How Can I Save Money On Groceries

How Can I Save Money On Groceries – If your budget needs a makeover, reducing your food expenses is a good place to start. Check out this list of 50 easy ways to save money on groceries. When you read these money saving tips, you’ll realize it’s not all about coupons!

Got serious about paying off my student loans, I knew I had to reduce my expenses. But there were so many indispensable bills in my life – rent, utilities, loan payments, gas, insurance, internet (don’t try to tell me this isn’t a necessity…). However, one of the expenses I felt I could cut back on was food – saving money on groceries was the low-hanging fruit in my budget.

How Can I Save Money On Groceries

How Can I Save Money On Groceries

Over the years I’ve learned tons of shopping tips to save money. This chart helped me save money on groceries when I was single. These tips are also still applicable now that I’m married, and I’m sure it will come in handy when we have a family!

Ways To Save Money On Your Holiday Groceries

Ok, I’ll start with an obvious one. Make sure you’re a member of your grocery store’s loyalty program, which gives you access to discounts only available to their loyal customers (including people who took 10 seconds to sign up for the loyalty card). Don’t forget to link your phone number to your card because you know you’re going to forget or lose the card at some point.

Does your grocery store have a smartphone app? Mine does and it’s amazing! Each week I can “clip” electronic coupons and they are added to my loyalty card. It is so nice to check out as there is no need for paper coupons.

You’re almost guaranteed to save money on groceries if you spend 30 seconds on the app before each grocery trip.

I recently created a “staples” list, which is just a core list of groceries I get each week at the store, regardless of what I plan to cook that week. They are affordable, versatile ingredients that I use every single week. My list includes things like bananas, broccoli, bell peppers, lettuce, tortillas, chicken breast, deli meats and cheeses, bagels, milk, orange juice, and a few other things.

Strategies To Save Money On Groceries

This core list streamlines my grocery shopping and I really only end up picking up a few other items required for the meals I plan to make for dinner. I’m in and out of the grocery store in no time and I know this list will save me time and money at the store.

Following my favorite budget-friendly food blogs has transformed my cooking repertoire and done wonders for my grocery bill. I love that someone else has taken the time to develop and test a recipe for deliciousness and affordability, and I always check these blogs before I go to the store.

Pinterest is a hub for great ideas. I love using it for recipes and I find myself constantly searching for “cheap dinner recipes”. Check out my board of amazing and affordable recipes.

How Can I Save Money On Groceries

Hands down, this is the top of the list. I never thought meal planning was for me. I thought it was more of a homeschool mom of 7 thing. But that’s not true! I quickly learned that as a single girl, in loads of student loan debt, meal planning would drastically reduce the money I spent at the grocery store. And every penny I saved could go towards my debt!

How To Grocery Shop For One Person

I created a printable to make sure I would meal plan each week…and I’m making it available to you! Just sign up below 🙂

Chances are, you probably cook the same 10 meals most of the time. Write down your list of go-to dinners with their ingredients. This will make meal planning and grocery shopping a breeze.

Once you’ve created a meal plan, and in addition to your to-do list, you should create a shopping list. This will prevent you from buying things you don’t need and you won’t forget ingredients that you do need!

Your pantry should not be an altar for all the food you have bought. Check your pantry before you go to the store so you don’t buy something you already have.

The Best Ways To Save Money On Groceries This Thanksgiving

You’d be lying if you said you’ve never forgotten your shopping list at home – it’s so frustrating! To prevent this, just use your smartphone to create a shopping list. I use the app Google Keep to save my shopping list. I think there is even a way to give someone else (like your husband/wife) access to the list so they can add to it from their smartphone!

While you shouldn’t eat before you swim (<– that's a thing, right?), you should definitely eat before you shop!

If I go to the store hungry, I come home with about $30 worth of snacks. Everything looks good if I’m hungry!

How Can I Save Money On Groceries

The more you go to the grocery store, the more you will spend on food. Currently I go to the grocery store every Sunday because once a week seems to work for me. I tried to do every other week, but it didn’t work (I ended up spending way more money eating out).

Tips To Save Money On Groceries

While I’m not a huge fan of clipping coupons, I know it works wonders for some people. You can find coupons in your Sunday paper, online, or even in the store (my grocery store has coupons hanging under certain items). Just make sure you don’t buy anything with a coupon that you don’t need!

See the store’s weekly flyer to see what’s on sale. Any great deals on the staples you typically get? Collect supplies! Can you make a dinner out of some of the good deals?

It seems obvious, right? When I started aggressively paying off my debt and reigning in my budget, my food budget was the first to be cut. I averaged my last months food expenses and set my budget at about 80% of that. I had $50 each week to spend on groceries. If I checked out and my bill ended up being $55, I took $5 worth of items off the counter. It was a little embarrassing, but I refused to go over budget!

You are already one step ahead if you have a shopping list. But the challenge comes in sticking to the list and avoiding the temptations. Make a rule that you will not buy anything that is not on your list and it will save you big money!

Ways To Save Money On Groceries During Covid 19

Check the meat counter at your grocery store to see if the prices differ from the prepackaged meats already displayed. At my grocery store, the butcher sells chicken breasts for $1.99/pound, while the chicken breasts shown are $2.99/pound. Crazy! These are the same things! It takes 2 seconds to chat with the butcher and ask for chicken and I save 30%. See?, it can be super easy to save money on groceries.

If your spouse or children tend to make you overspend (throw things in the cart), leave them alone!

In my case, shopping with my husband makes me buy less stuff, so if I can, I bring him!

How Can I Save Money On Groceries

If you know you won’t eat it, don’t buy it. Even if it’s on sale. There is no way you are going to finish 4 lbs of strawberries before they expire.

How I’m Saving Money On Groceries In 2022

Your grocery store probably has a clearance aisle or clearance section in the back of the store that can save you some money. The food still tastes the same, so give it a try. Just make sure you don’t buy any dented cans in the opening section – dents can allow bacteria to form and grow and can make you very sick.

Have you been going to the same grocery store for years? Go out and try a new grocery store. You may be surprised at the difference in prices between stores. This can be an easy saving for you.

There are a lot of discount grocers in my area (many of them are international grocers, but we also have an Aldi). They are much cheaper than the typical grocery store and definitely worth checking out!

For a long time I was very against buying store brand food because I thought it wouldn’t taste as good. Turns out I was wrong (mostly). Ketchup, cream cheese, canned food, pasta – I can’t tell the difference between store and name brand.

How To Save Money On Groceries (using These 6 Hacks!)

My advice is to start converting slowly. Every time you go to the store, try a store brand instead of a name brand. If you like it, honey!, you’ll save money now every time you buy that product.

Always ask yourself if there is a cheaper solution. For example, if you typically buy cans of beans, try getting a bag of dried beans – they’re typically much cheaper.

Getting pre-cut vegetables is more than twice as expensive as just buying whole vegetables. Just spend 5 minutes cutting the vegetables and save money. Paying more to buy spicy chicken seems so silly, especially if you have a cupboard full of spices anyway!

How Can I Save Money On Groceries

Did you know that the sticker under each item in the store not only tells

How To Save Money On Groceries: 3 Tips To Cut Costs

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About ricky

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