How Does Physical Activity Improve Mental Health

How Does Physical Activity Improve Mental Health – When people hear the words “physical activity,” they often equate it with “exercise.” If you don’t consider yourself the “athletic” type, exercise can bring back bad memories of sweaty, painful hours in the school gym. But did you know that physical activity is any movement with an intensity equal to or greater than the equivalent of a brisk walk? You can gather this in all kinds of ways, not just through sports. Other activities such as walking between bus stops, walking up the stairs to your apartment, gardening or stretching count as physical activity.

Participating in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week reduces the risk of chronic health conditions such as heart disease, obesity, kidney disease and stroke! It also helps protect you from symptoms of depression and anxiety and is associated with lower stress and a higher quality of life.

How Does Physical Activity Improve Mental Health

How Does Physical Activity Improve Mental Health

Many college students do not meet the guidelines for physical activity, and those who do may struggle to maintain it as the semester progresses. Your whole life turns upside down when university starts. You suddenly have many commitments like living away from home, paying bills, working, spending time with friends, all while managing class attendance and assessments. Juggling study and life can be a difficult task, which is why students are increasingly prone to developing mental health difficulties such as depression, anxiety and loneliness. The good news is that regular physical activity can help prevent or manage these feelings, allowing you to cope with student life more effectively.

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Getting enough physical activity doesn’t just improve your physical health, it also helps you feel and think better. It is strongly linked to better academic performance and is a great way to build deeper friendships with those with whom you share a common interest.

Whether it’s going for a walk to the nearest coffee shop or climbing a mountain to enjoy some scenery, physical activity is a great way to improve your health while taking a well-deserved break from your study desk. Sometimes taking a break can be difficult, but you might just come back to the office, feel better about the break, and complete your studies more efficiently.

Being physically active doesn’t have to be expensive or require a lot of equipment, it can be free! Activities such as walking, running, hiking, require only a pair of shoes and a bottle of water. They do not require weekly subscriptions. We all know the struggle of living from one pay check to the next. Free physical activity allows you to not spend your cards and stay healthy at the same time!

Our top tips to help you start making progress towards your fitness goals: 1. Set a SMART goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound)

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Goals are intrinsic to our motivation. Setting a goal helps us take active steps towards what we need to do. It focuses our effort on what is important and enables us to persevere even when we don’t feel like it. However, setting realistic goals is also important. An unrealistic/unattainable goal is likely to hinder progress and reduce our motivation.

A SMART goal looks like this: “My goal is to run 3 km twice a week, every week. I want to be able to complete this run in under 20 minutes within 3 months and maintain this pace for the rest of the year.”

Part of setting goals is keeping track of where you are right now. Not only does this help with your motivation (imagine comparing your frequency of physical activity over and over again over 6 months), but it also helps you track when you tend to increase or decrease physical activity. Observing these habits increases our awareness of the barriers and enablers to developing a healthy and active lifestyle. There are tons of free apps/devices that help us track our PA automatically with or without additional devices (Strava, Fitbit, smartwatches, etc.)

How Does Physical Activity Improve Mental Health

Different types of physical activity are suitable for different people. The best type of physical activity for you is the one you enjoy the most, especially when university life gets tough. This can be a walk or a swim, a brisk sprint or even some relaxing yoga.

Ways To Support And Improve Mental Health • Divas With A Purpose

Fit4Study is a 4-week course that aims to help university students develop healthy physical activity habits. You will learn about the different types of physical activity in greater depth and actively participate in discussions about the common barriers and enablers to physical activity that you and other students face. It’s a great opportunity to meet like-minded students and hold each other accountable as you navigate a busy semester.

Kevin is a PhD candidate in the School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences. Having moved to Australia as an international student, Kevin completed his undergraduate studies in psychology and has been actively involved in research into the mental health of university students with a specific focus on physical activity and behavior change interventions. Today, I’m pleased to bring you a guest article from Marie Miguel, a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health-related topics. He is currently helping to expand and grow a free online mental health resource with With an interest and dedication to addressing the stigma associated with mental health, she continues to target specific topics related to anxiety and depression.

Did you know that physical and mental health are equally important for a healthy life? This is one of the main reasons psychologists and medical professionals work together. The combination of these professionals gives clients a holistic treatment solution. This therapeutic solution combines the positive effects of exercise, physical health and mental health. When it comes to taking care of your overall health, psychology researchers and other medical professionals have discovered that mental health and physical health are just as important. In this article, we talk about some of the reasons.

The National Center for Biological Information in the United States has discovered a significant link between regular exercise and a reduction in mental health symptoms. Psychologists advise that people who exercise regularly can naturally reduce the negative symptoms associated with depression, anxiety and other common mental health disorders.

One Step At A Time: How To Improve Mental Health Through Fitness

Aerobic exercise tops the list when it comes to having a positive impact on your mental health. Other activities that help improve mood and boost confidence include: walking, jogging, swimming and cycling.

The fact that all these activities are mostly outdoor activities may also have some effect on the improved mental state that people experience. Vitamin D is a natural supplement that is produced by the sun and causes an increase in positive mood. Exposure to natural sunlight and vitamin D is a major benefit of participating in outdoor activities. As a result, when you participate in outdoor exercise activities, you combine the effects of exercise, fresh air, and vitamin D to pack a mighty healthy punch.

Sessions with licensed mental health professionals are becoming more readily available and affordable. This makes it easier for people to participate in much-needed treatment and mental health services that they may have missed out on in the past. Today’s therapists are available in hospitals, doctor’s offices, clinics and private practices. The most recent addition is online therapy, with leading therapy sites such as BetterHelp or Talkspace. The same therapists you find in traditional therapy settings are now available online.

How Does Physical Activity Improve Mental Health

Talk to therapists about the things that concern you in your life. Therapists are available online 24 hours a day to provide individual, couples and family therapy. Online therapy is a great option for people with busy schedules and those who live in rural areas.

New Year, A Brand New You! Exercise, Healthy Food Can Improve Mental Health

The best way to take care of both your mental and physical health is to start with regular exercise. Exercise provides physical health benefits that include reduced stress levels and a reduced risk of diabetes or heart disease. Exercise also improves mental health by reducing stress and anxiety levels.

Before starting an exercise program, the first step you should take is to contact your primary care provider for a physical exam. When you visit your health care provider, he or she may perform a series of medical and mental health tests to determine if you need treatments in these areas. If medical problems are discovered, your healthcare provider will make appropriate recommendations for treatment. If mental health issues are also discovered, your doctor may recommend a combination of exercise and therapy with a licensed provider.

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