childhood Education

Research On Early Childhood Education

Lack of access to affordable, high-quality care is also a problem for the entire US economy. Research shows that rising childcare costs are pushing women out of the workforce, as parents come to depend more on informal childcare arrangements that are less reliable. The University’s chief economist Janet Currie specifically highlights another important aspect of the question of childcare costs, the importance of early childhood care and education for children and their future outcomes. Our nation’s failure to manage childcare through which we lack human capital in the development crisis is therefore depriving the United States of the productive workforce of the future.

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Currie, a member of the Governor’s Committee on Equitable Growth, has made major contributions to what we know about the role of nursing as part of the broader story of economic growth. He is an author in the field of human capital, known for his research in public policy on public issues related to child health and well-being. In her work, Currie found that early childhood programs—including both daycare and preschool—have significant short- and medium-term benefits, often greater for poor children. Research has shown that small-scale programs, such as the Perry Preschool Project and the Carolina Preschool Project, improve academic performance and earnings and reduce crime and the use of net programs in later life.

There’s also Currie’s research looking at larger-scale programs like Head Start, the largest federal experiment providing a package around child care for poor children. Currie’s study with economists Eliana Garces, formerly of the European Commission, and Duncan Thomas at Duques University examined the children who enrolled in Chapter Start many years after their participation and found positive effects on educational outcomes and criminal behavior from those who intervened, contradicting the series. studies that found immediate gains in test scores “dropped off” in the early years of academic play.

However, Head Start has failed to produce results comparable to small interventions like the Perry Preschool Project because serving a relatively small number of children with intensive services delivered by well-trained staff has not proven to be easily scalable. During the debate about the effectiveness of Head Start and how to best design the program, Currie and health economist Matthew Neidell at Columbia University “inside the black box” of Head Start, found that program participants have higher reading scores, especially those in poor counties and where Head Start spending was higher. Head Start programs that targeted funding for services for children over other services, such as programs for parents or community development, also saw reduced human trafficking and recidivism rates among children. More recent research supports Currie’s initial findings.

More broadly, Currie’s research has improved our understanding of early childhood and its impact on child and adult outcomes — a relatively new area of ​​research for economists — by showing the reality of the U.S. economy. In a 2011 summary co-authored with Columbia University economist Douglas Almond, Currie presents research showing that the impact of the prenatal environment is not limited to health outcomes in adulthood, but also to economic outcomes, such as the likelihood of employment and earned income, according to a recent British epidemiologist. According to David Barker, prenatal conditions can have a permanent impact, the “hypothesis of fetal origins”.

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In 2017 as a follow-up to the first summary, Currie and Almond, together with economist Valentina Duque at the University of Sydney, expanded their review to include the most recent research on the postnatal environment of childhood, concluding the results of the first 5 years of a child’s life. they have significant long-term effects on adults. Child and family factors measured when a child enters school are as important in explaining future outcomes as traditional factors such as years of education. Currie’s first paper found that children’s scores at age 7 explain 4 percent to 5 percent of the variation in adult functioning and more than 20 percent of the variation in earnings.

Childcare, as a federal issue, was largely relegated to “reality” after President Richard Nixon vetoed a 1971 bipartisan bill to create a universal child care system. This was also about the time when women began to join a much larger workforce with children. Today, when a lack of access to affordable childcare creates a near-universal impact on family work-life balance, policymakers are seizing the urgency of the issue. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), who is running for her party’s 2020 presidential nomination, recently released a proposal to subsidize the cost of child care, to make it free for low-income families and cost no more than 7 percent of families. return to all families.

Many states and localities have increased access to publicly funded pre-kindergarten over the years, although there is great variation in the size and allocation of funds. The Oklahoma program, which serves approximately 3- and 4-year-old children in the state, is implemented within the existing public-school system, while other states such as New York use a “mixed delivery” model, where community-based and. The school sites provide pre-Kindergarten services with a mix of public and private funding.

Research On Early Childhood Education

The bottom line: Research conducted by Currie and other economists highlights the importance of early childhood years for child well-being and economic outcomes across the United States. Affordable, high-quality early childhood care and education is a critical need for families and our future workforce. Counselors will ensure that renewed interest in early childhood care and learning is sustained and translated into well-designed and implemented programs.

Early Childhood Education

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