How To Be A Successful Kindergarten Teacher

How To Be A Successful Kindergarten Teacher – Kindergarten is a magical world of its own. It is the foundation on which students develop as students and as individuals, socially, emotionally and academically. Kindergarten students will grow as thinkers before your eyes. Whether you’re a new teacher about to jump in or you’re moving on from another grade, below are 12 tips for new kindergarten teachers.

The first and most important tip for new kindergarten teachers is to understand that for many students, this is their first school experience. It may be the longest they’ve been away from mum or dad – or their home and place of rest. Some people may have never walked in a line before or waited their turn to speak.

How To Be A Successful Kindergarten Teacher

How To Be A Successful Kindergarten Teacher

It’s important to have realistic expectations for the first week of kindergarten. To learn more about setting these realistic expectations, along with other tips for kindergarten teachers, check out this blog post.

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The good news is that they will adjust and can be taught. The first day of Kindergarten takes a lot of patience, but friends, I promise you it’s worth it. After a few weeks, they will get the hang of it and you will look at your students and not even recognize them because they have come so far! I always think of it this way, we have an opportunity to help shape how our students will feel about school from now on. This is a very special job!

Let’s be real. Sometimes children have accidents. A minor might have a bathroom accident or spill chocolate milk down his shirt at lunch. It happens, believe me.

As part of their school supplies, consider asking parents to send a change of clothes for their students (including underwear and socks). Place them in gallon-size, zip-top bags and label with each student’s name. You can keep a change of clothes in the child’s bag, locker or classroom. Then if a student has an accident, you’ll have a change of clothes available without parents needing to come to school.

My advice is to call or text the parents to let them know about the accident, that way they won’t be surprised when their little one comes home in different clothes! Be sure to remind parents to change clothes as the weather changes or if something needs to be replenished. These babies will grow quickly, so they may need a larger size by mid-year.

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You may have a few students who cry on the first day of school. This is completely normal. It will get better. These little guys have a lot of transitions, which means a lot of adjustment. The good news is that there are things you can do to help students.

To combat the tears, you might consider having a stuffed animal for them to hold or a fun activity waiting for them. Take the time to sit down and interact with all of your students to help them feel welcome and more comfortable.

A teacher I know invited students to bring in pictures of their families and created a mini bulletin board display. If you want more tips, check out this article for eight practical tips to help students deal with separation anxiety.

How To Be A Successful Kindergarten Teacher

This tip for new kindergarten teachers is extremely important! There is nothing worse than getting close to dismissal time only to realize that you are not sure how a student is going to get home. The best time to ask parents is during orientation and then to confirm again on the first day of school.

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Make sure parents know what dismissal time is and what the procedure is. Double and triple check how each student is getting home. Write it down or add it to your lesson plans so you can take it with you when the bells ring.

Another piece of advice is to make name tags or color-coded paper wristbands so you can easily identify how each student is going home. For example, car riders have one color wristband, while bus riders have a different color (write the bus number on the wristband). If they are meeting a sibling, make sure you or a para takes them to the older sibling. Don’t take students’ word for how they are going home, always check with a parent or guardian.

As teachers, duty-free lunch is the time of day where we work: use the restroom, make copies, check our mailbox, oh…and eat! Unless you have a lot of helpers in the cafeteria, plan on not having a duty-free lunch the first few days of school.

Students will need help getting through the lunch line, grabbing those bulky trays, finding their lunch table, and opening packages or containers. Plan to be available to help your students navigate the cafeteria. If you are able to have your students visit the cafeteria before lunch, this can help make the transition smoother.

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Once you have them all sat down and ready to dig in, sit down and have lunch with them. They’ll feel safer and more likely to eat knowing you’re there for them.

There is a lot that is new for incoming kindergartners. They have a new school, a new classroom, a new teacher, and new friends. Give students time to feel comfortable with this new place and all the new faces that come with it.

Don’t plan too much for the first week of school. You don’t have to teach students to read and spell right away. Simple activities like play dough, blocks, plastic bears, and other math manipulatives will keep their attention. Kindergarten morning tubs are a great example of resources to use when thinking about differentiation and exploration.

How To Be A Successful Kindergarten Teacher

Remember to keep things simple at the beginning of the year. The last thing you want is for a child to feel frustrated on the first day because something was too difficult.

Michelle Barnard, Isec Teacher At Tesuque Elementary

Kindergarteners aren’t known for their attention spans or ability to sit still. It is important to use your planning time wisely so that you are prepared for activities. You want to limit downtime so that students don’t have to wait for you. Make your copies and have all the tools or manipulations you’ll need ready and around.

Sometimes your activity will take ten times longer than planned and other times it won’t take the full amount of time, so make sure you have backup activities or read aloud books ready. are This tip for new kindergarten teachers will help you feel prepared and less overwhelmed.

This tip is for any grade, but is especially important for new kindergarten teachers. Most of what you cover in the first few weeks of school will be formal. You need to take the time to train your students now so you can teach them later.

You’ll need to teach your brand-new kindergarten students every technique you’ll want them to practice throughout the year, and be patient in the process. You may feel like you’re overdoing it, but whatever you do, don’t quit! Trust me, you’ll be glad you took the time to do it.

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A great first step is to list every procedure they will need to know. This list includes unpacking/packing up, how to use the restroom, how to take lunch, how to ask questions, where to sit on the carpet, and how to pass papers. The list goes on.

Allow extra time during transitions (such as cleaning up, getting ready for lunch, and dismissal) so you can sample and practice the procedure. I think it’s important to provide examples and non-examples, which is why I like to model what not to do. Feel free to be silly when performing incorrectly. Your kids will laugh and you can laugh with them, explaining how silly it would be to do that. Remember that every day is a new day, so you will need to model, practice and repeat.

Another thing to mention is the count. No – not teaching my students to count (yet). Do frequent head counts to make sure you have all your students. Before leaving the classroom, count to make sure everyone is in line and no one is in the bathroom. Before leaving the cafeteria, count to make sure all your students are in line. Whenever you leave the room, playground, special, lunch, etc. – always count heads!

How To Be A Successful Kindergarten Teacher

All students, especially young students, love it when someone reads to them. Reading aloud is an easy activity to plan for and one that you can do several times throughout the day. In fact, I recommend reading aloud several times a day, especially in the beginning.

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Choose from books like We Don’t Eat Our Classmates, First Day Jeters, and No, David! Motivation, classroom rules, and emotions are some of the best starting examples for discussing emotions. Books are also a great way to expand vocabulary and get children talking by asking questions.

Social-emotional development is a big deal in kindergarten. this time

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