How Can We Save Our Coral Reefs

How Can We Save Our Coral Reefs – An international group of coral researchers has created a list of 12 things everyday people can do to save coral reefs.

Corals around the world are dying at an unprecedented rate, mostly as a result of warming ocean waters due to climate change.

How Can We Save Our Coral Reefs

How Can We Save Our Coral Reefs

Now scientists at the International Coral Reef Society have released what they call the “Coral Reef Covenant,” a list of 12 actions everyone can take to help protect corals and coral reefs.

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“This is an educational tool that reminds people that, ‘Wow, when I buy single-use plastic products, it affects coral reefs.’ When I don’t eat sustainably, it affects coral reefs. If I don’t vote, it affects coral reefs. So many environmental issues and climate change are affecting coral reefs,” said Andrea Grotoli, professor of earth sciences at Ohio State University and president of the International Coral Reef Society.

“Each of these actions is linked to sustainability, climate change mitigation and environmental protection,” said Grotoli, who led the development of the Coral Reef Pledge.

The Society, founded in 1980, is an international group of scientists focused on developing and sharing scientific knowledge that can be used to conserve coral reefs and coastal ecosystems, which prevent coastal erosion and provide homes and food for ocean life.

The pledge includes actions on how people can support policies that protect coral reefs, ways people can reduce their carbon footprint to help mitigate climate change, and things people can do to promote education and awareness about coral reefs .

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Society also advocates for the kind of large-scale political decisions that can bring about broader change as part of its broader plan of action. But, Grottoli said, such policy changes are often implemented when more people care about coral reefs and what’s happening to them.

“This is not just a problem at a high level of government,” she said. “This is something that everyone can do – a small thing or maybe many things – to do their part to help save coral reefs.”

Grottoli said the society based the pledge on concrete and achievable actions that everyone can take to help protect coral reefs. The society began talking about the pledge last year, but finalized it in video conference meetings due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

How Can We Save Our Coral Reefs

“Part of this is to recognize that we all have an individual responsibility, that if everyone makes some changes, it reduces our carbon footprint,” Grotoli said.

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She pointed to data showing that carbon dioxide emissions — a primary contributor to global warming — declined in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, when people were working from home and traveling.

“It’s not that we can’t do it – we can, and COVID has proven that we can make dramatic changes in the way we use and consume energy to get things done, that we can do it very quickly and not lose productivity.” And I think part of this promise is reminding people that what they do every day matters.”

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Ways You Can Help Protect The Reef

Nichols Appointed Woody Hayes Chair in National Security Studies Feb 9, 2023 | 10:30 America/New_York Read more Coral bleaching is a symptom of stress caused by warmer oceans. When the water is too warm, the corals will expel the algae that live in their tissues, causing the corals to turn completely white. Pollution and overfishing also damage reefs. Bleached coral is still alive and can recover, but some corals cannot.

Coral reefs are an incredibly important part of the global marine ecosystem. They cover only a small part of the ocean floor, but at least a quarter of all marine animals live around the reef. That is why they are called the rain forests of the sea. Fish lay their eggs close to the reef to keep them safe. Reefs also create areas where marine mammals can raise and feed their babies. Reefs even help clean the ocean!

Reefs are also important for people. Scientists are creating new drugs from coral that could cure all kinds of diseases. They call reefs “closets of the 21st century”.

How Can We Save Our Coral Reefs

Corals are groups of tiny animals called polyps. The polyps make outer shells for themselves that merge into a home that they all share!

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A reef is a ridge of natural material that rises above or is just below the surface of the ocean. Reefs are usually made of rocks, sand or coral.

The Great Barrier Reef consists of more than 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands. It is so big that it can be seen from space!

Artificial reefs can replace natural reefs that have disappeared. Piles of cinder blocks, construction debris, even shipwrecks can become new reefs.

First, sponges, algae and corals are anchors for them. Ocean currents also bring plankton to the reef. The small fish come to feed on the plankton, and then the bigger fish come to feed on the smaller fish. A new “ocean rainforest” was soon created!

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If you pass a small electric current through the metal, it helps the limestone to crystallize on its surface. Coral can be more easily attached to limestone. And electricity also helps corals grow faster!

Reef Rescue VR was created by Super 78, a themed attractions and technology studio, along with partners and developers in motion tracking software and hardware.

The partners demonstrated the technology as “Aquarium Earth” at SIGGRAPH, the annual conference on computer animation and advanced technology, in July 2016.

How Can We Save Our Coral Reefs

From creating immersive media to designing rich, immersive spaces, Super 78 builds worlds, real and virtual, that are unforgettable.

Coral Reefs: Strategies For Ecosystems On The Edge

Super 78 is a group of award-winning artists and technicians who deliver entertaining and educational stories across all platforms. Currently celebrating its 20th anniversary, this creative, production and special venues company extends well-known brands and intellectual property to global destinations and experiential markets.

With offices in Los Angeles and partners around the world, Super 78 continues to expand by creating, producing and owning animated and live graphics content for the global market.

Super 78 has earned acclaim and numerous accolades, including Emmy, Thea, Visual Effects Society, Telly and Create Nominations and Awards. Learn more at We work to protect and restore the world’s coral reefs from the effects of climate change and other impacts of human activity

Coral reefs, found in over 100 countries and territories worldwide, support ocean biodiversity and provide important economic, social, recreational and cultural benefits. Over 800 species of reef-building corals create habitats that house about 32% of all listed marine species, excluding microbes and fungi – 91% of marine species remain undescribed! 37% of fish are associated with tropical reef environments. Recent estimates suggest that more than 90% of coral reef species are unnamed and that the total number of reef species exceeds 800,000.

Coral Reef Protection

In the South Pacific, women divers are trying to save endangered coral reefs. For most people, fins, masks and wetsuits are recreational equipment. But for the non-profit group Sea Women of Melanesia, this year’s Earth Champion for Inspiration and Action, they are tools… Load all

To protect the world’s coral reefs from the impacts of climate change and other human activities, UN Environment promotes the use of sound science to manage ecosystem services in marine and coastal areas. Our partnership work on coral reefs focuses on:

Coral Reef Restoration Guidelines for the Tourism Sector Healthy coral reefs are essential to the Caribbean tourism industry, which drives local economies and supports hundreds of thousands of livelihoods across the region. Load all resources

How Can We Save Our Coral Reefs

Tropical coral reefs cover only 0.1 percent of the ocean, but they are among the most diverse ecosystems on the planet, supporting one quarter of all marine species. Read our latest reports and publications Learn more. Coral reefs contain an astonishing amount of biodiversity, provide food for millions of people, protect our coasts, create soil, are a source of natural materials used in pharmaceutical products and are intrinsically beautiful. They are vital to life on Earth and are currently in great danger of complete extinction. We can’t let this happen, but the window to save them is closing fast.

Environmental Justice Foundation

It supports the International Year of the Reef 2018 and calls on its members and the general public to engage in this conservation crisis and spread the word about the importance of coral reefs to the future of humanity.

Prof. James Crabb, an expert, addressed this topic at the prestigious Stanley Gray Lecture at the Institute, where he spoke about the history of coral reefs, their destruction and possible ways to revive them. The lecture was recorded and is again available for viewing.

He created an infographic with some easy ways you can help save coral reefs. You can download and share different versions of the infographic at the bottom of this article.

He also published a book on the subject Coral Reefs – A Handbook for Their Future by Orla Doherty, Director of the Biosphere Foundation. “This beautifully presented book takes the reader through an exploration of coral reef biology and views.”

What Is Being Done To Protect Coral Reefs From Climate Change?

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