Physical Activity And Heart Health

Physical Activity And Heart Health – Image: Association between changes in moderate and physical activity and cardiovascular disease risk in people aged 60 years and older. look at things

People over the age of 60 should exercise more, not less, to prevent heart disease and stroke, according to findings from a study of more than 1.1 million older adults published in

Physical Activity And Heart Health

Physical Activity And Heart Health

Researchers in South Korea found that people who exercise regularly or actively as they grow up have a 27 percent increased risk of heart and blood vessel problems, while those who increase Their activity levels have a reduced risk of heart disease. disease up to 11%.

These Are The Best Exercises To Improve Heart Health

The link between the level of physical activity and the risk of heart disease in the elderly is true even for people with disabilities and chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and type 2 diabetes.

The researchers, led by Mr Kyuwoong Kim, a PhD student at the Seoul National University Graduate School Department of Biomedical Sciences in Seoul, under the supervision of Professor Sang Min Park, conducted a study on 1, 119, 925 people. men and women aged 60 years or older and who underwent two health examinations in a series provided by the Korea National Health Insurance Service (NIHS) from 2009 to 2010 and 2011 to 2012. NIHS provides health care services for approx. 97% of Koreans. Participants are supported until December 2016.

In each session, participants answered questions about their physical activity and lifestyle. The researchers calculated the amount of moderate exercise (eg 30 minutes or more a day of brisk walking, dancing, gardening) and vigorous exercise (eg 20 minutes or more a day) running, fast cycling, aerobic exercise) per week at each assessment, and how it changed in the two years between assessments.

The researchers collected data on heart disease and stroke from January 2013 to December 2016. They then adjusted their analysis to look at socioeconomic factors, such as age and sex, other medical conditions and medications taken, and lifestyle habits, such as smoking and drinking alcohol. .

Healthy Heart Living

The average age of the participants was 67 years and 47% were male. About two-thirds said they were not physically active in the first and second surveys. A higher proportion of women were not physically active (78% and 77%) compared to men (67% and 66%) during both surveys. Only 22% of inactive people increased their physical activity by the time of the second health check, and 54% of those who exercised five or more times a week at the time of the first check had become active. from the second period. . During the observation period, a total of 114, 856 heart attacks or strokes occurred.

The researchers found that people went from being inactive in the 2009-2010 health survey to being active or being active three to four times a week in the 2011 health survey. -2012 has 11% reduced risk of heart problems. Those who were active or active once or twice a week at baseline had a 10% reduced risk if they increased their activity to five or more times a week .

In contrast, those who were active or active more than five times a week at the first survey and were inactive at the second survey had a 27% risk of heart problems.

Physical Activity And Heart Health

When the researchers looked specifically at people with disabilities and chronic conditions, they found that those who changed from inactive to highly active or active three to four times per week reduces the risk of heart problems. People with disabilities have a risk reduction of 16%, and those with diabetes, high blood pressure or cholesterol levels have a risk reduction of between 4-7%.

Key Statistics: Cardiovascular Disease

Mr. Kim said: “The most important message from this research is that adults should increase or maintain regular physical activity to prevent heart disease. Globally, this research is important for public health in ‘because it is expected that the world’s population aged 60 and above will reach 2 billion by 2050, which is an increase from 900 million in 2015 according to the World Health Organization. cardiovascular health, which this is also true for people with disabilities and chronic health conditions.

“We believe that community-based programs to promote physical activity among older adults should be promoted by the government. Also, from a medical perspective, doctors should ‘prescribe’ physical exercise and other medical treatments. Recommended for people with a high risk of heart disease.”

Although the number of the study is strong, the limitation is that it was conducted with Koreans and therefore the researchers cannot be sure that their findings will apply to others due to differences in ethnicity and lifestyle. . Other barriers include: the exercise is assessed by self-assessment, which is based on bias; lack of information about other forms of exercise, such as housework, and strength training; and researchers can’t figure out why people change their exercise levels because this is a study based on ‘real world’ data rather than data from interventional research.

Disclaimer: AAAS and ! It is not about the accuracy of the articles posted on the ! by making a donation or for using any information through the system. If you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk for heart disease.

Physical Activity And Mental Health After Heart Attack

If you want to prevent a heart attack or stroke, the CDC recommends living a healthy lifestyle and preventing or treating your health conditions.

Eat healthy food. Choosing healthy foods and nutrition can help you avoid heart disease and its complications. Make sure you eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Eating a diet low in fat and cholesterol and high in fiber can help prevent high blood cholesterol. Limiting salt or sodium in your diet can also lower your blood pressure.

Physical Activity And Heart Health

Stay healthy. Being overweight or obese can increase your chances of developing heart disease. To find out if your weight is at a healthy level, doctors calculate a number called body mass index (BMI). Sometimes doctors also use waist and hip measurements to measure a person’s body fat.

Simple Exercises To Support A Healthy Heart

Exercise regularly. Exercise can help you stay healthy and lower cholesterol and blood pressure. The surgeon recommends that adults should engage in vigorous exercise for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week.

Do not smoke. Smoking increases your risk of heart disease. So, if you don’t smoke, don’t start. If you smoke, quitting will reduce your risk of heart disease. Your doctor can suggest ways to help you quit. It is involved in many daily activities that keep your body alive. Therefore, having a healthy heart is important for your overall health.

The two easiest and most important ways to improve your heart health are through diet and exercise.

The food you eat can affect your weight, your hormones and the health of your body’s organs, including your heart.

Keeping Your Heart Healthy: Diet & Exercise

Polyunsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids are also good choices. Polyunsaturated fats are found in nuts and seeds.

To see if a food contains trans fat, look for the words “partially hydrogenated” on the ingredient label.

• Eat lots of fruits and vegetables: They contain fiber, vitamins and minerals that are good for your body.

Physical Activity And Heart Health

• Load up on protein: Eat foods rich in protein, including fish, lean meats, lean poultry, eggs, nuts and seeds and beans.

Pdf) Physical Activity Policies For Cardiovascular Health

• Try eating: The DASH eating plan is a heart-healthy plan that lowers blood pressure and bad cholesterol in your blood.

A heart-healthy diet limits certain foods. These include: sodium; Sweet and spicy or unsalted instead of salty.

Full of trans fats. Saturated fat is found in fatty meats, chicken skin, whole milk, butter, lard, and coconut and palm oil.

Remember that losing just 10% of your body weight will reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Heart Health Month Aims To Raise Awareness To Cardiovascular Issues

If you don’t already exercise, try to work out for 30 minutes, 4 to 6 times a week.

• Walk to work or park at the end of the parking lot to continue.

If you don’t eat well and you don’t exercise, you are at a greater risk of developing health problems.Kaiser Permanente research of nearly one million patients examines the contribution of the main risk factors in different races.

Physical Activity And Heart Health

A cross-ethnic study of nearly 1 million Kaiser Permanente patients compared individual contributions to the main risk factors for heart attack and stroke and found ineffectiveness meat is a greater risk than expected, according to research published on February 10 in the European Journal. of Preventive Cardiology.

Heart Health: The Science Behind Keeping Heart Disease At Bay

The study compared 6 of the American Heart Association’s (AHA) “Easy 7” heart health risk factors to determine their relationship with heart disease and stroke in a large population. In the year 2010, the

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