Learning Through Play In The Early Years

Learning Through Play In The Early Years – Did you know that more than any other activity, play promotes the healthy development of your child!

The most important thing to remember about dancing is that it should be fun. That means that if your child is enjoying it, then you are doing well! Learning through play can use the mind, body or even equipment. It involves thinking and exercising muscles, and it also allows our children to practice new skills.

Learning Through Play In The Early Years

Learning Through Play In The Early Years

All children are curious creatures. They love to explore and play, and these behaviors usually come naturally to them. Play that allows exploration provides a sense of discovery and learning. This discovery and learning is actually an important source of happiness for the child. They enjoy exploring and learning.

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The great thing is that when your child gets pleasure he is motivated to repeat the activity. This makes a lot of sense if something feels good and rewards us, then we do it again and again to try to get better feelings and rewards. With more repetition, the child will achieve mastery of the skills used during play, a sense of accomplishment and strengthening self-confidence.

Confidence is very important for children. When a child feels safe and confident, he feels that he can try new things. So this confidence will allow them to start their next learning journey. This is how children learn through play and how play helps the brain develop.

Human minds are highly organized. It also grows in a planned way too. We call this ‘continuous neurodevelopment’. It’s a big word, but it basically means that a child’s brain develops sequentially, starting with the basic areas first and working up to more complex areas. Think about it like building a tower from building blocks, where you need to place each block in order 1…2…3…4! You can’t forget to put two blocks and expect to be able to build three blocks! As the brain develops in sequence, a child needs to develop good functioning in each area before moving on and focusing on building the next area.

Because the brain needs to work to develop each part in order, we need to make sure that we are not asking our children to complete tasks that their brains are not yet equipped to do!

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Therefore, what we can do is to use play to help in the development of each stage of the brain.

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Learning Through Play In The Early Years

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Importance Of Play In Early Childhood (9 Benefits & Infographic)

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Play is an important part of a child’s early development. Playing helps young children’s minds grow and their language and communication skills to mature.

Simple games of peeking, shaking a rattle or singing a song are more important than a way to pass the time. They teach young children about communication, develop their motor skills and help with problem solving.

Something as simple as placing and hitting blocks allows toddlers to discover math and science concepts, including shapes, gravity, balance and counting.

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These childhood games are important in laying the foundations of formal education. In most cases learning begins with parents or caregivers engaging with, playing with and responding to the child.

The first years of life shape the child’s future as an adult. This is when the most important brain development occurs, especially in the first two years of life. The lack of play and communication, known as “under stimulation”, can have long-term negative consequences on learning and the physical and mental health of the child.

About 80% of brain development is completed by the age of three and 90% by the age of five. This means that the child cannot wait for primary school to start learning.

Learning Through Play In The Early Years

These childhood games are important in laying the foundations of formal education. However, in poor families, where parents may work long hours and struggle to just feed their families, the ability to find suitable toys and find time to play may be limited.

Early Years Get Outside & Play Kit

In a study in Jamaica, poor infants with stunted growth were visited once a week for one hour by trained health workers, who engaged in learning through play and worked with their mothers to support and encourage this play. Twenty years later, the program is shown to have benefited participants and reduced inequality in later life. They did better in school, had better social skills and were less likely to commit crimes. Their earnings were also on average 25% higher than children who did not learn through play.

It is important to recognize the important role it plays in the development of infants. Play support must be built into early childhood development programs. For example, health workers can be trained to cooperate with the child during vaccinations or examinations and provide parents with information about the benefits of play.

Support is essential to help parents and carers understand how important play is for young children and to give them ideas about how to work with what they have. For example, simple household items such as cups and spoons can be used as toys. In this article, we will look at nine amazing benefits of play in child development. We will also review research findings that highlight the importance of play for children.

Many parents are well aware of the importance of play in a child’s development, but despite its many benefits, it is rare to associate play with learning.

The Importance Of Play In Preschool!

For most people, learning involves acquiring new specific skills, such as memorizing the alphabet, counting, writing, etc. They often believe that playing is just for fun and does not involve real learning.

The importance of play in early childhood education cannot be ignored because learning through play is essential to a child’s development.

A child’s play can promote brain development in many ways, including giving a child a better understanding of the world and laying the foundation for future brain development.

Learning Through Play In The Early Years

At the time of birth, the brain of infants has many connections of brain cells (synapses). Synapse overproduction allows information captured from early years to build the foundation of the brain.

Learning Through Play (early Childhood Development)

Play-enhanced environments, sensory play, and play toys provide a sense of well-being as building blocks. Lack of play will cause the neural connections associated with play to be lost.

Neuroscientists discovered that enrichment such as toys, games, and play can change a child’s brain chemistry and development. The area of ​​the brain associated with higher cognitive processing (the cerebral cortex) may benefit from environmental enrichment and children’s play more than other parts of the brain.

One study conducted by the University of Arkansas shows that regularly giving toys to infants to play with leads to a higher IQ by age three. Later, psychologist Edward Fisher analyzed 46 studies conducted on play. He found that playing can increase the child’s intellectual, linguistic and social development4, 5.

Creativity is closely related to divergent thinking, which is a thought process that explores many possible solutions and generates new ideas. Many studies have found that play is strongly associated with divergent thinking.

Parenting Advice: How The Learn Through Play Model Can Accelerate Early Childhood Development

To test this relationship in a study, researchers randomly assigned 52 children, ages six to seven, to two activities. In the first activity, the children copied the text from the board. In the second, the children played with salt powder6.

Afterwards, all the children were asked to do a creative project. A panel of ten judges found that the projects created by the children in the salt dough group had higher creative qualities than those in the other group.

Free play or independent play is a form of unstructured play that encourages children to create their own play 9. Drama requires the child to imagine events and then act them out. The freedom of these types of play allows children to be creative10, 11.

Learning Through Play In The Early Years

Imagination stimulates creativity and some studies have

Different Types Of Play In Early Years

About ricky

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