How Do You Save A Marriage

How Do You Save A Marriage – What if the missing piece in how to save your marriage was something as simple as taking the time to talk to someone? If I’ve been looking for ways to save my marriage, just talking to someone seems pretty easy!

I’m not just talking about a therapist (although I will 100% advocate a sound biblical Christian counselor and I think everyone should see one!) but someone who knows you and your spouse more intimately than anyone?

How Do You Save A Marriage

How Do You Save A Marriage

When we ask ourselves in times of drought, “How can I save my marriage?”, we rarely actually believe in the power we have in Christ to save our marriage through prayer.

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Prayer not only softens our hearts toward our spouse, but brings us to a place of humility where we can truly hear God’s heart not only for marriage as a whole, but for OUR marriage.

The Bible says that we must not disregard the enemy’s plans (2 Corinthians 2:11), but we must be on the lookout. Marriage is one of the first things the enemy attacks because it was set apart to be a reflection of Christ to a world that desperately needs Him.

The enemy knows that if he can attack a person with just one seed of doubt, one thought, one flash, then he can bring discord into a marriage. If it can bring discord into a marriage, it can bring discord into a family. If it can bring disunity to the family, it can bring disunity to the church. If he brings division into the church, the community falls apart, and when the community begins to fall apart, then the nation falls apart…a nation that desperately NEEDS JESUS!

In our daily life, we have so many things that demand our attention. We are distracted people who don’t have time to look at our spouse, let alone take the time to pray for them or our marriage. But the truth is that we are responsible to pray for the covenant of our marriage! Even in times when we feel overwhelmed, overlooked, and often shamed, when we walk through trouble, when marriage is hard (because let’s face it, marriage is hard!), there will be seasons of great fruit, there will be seasons of great drought, and there will be seasons in the middle (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). But what should I do in the seasons when I don’t know how to save my marriage?

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I encourage you to use the following prayer prompts as a starting point. During times when our marriage seemed to be falling apart and I wondered how to save my marriage, as well as times of great unity and vision, these prayer prompts helped us stay spiritually focused. Moreover, they have helped us to be on our guard against the division with which the enemy continually assails us as we pursue a marriage separate from the world; a marriage that reflects Christ!

I believe these prayer prompts will give you a deep desire to start again or continue praying for your spouse or to really intercede for your marriage (maybe for the first time).

These 30 prayer prompts are quick, easy, printable, and a gentle reminder to keep praying without distraction. Let them lead you to intimate fellowship with God and intercede for your spouse!

How Do You Save A Marriage

YOUR MARRIAGE, wherever it is today, is set apart for the glory of something far greater than your pleasure or feelings here on this earth.

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Father, in Jesus’ name we come before you and ask you to be present in our marriage. We put aside the lies we believed about each other, the hurts we allowed to manifest and that we held higher than the calling and purpose you have for our marriage. Your word says love covers all wrongs (Psalm 10:12) so Father if I have anything against my spouse or myself I ask you to remind me of the infinite forgiveness you died to give me and help we extend this to your spouse. I am asking you, God, to soften and strengthen our marriage and restore it to a safe place where we can find rest together in You. Not relying on our own understanding, we focus our marriage on You as the path that leads others into the living presence of the only True Love. Thank You, Father, that Your grace is new every morning and that You can restore in an instant what the enemy took years to devour. Thank you that I will love my spouse selflessly all the days of my life, and with this commitment before You I honor not only my spouse, but You as well. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

*Physical and verbal abuse should never be taken alone. If you or someone you know needs help or is unsafe in their relationship, visit or call the National Domestic Abuse Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.

We’re Matt and Dayna. Life enthusiasts in search of a life enriched by God’s sustaining grace that empowers others to strive for the same. Two very imperfect people who wake up with bad breath, lose patience for days (sometimes weeks), we model for the world, each other and our children, a life that points to Christ through our imperfection.

Most days you can find us chasing after our little heartbeats, Luella and Chase (4&2) This dynamic duo plays an important role at the heart of The Pause Pursuit; a ministry that empowers couples and families to slow down to seek God and each other. In a media-saturated world, the comparison game is real, but so is real life. Pause Pursuit is a safe place that combines both. Where real life meets the sustaining power and pursuit of the real Jesus. Remember when you used to daydream about how great it would be to be married? In our fantasies, most of us probably believed that marriage was something wonderful… but realistically, we know that it won’t always be like that.

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Of course, there will be times when marriage takes some hard work, and sometimes you might even consider walking away.

Marriage, like any relationship, can have ups and downs. Also, as in any other relationship, a successful marriage is possible only if

Does your marriage feel like it’s stalled? Have you stopped investing in growing a relationship that will fulfill both of you? Are you trying to figure out how to save your marriage from divorce? Want to learn how to fall in love with your partner all over again?

How Do You Save A Marriage

When you have two people who live together and live together every day, there’s an even greater chance that they won’t get along sometimes.

How To Save Your Marriage From Divorce

Learning how to truly forgive and not hold grudges is essential if you want to move forward without anger and hatred seeping into your marriage.

Everyone makes mistakes. In marriage, you should be able to admit mistakes and apologize and quickly forgive yourself and your partner. Then it’s time to find a way forward, without holding grudges, because that doesn’t solve anything.

Always be honest. One lie often leads to another and can get out of control. It rarely ends well for your marriage.

If there is a problem, talk about it with your spouse; do not bottle. Couples who communicate their problems and talk about even the smallest things are more likely to cultivate a strong, loving marriage.

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Life itself can make every little thing seem mundane and monotonous. As a married couple, you should be able to share silly stories or simple jokes to reduce the stress and strain of everyday work.

.” Try it and see if it improves your daily mindset and brings you closer to solving your marriage.

Don’t let things simmer under the surface. If one spouse is upset about something the other half said or did, speak up now. You should never assume that the other person knows exactly what is wrong. What is obvious to one may not be noticeable to another!

How Do You Save A Marriage

Talk about what’s on your mind, good or bad, with your spouse. The key to a great marriage is communication.

Tips For How To Save Your Marriage

Therefore, you should be able to agree and make joint decisions when it comes to things like finances, children, education, parenting, handing over household duties and the like. One spouse must not be superior to the other.

If you can’t come to an agreement quickly, think about it for a while and come back to it.

Remember why you fell in love in the first place. Focus on the good things you saw in your partner. Be intentional about having positive interactions with your spouse each day and not getting caught up in negative ones.

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude toward your spouse instead of harboring feelings of resentment, anger, or hatred. Focus on what you love about your partner instead of what frustrates you.

How Couples Therapy Can Save Your Marriage

Notice the little things and celebrate all the good things about you

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About ricky

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