Outdoor Games For Youth Group

Outdoor Games For Youth Group – Outdoor games are a must at any party, but they’re also great for just hanging out with friends in the backyard, at the lake, or while camping. Whether you want to keep your kids entertained, or play with other adults: there are great outdoor games for every situation and age group. With these 10 outdoor games for teens on the list, you are sure to have an exciting time.

Most of these outdoor games for teens require little or no equipment, so you’re good to go! The next time you’re planning a camping trip, don’t forget to add these games to your camping checklist:

Outdoor Games For Youth Group

Outdoor Games For Youth Group

If you’re looking for some good ol’ fashioned competition, then War is an outdoor game for teens to try. You need two teams – or a group of friends – and an object that can be used as a rope: a belt works well (just remember to use it afterwards). If you have people of different sizes on each team, this may be considered unfair, so take shoes and socks outside the playing area. Make sure you have some kind of marker for where one end of the rope is at all times. , otherwise things will be confusing … fast! See who can pull their opponent over the line first.

Youth Group Games And Activities

Camping is one of the best ways to spend time together as a family. So, why not add silly fun to it by playing outdoor games for teenagers? Camping themed charades will provide hours of entertainment for all ages. Form two teams (old and young and mixed) with each team having their own ideas to prepare for the game. You can use camping equipment and carry it around and explain a lot when pretending your items are part of something else – or just act out the scene as if you were hunting Sasquatch!

One player, on each team, is randomly selected to start by being “it” and drawing from a hat items related to camping such as bug spray, tents, s’mores, or shoes. Then they act out the word on their card so everyone can guess what it is. Allocate about 3 minutes per actor. When someone guesses correctly, that team gets a point, and the item moves to their side/team.

Get this printable as a pdf when you click => Camping Charades printable. You will find 40+ camping charade word ideas and game changers.

Put people into pairs/teams or let them go it alone to build small, hopefully seaworthy “boats”. Get some small cardboard boxes and let everyone build their own boat. Then line them up along the side of a pool, river, or lake (or source other water) and let the competition begin! The first to get their ship through and/or the other side wins. Prizes (or not) for whoever comes up with the best boat that can get them through the water without sinking!

Fun And Physical Outdoor Activities For Kids

Make it more challenging by adding a time limit, or distance before you decide who passed first. You can also have everyone make their boats with certain materials: eg no rope is allowed, must use duct tape instead of glue, etc.

Modification: If you have a lot of cardboard and other boat building materials, a large boat that holds 1-2 people can be built and run at the same time.

This is a complicated game – but everyone will love it! Set up cones to act as targets/goals and have both teams line up halfway between the start and end goal: so they can shoot at each other as they run across the field – this will prevent them from camping. Leave their own cone while waiting for others to attack them. Paintballs are not necessarily water balloons or filled pellets of some kind work as well. However, if you decide on a paintball gun, we recommend using a smaller gun because larger guns are more difficult to handle.

Outdoor Games For Youth Group

Take a container (preferably colored) and add water or sand. Then have each team put a color on the tank (blue, red, white, etc.). The first person runs around and “it” while the others scatter off in different directions. They are trying to avoid being tagged by “it” while looking for their paint bucket. If they find it before being tagged, they jump into the bucket – and “it” has to find that color bucket next. If they are tagged before finding their bucket, they sit out – until the next round continues.

Fun And Engaging Outdoor Games For Kids Of All Ages

Kubb is an outdoor game that goes back more than a thousand years to the Vikings. Kubb can be played with friends and family as a lawn game or outdoor party activity, like bocce ball. All you need is a baton to roll your kubbs on the ground. Here is a picture of Kubb playing.

The version of the ice cube tray known as the Viking Chess has become popular at garden parties and barbecues alike. Each player should have his own set – made of wood, stone, metal or other things that can withstand being used as a stick (glass is not recommended) – and then set them up in battle with your opponent (there is enough room in between so no one gets hit by baton by accident). Roll your kubbs one by one and see if you can name them in your opponent’s territory. Find the set on Amazon.

Take three empty soda bottles (preferably team colors) and place them on the side. Using duct tape or string, make the trail markers as close together as possible – about 2 inches or more apart. Then, using chalk or spray paint, draw obstacles in the path for a single bowl, a two-bottle bowl, a three-bottle bowl: whatever you want! The first player will roll their ball from a distance while standing behind the first line drawn with their feet on the lane. If the soda bottle is knocked over by their child, they get one point and can go again as soon as they want. If it doesn’t fall, it stays in play until the other two players on the team each try to take it down with their own balls (in order of who wins). Whoever’s team drains all three bottles wins (and gets to drink from those bottles!)

A food contest is sure to keep everyone relaxed and enjoying the party you just came to – plus filling them with delicious food before they head home!

Creative Games To Play Outdoors In Winter

So, what do you want? Okay, here are some ideas for food that can be featured in your outdoor games for teenagers: watermelon wedges (cut into thin slices), hotdogs, nachos, skewers, cheesecake pieces on toothpicks, popcorn popcorn on a paper plate (look out when eating it!), marshmallows (to roast over the fire) or other fun edibles.

Get a piece of paper and a pen/pencil and write categories such as the fastest person to eat an entire hotdog without using their hands, who can eat the most pickles in one minute, or who can eat 3 pieces of cake without eating. Anything else (or you can create your own category!).

This game is designed for large groups and is a great game for teens and adults after a nature walk, hike or while camping! In small groups or teams, everyone creates something using only what you find on your walk: wood, rocks, leaves, bananas, etc. – anything that can be used to create something new. When everyone creates something in their mind, everyone has to find a place to hide it. You then have to take turns entering the time capsule and find as many things (give yourself 10 minutes or so) as you can to get them back to your group’s hideout. Those who find the most win the game of their group!

Outdoor Games For Youth Group

Using some type of computer (tablet device or laptop), create two teams – the red / blue team for example – and mark them with symbols on the sides of their screen, one under the other so that they are not visible unless zoomed in. Have one member from each team use a wireless mouse that they can control (not a keyboard). Then set four cones or objects as targets for both teams to reach according to the timer or the number of “points” that Score before the time runs out. If someone wants to get sneaky and use the zoom feature on your computer then make sure to rotate the playing station after every round so no one gets an advantage!

Fun Group Games For Church Youth Activities — Chicken Scratch N Sniff

This game is a classic that needs nothing in the way of introduction. Make sure you have enough players so that at least one person can hide before everyone finds their hider / everyone on the same team hides. Finally

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