Importance Of Play In Early Childhood Essay

Importance Of Play In Early Childhood Essay – Early childhood education (ECE) includes all types of educational programs offered to children up to eight years of age. Additionally, ECE refers to the formal or informal education program provided to children prior to their entry into kindergarten. Notably, ECE is essential for children because it helps them develop their cognitive and social abilities before they enter kindergarten. ECE can be provided to children under the age of five as a way of preparing them to join primary school.

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Importance Of Play In Early Childhood Essay

Importance Of Play In Early Childhood Essay

Income disparities between households are one of the factors causing social inequalities in ECE. This suggests that families earning relatively low incomes are less likely to send their children to preschools to acquire cognitive and psychosocial skills (Blossfeld, Hans et al. 1). Notably, the cost of ECE increases the financial burden of low-income families, thus limiting their ability to send their children to preschool. However, children from higher income families are taken to ECE because they can afford it. ECE programs offered in private schools are designed to ensure that children are learning. Most of the private schools that offer ECE introduce children to education as well as make them aware of what to expect in school. Moreover, some private schools offer advanced education to children.

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ECE affordability dictates access to ECE and children’s likelihood of participation (Ministry of Education – Education Counts). Low-income families perceive ECE care as unaffordable because they cannot manage the funds through their income. Therefore, ECE accessibility should be increased to encourage more children from low income families to participate in it. Notably, most parents fund ECE programs for their children. Additionally, many governments finance ECE initiatives in their countries, which encourages more children to enroll in ECE.

ECE plays a critical role in the development of cognitive and socio-emotional abilities of children under the age of five. Cognitive abilities are skills that help children learn things and find solutions to small problems. Some of these cognitive skills that children acquire in ECE include language mastering, speaking, and problem-solving. Furthermore, the social-emotional skills that children acquire from ECE include empathy for others, selflessness, and self-esteem. These skills are critical for preschoolers because they facilitate the development of their intelligence levels. Notably, these skills are essential to their success in elementary, middle school, high school, and college education.

ECE helps preschoolers improve their social skills. This indicates that children attending ECE are able to socialize with other children and play as a team. ECE children do this because they learn about sharing, proper behavior and ways of relating to other children (importance of socialization for children). Additionally, through ECE, teachers can help parents identify behavioral and intellectual disabilities that children face. ECE educators manage to identify these challenges by monitoring the behavior of different children as they interact with others.

Furthermore, ECE enables children to learn various language skills through their association with their teachers and other children. Moreover, ECE facilities have language learning curriculum in their schedule which enables children to develop their oral skills. Some of the activities that ECE children engage in to develop their language skills include storytelling, reciting poems, acting, etc.

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Blossfeld, Hans-Peter, et al., eds. Childcare, early education and social inequality: An international perspective. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017.

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Importance Of Play In Early Childhood Essay

According to Kohn (2015), in the past, kindergarten, first and second grade, and preschool children spent most of their time playing. The activities they carried out included drawing imaginary worlds and building blocks with their classmates, unfortunately, these activities have been abandoned at present and are now led by the teacher by dictating instructions as used in the higher grades. It is believed that most formal schooling currently starts at 4 or 5 years old and without an early start children can fall behind in important subjects including maths and reading and never catch up. The idea behind this approach is that starting early means learning more.

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The argument for starting formal education at an early stage has been questioned by educators, educational researchers, and scientists because there is little evidence showing that the approach improves long-term achievement (Cohn, 2015). Also, some researchers argue that early instruction in areas such as reading may help some children in the early childhood classroom but that the boost is only temporary. According to Rebecca Markon, a psychology professor, early intervention instruction in early childhood classrooms worsens children’s academic performance (Cone, 2015). David Whitebread perceives play as immature behavior that accomplishes nothing. They argue that although this is an immature behavior, it is important for children’s development because it helps them learn to regulate their attention, emotions and persistence.

According to Lillert et al. (2013), pretend play is essential in children’s healthy development. Pretending results in positive developments and is considered an epiphenomenon of other factors that drive development. Furthermore, pretend play is related and helps in interpersonal relationships. Through this, children in early childhood education can be open-minded in solving problems they may face as they grow up. Play is considered an essential contributor to a child’s physical, social, emotional and cognitive development (Lillart et al., 2013). Watching children play seems like a remarkable activity as they engage in multiple processes. Furthermore, for children in preschool, pretend play helps them learn about the subject of separating referents from objects. It helps them understand that actions can be detached from reality and based on the meaning of a particular situation.

The PK-3 program plays a significant role in child development (Stipek et al., 2017). Early Childhood Education Parents play an important role in children’s learning. In promoting children’s education in preschool, it is important to note that play plays an important role in children’s development. Children can play in schools and interact with other children, teachers can send messages to parents about activities they can complete while children play at home, including talking to other children about what they learn at school and playing math games (Stypek et al., 2017). Math games can help kindergarteners progress through their grades and develop their skills. These processes can be completed using community resources at home and school.

Research Paper On Importance Of Play In The Early Childhood Classroom

Child-centered play therapy has a positive effect on children’s disruptive behavior in elementary school. Children who grow up in poverty-stricken areas have several disadvantages and are at greater risk of failing in school (Cochran and Cochran, 2017). Therefore, without engaging in play in primary schools, these children may continue to suffer in adulthood and this may lead them to engage in physical health, violence and serious psychological problems. Through play, children in elementary school can develop good IC skills that give them the opportunity to resist their urges to engage in behavior that is contrary to classroom management (Perry et al., 2018). Children with high inhibitory control (IC) are more likely to have a good teacher-child relationship because they can manage easily and perform well in upcoming classes. Play is encouraged in all schools for elementary school children because it helps them learn how to interact with their peers and solve problems they face while playing in a better way (Cochran & Cochran, 2017).

In short, children should be allowed to play in primary school. From articles written

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