How To Save Money On Water Bill

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It’s an inevitability for a homeowner – the water bill. But even if you face a water bill every month, there are ways to reduce the financial drain. These tips and tricks can be done at home and will help you save money on your water costs. But if you have any serious plumbing problems, call a professional plumber to lighten the burden.

How To Save Money On Water Bill

How To Save Money On Water Bill

The original shower in your bathroom is probably not very energy efficient. Shower heads have come a long way in recent years to disperse water more effectively and efficiently. And there are plenty of flow-restricting showerheads that still offer a relaxing massage.

Ways To Save Water At Home

Standard showers use nearly 10 gallons of water per minute. Flow-restricted showerheads use no more than 7.5 liters of water per minute. If you shower every day, that’s a lot of wasted water! It’s easy to waste your savings on outdated showerheads.

The average person’s shower lasts about 8 minutes. There are more than 75 liters of water with each use! Imagine using that much gas in your car every day. All that time in the shower increases your water bill and also draws more fresh water from your natural surroundings.

Even if you’re someone who loves a hot shower, try to limit your showers to 5 minutes. You will notice the difference when you pay your electricity bill.

A recirculation line is a plumbing system that quickly moves hot water to your tap or faucet. Traditional hot water plumbing typically delivers water at a lower pressure, which means more time waiting for hot water.

Ways To Save Money On Your Water Bill In The Bathroom

Recirculation line systems use a thermostat to sense low water temperatures at the water outlet and automatically begin pumping hot water in that direction. No need to let the water run! This saves you a ton of clean water and energy, which ends up saving you money on your water bill. And installation costs are relatively affordable.

Have you ever had to shake the chain in the tank at the back of the bathroom? Have you ever heard the toilet tank running a long time after flushing? These are obvious signs that your toilet tank is leaking, but this water wastage can be more subtle.

Place a few drops of colored food coloring in the bottom of the toilet bowl and wait to see if the color starts to show in the bowl. It may take about 20 minutes, but if you see color in the toilet, there is a leak. This slow drip will increase your water consumption. Replacing your toilet seat is a DIY project, but a plumber can assess more complicated leaks.

How To Save Money On Water Bill

Needs a whole tank of new water after each use. Dual flush toilets have become more common in new construction and it may be time for an upgrade to your home. Low flush toilets offer a flush volume for both liquid and solid waste.

Ways To Save Money On Electric Bills

Dual flush toilets use about 67% less water when compared to traditional single flush toilets. That’s a lot of water conserved, especially for large families, so don’t throw your money down the drain. Upgrade your bathrooms!

A leaky sink can be annoying, but it’s causing more damage than you think. A single drop per second from a dripping faucet equals over 11,000 liters of water per year! A dripping faucet brings down your bank account too!

Tighten your leaky faucets or call a plumber if you need help getting the job done.

You can save money on your water bill by always washing full clothes. This not only reduces the amount of water you use each month, but also extends the life of your washing machine. So think about your checking account the next time you try to wash just a few shirts.

Water Bill Health Check For Your Business

Today’s washing machines are much more water efficient than classic models, using only about 25 liters per load compared to 150 liters in the 1990s. Consider upgrading your washing machine if your family does a lot of laundry.

Your dishwasher is another machine that should only run when it’s full. And perhaps surprisingly, modern dishwashers are more efficient than hand washing. If you want to save water and save money, wait for a full charge.

If you don’t have a dishwasher, use the two-bowl method of washing by hand instead of running the faucet. It’s the most cost-effective way to clean your dishes.

How To Save Money On Water Bill

There are many daily tasks that require running the bathroom sink. But if you’re shaving, brushing your teeth, or doing another part of your grooming routine, turn off the tap when you don’t need water. A typical sink faucet can pour over 4 gallons per minute, which means you’re wasting at least 24 gallons a day by leaving the faucet running while you brush. That’s a lot of dollars going to the dealership!

Take Advantage Of The Rain To Conserve Water And Save Money

We all know how dry it can get in Alberta, and it’s hard to keep the grass nice and green. But overwatering your lawn can hurt you in two ways. The water that lodges your grass can damage it over time. Most lawns only need 1.5 inches of water a week.

Just as importantly, all that extra water is piling up your electric bill! Use a sprinkler timer when watering your lawn. These devices automatically turn off the water according to your settings and can be added to virtually any outdoor faucet. Even without a timing device, you should set a timer to turn off the water yourself. Save yourself the wasted water!

Don’t get soaked when paying the water bill! Follow these ways to save water in your home to save money on your utilities. And if your water bill keeps rising, call a plumber for a professional assessment. Want to know how to save on your water bill? I have been trying to reduce our water bill for years. Take a pencil, a notepad and listen!

I totally understand you – we moved to the desert last year and our water bill doubled overnight.

Save Money On Your Water Bill: Easy Tips For Landlords

Before, we were great at getting our water bill down to between $20 and $30/month. And now? We’ve become good ninjas at putting it down.

First? Let me share how much we spend a year on water + how much the average household spends (so you know what to look out for).

It turns out that in Houston, we are charged for water, sewer, plus a drainage fee on our “water bill”.

How To Save Money On Water Bill

So far this year (10 accounts) we have spent $319.09. According to the City of Houston, our neighborhood average (the average is water usage for 486 single-family homes) is $55.81 per month.

Saving Water In Your Home

However, the average household usage provided by the city does not break down statistics by average number of people per household.

There are only two of us (four if you count the cats), so that might explain our lower water consumption compared to our neighbors. Then again, my work from home has been reflected in 8 of the last 10 accounts, so I tend to think we must be doing something right.

“In 2018, the residential cost of water for a family of four using 150 gallons per person per day came to about $112 per month.”

Regardless of the stats, here are the ways we’ve found to save money on our water bill every month.

Save Water And Cut Your Bill!

Before purchasing new low-flow toilets when we remodeled our two bathrooms, we turned the decades-old toilets to low-flow by displacing some of the water in the water tank.

One of the first things we did after buying our house was make sure each of the faucets had an aerator.

My husband, Paul, installed one on each of our faucets, decreasing the amount of water coming out. Honestly, it didn’t bother us one bit, nor did it add time to any of the water tasks we do (like washing our hands).

How To Save Money On Water Bill

The only time it doesn’t work as well is when I’m filling a bucket to water the plants. This is because, in this case, the amount of water that comes out is important.

Water Utility Bill Stock Illustrations

Still, we hope to collect more rainwater and not use tap water in the future when watering plants (more on this water-saving tip below).

I can’t tell you how many times we had to fiddle with the handle after using the master bathroom.

Talk about draining not just time and mental energy, but money from our pockets when we undoubtedly turn away and don’t hear it working for hours on end! Thankfully, Paul fixed this issue for us.

I don’t know how to test whether this works or not, but there are water-saving buttons on our dishwasher and dishwasher.

Ways To Save On Your Electric Bill

These types of buttons on appliances often allow you to skip a prewash cycle (done!)

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