How To Be A Disney Travel Agent From Home

How To Be A Disney Travel Agent From Home – Planning a Walt Disney World vacation is overwhelming. There are many details and deadlines to be aware of. Have you ever tried to book reservations at Cinderella’s Royal Table, only to be told you should have done so 6 months in advance? You too can dine with Cinderella – with a little advanced planning. Speaking of Cinderella, a fairy godmother guided her along the way. So why shouldn’t you also have the help of an expert?

Is all it takes to ensure a good time for everyone. Unfortunately, this couldn’t be further from the truth! Seasoned park vendors can usually achieve this, but not without compromises or sacrifices (usually meaning giving up something until next time). However, for those families in the process of planning a Disney vacation for their first visit, take my advice – you have to have a plan!

How To Be A Disney Travel Agent From Home

How To Be A Disney Travel Agent From Home

Booking your Disney vacation with a travel advisor specializing in Disney Destinations can make all the difference in the world, and here’s why.

How To Become A Disney Travel Agent

A Disney degree may sound a little crazy, but there are aspects of a Disney (and Universal) Vacation that go beyond typical travel. Regular travel agents don’t always understand this, so using a real Disney travel agent makes all the difference.

This is the dream! Well, for us it is. All advisors must take and pass the Disney Disney College course to be able to book Disney Travel as well. This extensive online education course goes through every type of Disney vacation – Theme Parks, Cruise Line, Aulani, and Disney Adventures.

Trip advisors prove their knowledge of Disney resorts, how far away dining reservations can be made, on-property accommodations, transportation options, and more. Not only do they have to pass a series of initial tests, but they also have to be recertified every year! Things are always changing and moving forward at Disney and so advisors need to stay up to date.

…. Because all of our Heyday travel company advisors also have direct personal experience of going to the destinations they book. There are just some things that can’t be learned online or in a book that can make all the difference to a trip. With personal experience comes options, advice and flexible thinking, so we can ensure your trip is planned completely tailored to your Disney needs and desires.

How To Become A Disney Travel Agent [tips From Existing Travel Agents]

A knowledgeable advisor will help you choose the perfect resort for your family and help you stay within your budget. With over 25 resort hotels to choose from, it can be a little overwhelming trying to pick the best one. Dreaming of staying at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa but afraid it’s out of your price range? If your travel dates are flexible, we can help you find the lowest possible fares to make your Disney dreams come true.

Assuming you agree that time is a limited resource, then you don’t even need another reason to book your Disney vacation with a Heyday Disney Travel Advisor. Here are just some of the things we can guide you through instead of learning on your own.

Do you have more questions now than when you started reading this? Don’t worry, Heyday Travel Company has some guides on these to help you and we write more every week. However, we are always here to help answer your questions as well!

How To Be A Disney Travel Agent From Home

That’s right, Heyday Travel Company’s premium Disney travel agent concierge services are FREE! You’re right, I probably should have led with that. However, isn’t free even better now that you see everything that’s included? When you book with us, you’ll get exactly the same price as if you had done it yourself on the Disney website. Yes, the same thing. We may even be able to save you some money! How? Well, our business is Disney. So every day we are watching their website and monitoring when new offers are published. Most of the time those offers can be applied to previously booked trips. Most of these offers are also limited in quantity. If you’re not calling right away, you might miss out. Will you be checking their site every day hoping to see an offer drop? Don’t worry, we have that for you too.

I Thought I Did Not Need A Travel Agent

Did you know that there are over 140 table service restaurants within Disney World? There are too many menus and reviews to sift through to figure out which restaurant to go to. Plus, with Disney, many of these reservations disappear quickly. Did you know that reservations open 180 days at 6am estate online and 7am by phone? And that the “Be Our Guest” restaurant is so in demand that if you’re not booking as soon as possible, you’re likely to miss out? You may not have and that’s okay. There is so much information to know about a trip to Disney World. Again, that’s what we’re here for! Heyday Travel is happy to help guide you to the best places to eat and even book them for you.

Again, you can do all of this yourself. You are welcome to call the Disney World Reservation line, they are extremely nice people, but every time you get on the phone you have to go through the same steps: wait on hold, give your name, spell it out a few times (if your name is something like mine, Schmitz), and then about 15 minutes into the call you can finally ask your question. Then that person will likely transfer you to another person who will put you through the process another time. This really isn’t fun or time efficient at all. When you use a Heyday Trip Advisor, you will receive direct contact information and they become your primary contact. So whenever you need to make a change, just give them a call, email or text – which brings me to my next point.

Unfortunately, sometimes life gets in the way of a break. When these things happen, it’s good to have just one person to call to make changes, or if necessary, cancel your reservation. Of course, sometimes the weather gets in the way and “makes” vacations too (Hint: ask me about my favorite Disney ride). When Hurricane Irma hit Central Florida, Disney’s phone lines were backed up for hours with people needing to change or cancel a reservation. Many people were commenting on the Disney forums about being thankful to have a Disney Trip Advisor. They only had to make one phone call, no wait time, and they knew everything would be taken care of. How’s that for service?

Yes, this was already mentioned. In our experience, it cannot be emphasized enough! Your travel advisor will know Disney inside and out. This kind of knowledge is seriously invaluable when it comes to having a magical time at Disney, and you’ll be so thankful you had it. Not only will they be able to help you plan your time at the park, but they have extensive knowledge about ALL. THINGS. DISNEY.

Jade Travel Agent Specializing In Disney Canada

Disney vacations aren’t just for the kids, they’re for you too! Why get tired and stressed before you go? Let us help you stay relaxed before and during your vacation. You want a Heyday Travel Advisor because we will take the pressure off your planning, along with a number of other things mentioned in this article. You can confidently go on your journey knowing that things will go as smoothly as possible.

Heyday Travel Company can plan a Disney vacation that is perfect for you. We are full of Disney travel planners with expert knowledge of the entire Disney catalog and Universal Parks destinations. No matter where you want to go, our experienced team is excited to help you make it happen. We offer our service free of charge, so you will only have to pay for the holiday itself. If you want help planning a Disney trip that will make your dreams come true while also fitting your budget, let’s talk! If you’ve ever tried to book a Disney vacation on your own without doing it first, it can be overwhelming. There are so many components to theme parks and cruises that one can very easily get lost or miss something important. That’s where a trained Disney travel agent comes in.

Disney Travel is the booking, planning and coordination of all Disney special accommodations and travel. Some Disney cruises may include scheduling as well as a set itinerary for the ship. It can be all things like hotel accommodation, food, tours and specialty excursions. Disney travel includes park tickets, cruise tickets, and hotel stays, usually based on the package you choose. Hotel options range from suites, deluxe rooms, studio rooms, and resort rooms. You can choose to book from one of the many Disney destinations. A Disney travel agent is a popular and lucrative opportunity in the industry. About 15,000 people in the US work as Disney travel agents.

How To Be A Disney Travel Agent From Home

It seems easy but it definitely isn’t. However, a Disney travel agent must first apply for their Disney Vacation Club Member Apprentice Program. There are several levels that need to be completed.

Disney Transfer Form: Fill Out & Sign Online

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About ricky

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