How Much Does A Tsa Employee Make

How Much Does A Tsa Employee Make – Hubbard Radio Washington DC, LLC. All rights reserved. This website is not intended for users located in the European Economic Area.

The multi-year effort to increase pay and benefits for Transportation Security Administration employees took a big step forward this week after the House of Representatives passed the TSA Workforce Bill of Rights Act of 2022 on Thursday.

How Much Does A Tsa Employee Make

How Much Does A Tsa Employee Make

The bill would place 60,000 TSA employees, including transportation security officers, under the same personnel system as other federal employees under Title 5 of the United States Code. This includes full collective bargaining rights, access to an independent third party for dispute…

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The bill would place 60,000 TSA employees, including transportation security officers, under the same personnel system as other federal employees under Title 5 of the United States Code. This includes full collective bargaining rights, access to an independent third party for dispute resolution and the common schedule reward system.

Homeland Security Committee Chairman Benny Thompson (D-Miss.), one of the bill’s lead sponsors, called it “the right thing to do” in a statement released after the bill passed the House. The bill would eliminate special personnel authorities that have governed working conditions for TSA employees since the agency’s inception two decades ago.

“It’s long past time to bring this critical workforce under Title 5 to ensure better pay and full collective bargaining rights,” Thompson said. “This will reduce attrition, increase morale, and improve and professionalize the TSA workforce.”

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The House passed the bill 220-201, almost entirely along party lines, with four Republicans joining Democrats in voting for the measure.

Homeland Security Committee member John Katko (R-N.Y.) declined to support the bill. He said he supports increasing pay and benefits for front-line carrier operators, but not for the rest of the TSA workforce.

“If the bill was limited to just them, I would support it,” Katko told the chamber. “Why do we have to do it for everyone else?”

How Much Does A Tsa Employee Make

Katko said he thinks the bill will be “dead on arrival” in the Senate. Republicans also objected to giving TSA employees full collective bargaining.

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But Katko said he would support increased appropriations for the TSA to raise wages for the frontline screening workforce. The Biden administration has proposed a fiscal year 2023 budget for the TSA that would fund the agency’s Fair Pay Plan, including a 30 percent average base pay increase for TSOs.

Meanwhile, the American Federation of Public Employees applauded the House for passing the bill and urged the Senate to quickly pass the legislation.

“TSA employees have been treated as second-class citizens for far too long,” AFGE President Everett Kelly said in a statement. “Despite unfair pay and treatment, they continue to show up for their country every day. They have worked without pay during the government shutdown and put their health at risk during the pandemic to ensure the traveling public is safe.”

In the Senate, similar legislation was introduced last year by Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) and Sen. Edward Markey (D-Mass.). It was referred to the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, which has not yet taken further action on the bill.

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The Biden administration supported the legislation, and in a Jan. 19 letter to Thompson, TSA Administrator David Pekoske laid out the agency’s analysis of the bill.

“Our analysis shows that we will see many positive effects from this important legislation; the ability to achieve fair pay for our Transportation Security Officers (TSOs), chief among them,” Pekoske wrote.

Specifically, the entire TSO workforce would receive an average 30 percent pay raise if the bill is fully passed, according to the document. The median annual salary for transportation security screeners nationwide was $44,920 in May 2020, according to the most recent data available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, although salaries vary by geographic region.

How Much Does A Tsa Employee Make

According to Pekoske’s letter, 75 percent of TSA employees are paid less than the minimum wage that a federal employee with equivalent experience would receive under the general schedule wage system.

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Unfair compensation for our workforce compared to our federal counterparts,” Pekoske wrote. “It has also made recruitment increasingly difficult and led to relatively high attrition rates, particularly for transmission system operators.”

Meanwhile, TSA law enforcement officers would receive an average 21 percent pay raise if the legislation is fully enacted and funded, according to the agency’s analysis.

Ensuring fair pay for employees is “a critical step in positioning TSA for long-term success,” Pekoske wrote.

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“Over time, these steps could reduce high attrition rates in the transmission system operator workforce as well,” he wrote.

The House-passed bill would also direct the Government Accountability Office to review the implementation of the new personnel processes within 60 days of the conversion of TSA employees to Title 5.

Additionally, it will direct GAO to review TSA’s recruitment efforts for veterans, members of the armed forces and their dependents, including recommendations on how to improve these processes.

How Much Does A Tsa Employee Make

It would also encourage the TSA administrator to work with organizations that represent federal air marshals to address mental health, suicide rates, and morale and recruitment issues. The TSA oversees the Federal Air Marshal Service.

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“Data from the Air Marshals Association shows that air marshals are at high risk of extreme fatigue due to the long hours they spend on airplanes and their irregular sleep schedules,” said Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton (D-Va.) on the floor. “Many marshals also report mental health issues and dependence on drugs and alcohol to sleep.”

The bill would also direct a one-time bonus payment of $3,000 for at-risk duties to TSA employees who had significant contact with the public during the pandemic. It would also direct TSA to work with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to ensure that employees have adequate protection from COVID-19 going forward.

The legislation would codify legislative efforts already underway by the Biden administration to increase pay and benefits for TSA employees. Biden recently renominated Pekoske for another five-year term as TSA administrator. Pekoske called supporting the workforce his “top priority.”

Last June, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas ordered the TSA to expand collective bargaining rights for transmission system operators, negotiate an appeal agreement with the Merit Systems Protection Board and develop a pay plan for screeners in line with the common schedule.

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In September, the TSA and the MSPB reached an agreement that allows transmission system operators to appeal certain layoffs, demotions and long-term suspensions to the board.

Meanwhile, AFGE called on TSA to immediately expand collective bargaining for transmission system operators. But the TSA has told the union it needs additional funding to hire staff who can support an expanded workforce.

All News American Federation of Government Employees Benefits Benny Thompson Congress David Pekoske Hiring/Retention John Katko Pay and Benefits TSO Act Rights Transportation Security Administration Transportation Security Employees Unions Workforce Workforce Rights/ManagementHubbard Radio Washington DC, LLC . All rights reserved. This website is not intended for users located in the European Economic Area.

How Much Does A Tsa Employee Make

The head of the Transportation Security Administration says achieving fair pay for the TSA’s screening workforce is his top priority if reconfirmed to lead the agency.

Tsa Airport Security

The TSA needs 10 percent more airport screening officers than it currently hires, according to Administrator David Pekoske. The shortfall comes as air travel has returned to pre-pandemic levels.

Pekoske has been TSA administrator since 2017, and in February President Joe Biden announced he was nominating retired Coast Guard…

Pekoske has been TSA administrator since 2017, and in February President Joe Biden announced he was nominating the retired Coast Guard vice admiral to a second five-year term.

“The number one thing for me as administrator and, if confirmed, for the next five years, is to fix this pay issue because it’s critical for us,” Pekoske said during a confirmation hearing held by the Commerce Committee. science and transportation in the Senate on Wednesday. “We won’t be able to hire staff unless pay is adjusted.”

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To meet the increased demand for airport screening, Pekoske said the TSA has implemented a variety of incentives, including hiring bonuses, localized cost-of-living increases and summer overtime bonuses. He also said about 1,000 transportation security officers had recently voluntarily moved to understaffed airports.

But the TSA typically faces a 20 percent staff turnover each year, according to Pekoske. He said the agency’s low pay compared to the rest of the federal workforce is the main problem when it comes to recruiting and retaining transportation security officers. TSA employees are typically paid about 30 percent less than their counterparts at other federal agencies.

How Much Does A Tsa Employee Make

“It’s very, very difficult for us to recruit people because they look at the pay system,” he said. “Even if we can hire

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