Natural Ways To Treat Arthritis

Natural Ways To Treat Arthritis – While medication is a cornerstone and important part of managing arthritis, home remedies and lifestyle changes can also be important in your arthritis treatment plan, says Susan Blum, MD, MPH, chronic disease specialist, assistant clinical in the department of preventive medicine. Says the professor. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, and author of Healing Arthritis: The 3-Step Guide to Conquering Arthritis Naturally.

“You need to treat arthritis from a whole-body perspective, not just one therapy, which means incorporating all aspects of wellness into what you do at home,” she says. She knows firsthand of what she speaks, considering she uses home remedies to help her own arthritis and autoimmune disorder. She swears by a daily meditation, green smoothies, gardening, and hanging out.

Natural Ways To Treat Arthritis

Natural Ways To Treat Arthritis

However, it is important to note that home remedies should not take the place of medication. And you need a healthy amount of skepticism when deciding which ones to try and implement, says rheumatologist Don R. Martin, MD, with Centara RMH Rheumatology in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Many natural remedies are not supported by science or the research is very limited or weak. And even for treatments that have been proven effective, complementary and natural remedies are not regulated in the same way that prescription drugs are, so purity and quality can vary widely.

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How do you know that home remedies — as part of a comprehensive arthritis treatment plan — will work for you? Stay in close contact with your doctors and check with them before trying anything, especially when adding supplements, says Dr. Martin. Then do a little self-experiment to see what helps you the most. Many of these fall under the “can’t hurt to try” category and many have scientific research to back them up.

Here, we’ve put together the home remedies that arthritis patients have reported to be effective for them and that doctors agree may be worth a try. Not all of these will be right for you, but you can consider which ones might be a good fit and discuss whether you should try them with your doctor.

Keep in mind that supplements can have side effects and interact with medications, so always tell your doctor about any vitamins or supplements you’re considering taking.

Capsaicin, the active ingredient in chili peppers, is not only good for making food spicy, but it can also help soothe arthritis symptoms, says Dr. Martin. “You can rub capsaicin lotion or gel on symptomatic joints to help ease pain and reduce inflammation,” he explains. “You may feel a slight burning sensation but that should subside within a minute or two.” A meta-analysis (which is a study that analyzed data from many different studies) published in the journal Systematic Reviews found decades of scientific evidence showing that capsaicin has pain-relieving properties for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Are.

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“I use a capsaicin cream called Hot Cream on my knees and back. I’ve learned to love the burn because I can feel it working. The pain goes away within minutes. Sometimes I [ [biological] I put it on my stomach after an infection, it also helps ease my nausea,” says Patricia L., a rheumatoid arthritis doctor from Ontario, Canada.

“One of the most important things you can do to manage inflammatory arthritis is to have a healthy gut,” says Dr. Blum. “You need a gut microbiome that is strong and diverse, which means you have lots of good bacteria so they can do their job of protecting your body.” She says you can increase your body’s supply of good bacteria by adding more probiotic, cultured foods to your diet, such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, sourdough, and kombucha. Probiotic foods were listed as one of the natural remedies that had a significant effect on arthritis symptoms in a meta-analysis published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition.

“I follow an anti-inflammatory protocol diet and encourage eating probiotic foods. Yogurt is my favorite but I have to be careful to pick dairy-free and low in sugar because those can both be considered inflammatory. I typically have plain coconut milk yogurt with a tablespoon of whole fruit preserves,” says psoriatic arthritis patient Alison M.

Natural Ways To Treat Arthritis

Sometimes it’s hard to eat enough probiotic-rich foods to balance your gut microbiome (especially if you don’t like the taste of fermented foods). Taking a daily high-quality probiotic supplement can fill this nutritional gap. can be given, says Dr. Blum. The key is to choose one that contains more than one strain of bacteria; The more diverse the better, she says.

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“I take a probiotic pill every day. My biologic helps control most of my symptoms, but I find probiotics help prevent flare-ups as well,” says rheumatoid arthritis patient Bethany B. from Seattle, Washington. “Be warned though, it took a few days of bloating and diarrhea before my body got used to them.”

Glucosamine is a naturally occurring substance in your body that helps maintain the health of your cartilage, the rubbery tissue that cushions and protects your joints. It’s known as “joint juice” because it may help reduce osteoarthritis symptoms by slowing the deterioration of cartilage, lubricating the joints, and improving mobility, explains Dr. Martin. Glucosamine is also commonly used in conjunction with chondroitin, which is another substance that occurs naturally in the connective tissues of people and animals.

However, over-the-counter supplements of glucosamine and chondroitin are not a quick fix for arthritis symptoms. In fact, the research on how helpful they are is mixed. A larger

The study found that “the amount of relief a person gets depends on how severe their arthritis pain is,” Harvard Healthbeat reports. “People with mild pain did not benefit much [compared to placebo]. People with more severe pain found modest relief from the combination of glucosamine and chondroitin.

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“I take a supplement with glucosamine, chondroitin, and turmeric. I think it helps. It could be the placebo effect, but I don’t care,” says Robert L., an osteoarthritis patient from Columbus, Ohio. “My wife has started taking it too and she thinks it helps too.”

Turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory spice that has been shown in some studies to help reduce inflammation and pain from arthritis, Dr. Martin says. A delicious way to eat turmeric is to make “golden milk,” a traditional hot Indian drink made with water of any kind, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, black pepper, and maple syrup. While you can certainly add turmeric to food — it’s commonly used as part of Indian cooking — you need to take a supplement to consume enough to affect arthritis symptoms. Turmeric showed a significant improvement in arthritis symptoms in a meta-analysis published in Frontiers in Nutrition.

“The first thing I do when I wake up every day is drink a mug of warm golden milk. I make big batches and keep it in a jug in my refrigerator,” says lupus petite Erin T. from San Francisco, California. Has become one of my favorite parts of the day. Holding the hot mug helps with the stiffness of my hands and the ritual feels very calming. I see the turmeric as a bonus and I hope it is helping too as it is known to be anti-inflammatory.

Natural Ways To Treat Arthritis

Fish oil supplements contain anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, which may help reduce joint pain and stiffness. You can consume omega-3s from your diet – they occur naturally in fish such as salmon, nuts and seeds, and in some plant oils such as flaxseed – and are increasingly found in fortified foods such as eggs or yogurt. Are. But supplements can provide much higher doses.

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If you’ve tried fish oil in the past and it didn’t help, the problem may be that you didn’t take enough of it, Dr. Blum says. Ask your doctor about the right dosage for you.

“I have degenerative joint disease and osteoarthritis from years of playing sports, specifically [American] football. A few months ago, after seeing an article online, I started taking two fish oils every morning and have experienced much less stiffness and swelling. Waking up with,” Joe H. from Boise, Idaho. It is said that those who have osteoarthritis and gout.

CBD, a cannabinoid derived from the hemp plant – a type of hemp plant – is becoming more and more popular among people with arthritis and other forms of chronic pain. CBD is not as addictive as THC, another cannabinoid found in marijuana plants. CBD is available in many forms, including oral tinctures, topical lotions and creams, vape pens, capsules, and edibles. These products appear to have some positive effects, says Elise Rubinstein, MD, a rheumatologist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California. “There aren’t very good studies to show that CBD works for arthritis, but I have patients who have found it very helpful,” she says. “I haven’t seen any harm from it, so it might be worth a try.”

“The pain in my hands was so bad it kept me awake at night and when I finally fell asleep, I woke up

How To Get Rid Of Arthritis Symptoms In The Fingers

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