Outdoor Family Fun Games

Outdoor Family Fun Games – Outdoor games get everyone from toddlers to grandparents outside together. The best outdoor games are the ones you enjoy the most. From DIY outdoor games for families to classic backyard games that stand the test of time, these activities can brighten up any day spent outside with members.

Chances are you’ve heard of all these classic outdoor games and probably played them before. From safe outdoor games for kids to outdoor games for teens and outdoor games for seniors, you can adapt almost any outdoor game to make it -friendly.

Outdoor Family Fun Games

Outdoor Family Fun Games

Whether you have a basketball hoop in your backyard or you visit a local court that is open to the public, shooting hoops is a great way to spend time with your outdoors. You can hold a pickup game with three to five players per team, or play a game of HORSE with two or more players.

Fun And Physical Outdoor Activities For Kids

Throwing a frisbee is something you and yours can enjoy anywhere there is open space. To play frisbee golf, you take turns choosing “holes”, which are objects to hit with the frisbee. You keep score by counting your number of throws per “hole.” If you​​​​​​are lucky, you can find a real frisbee golf course in your area.

Playing hacky sack is a fun outdoor activity that kids, teens and adults can enjoy together. Basically everyone stands in a circle and takes turns gently kicking a hacky sack at each other. The goal is to keep the sack off the ground. You can use other body parts besides your feet to keep the bag in play, just not your hands.

When playing this game outside, make sure youngsters know the boundaries and establish a signal that means “game over, come out of hiding.” When very young children are playing, pair them with adults to ensure their safety. There are many variations of hide-and-seek that you can try:

Holding a jump rope competition is a great outdoor activity that children and adults can enjoy together. You can try some double dutch games or rhymes to see how long each player can jump without fumbling while two other people hold the ends of the rope and swing it.

Fun Picnic Games And Activities For Kids

Whether you have a pool in your own backyard or choose to visit a public pool, playing Marco Polo is a great water game. In this game, one person closes his eyes and tries to find the others by saying, “Marco.” The others must respond by saying “Polo”, and the tagger follows their voices to tag them. You can play a variation of this game without water by setting backyard boundaries and walking around.

Hula hoops are cheap and easy items to score at most local stores. Grab a few and challenge yourself to a hoop-off. Start a timer and get hula-ing. Record the time at which the hoop finally falls to the ground for each person. The member who keeps the hula hoop moving the longest wins.

You can put together a friendly game of tag in your own backyard or any other location where there is room to run. The main goal of tag is for one chosen tagger to touch all the other players until only the winner remains untouched. There are endless tag variations you can try, such as:

Outdoor Family Fun Games

While some outdoor play equipment requires a large yard, it is possible to install a tetherball pole in even small areas. Tetherball is made of a ball, like a volleyball, tied to a rope that is tied to a pole. Players stand on opposite sides of the pole and hit the ball to each other. The goal is to hit the ball so that the rope completely wraps around the pole.

Outdoor Games For Kids — Fun Outside Games For Kids

Playing tennis is a great outdoor activity for families of all sizes because it is possible to play with as few as two people, or as many as eight. You will need tennis rackets, balls and a court to play on. Your local school, fitness center or park may have public tennis courts that you can use.

Anyone can make creative DIY outdoor games for kids or turn DIY party games for adults into games with a little imagination and work. Think about ways you can turn your favorite indoor games into outdoor games. Giant board games are especially trendy, so there are plenty of online tutorials for making them.

If you have a sidewalk or concrete patio, all you need to start a game of hopscotch is some chalk. You have to draw a long series of squares that connect to each other. You can have one square followed by two squares centered on the first square, but you never draw more than two squares side-by-side. Add a number to each square in order, starting with one. Take turns to throw a rock at the hopscotch; then, You must hop on one foot for single squares and two feet for double squares until you get to where your rock landed.

Four square is a fun group game that is easy to make on your driveway or flat patio. You can use chalk or tape to create the giant square that is split into four equal squares. You use one ball, such as a kickball, for the game. Players take turns hitting the ball at each other while staying within the four squares. When someone gets out, they leave their square, everyone rotates, and a new player enters the game.

Water Games Your Kids Can Play This Summer

It only takes a few minutes to set up a game of horseshoes in your backyard. You can buy plastic or metal horseshoe sets, or you can make your own. You will need two strong stakes placed anywhere from 20 to 40 feet directly over each other. When you put the cuttings in the ground, they should stick up about 20 inches. Teams take turns throwing horseshoes onto the stakes.

While you can try a miniature golf course to play this game, you can also create a simple version in your backyard. Use plastic cups that are placed on their sides to make the “holes”. Hold the cups in place by driving a nail through the side of the cup that touches the ground in the soil. Grab some toy golf clubs, real golf clubs, or even hockey sticks, and try hitting little balls into the cups. The player with the lowest number of strokes wins.

Jenga is a wooden board game where small wooden blocks are stacked, and you try to remove them without knocking over the stack. To make your own Jenga set, cut 54 blocks from 2 x 4 wooden boards. Each piece will be about 10.5 inches long. Stack the blocks on the ground in rows of three, alternating which direction the blocks are on each layer.

Outdoor Family Fun Games

Take your Pictionary board game outside and use chalk to play. You can draw the game board on your driveway, patio or sidewalk and use natural items like rocks as game pieces. Players can use the chalk to draw their cues and wipe them off with water when they’re done.

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Use long, thin wooden dowels to make your own version of the board game Pick Up Sticks. You have to paint an equal number of sticks in five different colors. All sticks fall into a pile. On a turn you try to pick up each stick without moving any of the other sticks. If you succeed, you keep the stick and go again. If you​​​​ fail, your turn is over. The player with the most sticks at the end is the winner.

This game involves hand-eye coordination with math skills. Set five plastic bowls for the person who is teething. The closest bowl should be marked with a low number, one for young children and 25 for older children. Continue labeling bowls with higher numbers, moving them further away from the bean bag tosser. Make beanbags or find small items to throw in the bins. Have kids keep track of their numbers and add them up to see who wins.

It’s easy to make a giant tic-tac-toe board on a hard surface with chalk or ropes. You can also use a marker to draw the grid on a large sheet that you can place in the garden or spray the board on your lawn. Use frisbees as your game pieces. Using a marker or tape, make “x’s” and “o’s” on the frisbees. Players will take turns throwing frisbees at the tic-tac-toe grid in hopes of getting three squares in a row.

Recreate dominoes for outdoor play by making rectangles out of wood or cardboard. Look at a standard domino set to see how many pieces you need to make and how many points should go on each piece. Players will take turns attaching their dominoes to other dominoes in the playing area by matching the number of points.

Fun And Fabulous Diy Outdoor Family Games!

You can make a homemade Checkers board in your backyard with a tablecloth and some paper plates, chalk and rocks, or even spray paint and frisbees. All those

Fun outdoor family games, fun outdoor team games, fun outdoor party games, fun outdoor lawn games, fun family outdoor party games, fun outdoor family activities, outdoor fun games for family, outdoor family fun, fun family card games, fun outdoor backyard games, fun outdoor games, fun adult family games

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