Federal Student Loan Interest Rates

Federal Student Loan Interest Rates – Formats are available upon request by ordering online or by calling 1 800 O-(1-800-622-6232). If you are using a teletypewriter (

Our country’s future prosperity depends on Canadians getting the education and training they need to find good jobs. Yet many still face barriers that prevent them from continuing after high school. That’s why we’re taking steps to strengthen student financial aid.

Federal Student Loan Interest Rates

Federal Student Loan Interest Rates

We awarded more than $1.6 billion in student scholarships to more than 533,000 Canadian post-secondary students, a 9% increase in the number of recipients and an 18% increase in value compared to the previous year. We also provided $3.6 billion in loans to 625,000 students, and more than 330,000 borrowers received assistance under the Repayment Assistance Plan.

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We’ve introduced new measures that will make it easier for students to manage their loans, including reducing student loan interest rates and eliminating the 6-month grace period.

We have also made significant improvements in service delivery. Students can now use the National Student Loan Center’s online portal on the device of their choice. Through the portal, they can access information about their loan agreements, update their personal information, speak with a virtual payment advisor and take advantage of many other easy-to-use features.

As you will see in the 2018 to 2019 Annual Report, the Student Loan Program plays a key role in making post-secondary education more accessible and affordable. The benefits of higher education extend beyond students to all Canadians, and through these investments in the Program, we are building a more prosperous .

This annual report serves to inform Parliament and Canadians about financial assistance for post-secondary students under the Student Loans Program (CSLP). It provides information and data on grants, loans, down payment assistance and other program benefits during the 2018 to 2019 loan year (August 1, 2018 to July 31, 2019).

College Planning Archives

Further detailed information, including past reports and comprehensive CSLP statistical reviews, is available on the Government’s website: Student Loans Program Reports.

The mission of Employment and Social Development (ESDC), including the Work Program and Services, is to build a stronger and more inclusive, support Canadians by helping them live productive and rewarding lives and improve the quality of life for Canadians.

The CSLP provides targeted grants and need-based loans to help students access post-secondary education and offers repayment assistance to borrowers with financial difficulties.

Federal Student Loan Interest Rates

The government of recognizes the importance of student financial aid for post-secondary students in achieving their educational goals and ultimately succeeding as contributing members of a productive workforce.

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CSLP works in collaboration with provincial and territorial governments to provide student financial aid to Canadian students. Quebec, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories do not participate in the CSLP, but receive annual alternative payments to support their own student financial aid programs. Applicants in the remaining ten jurisdictions are evaluated for federal and provincial grants and loans through a single application process.

During the 2018 to 2019 loan year, approximately 754,000 postsecondary students received CSLP financial assistance in the form of grants, loans, or interest subsidies while studying. The CSLP provided $1.6 billion in non-repayable student grants (CSGs) to over 533,000 students and $3.6 billion in student loans (CSLs) to 625,000 students. In addition, the 3 non-participating jurisdictions received $492.3 million in alternative payments for the 2018-2019 loan year.

As announced in Budget 2017, the Government made the following improvements to the program in 2018 to 2019:

Amendments to the Student Financial Aid Act so that students who are registered under the Indian Act but do not have Canadian citizenship can access the CSLP.

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Following are the main highlights of the CSLP components in the 2018 to 2019 loan year.

In 2018 to 2019, 533,000 students received $1.6 billion in financial aid that they will not have to pay back; this represents an increase of 9% in the number of recipients and 18% in the value of grants compared to the previous year of the loan.

Student Scholarships (CSG) provide grant-in-aid funding to full-time and part-time students and are aimed at students from low- and middle-income families, students with permanent disabilities and dependents. Students are automatically assessed for CSG when they apply for student financial aid through their province or territory of residence.

Federal Student Loan Interest Rates

The number of students who received a student grant for full-time students with dependents increased by 58% in the 2018 to 2019 loan year, and the value increased by 48%. The number of part-time students awarded scholarships increased 34% to 28,500 and the value increased 33% to $44 million. This is mainly due to a significant increase in the number of students who received student scholarships for part-time students with dependents (+603%) and student scholarships for part-time students (+34%).

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In the 2018 to 2019 loan year, CSLP disbursed $120 million in grants to 50,500 students with permanent disabilities in Student Grants for Students with Permanent Disabilities and Student Services and Equipment Grants for Students with Permanent Disabilities, an increase of 9 % in the number of recipients and 9% in the value of the previous credit year.

The following chart shows the distribution of student scholarships for full-time and part-time students by province or territory.

During the 2018 to 2019 loan year, approximately 625,000 students received $3.6 billion in student loans; this represents an increase of 6% in the number of recipients and 7% in the value of credits compared to the previous credit year.

The Student Loans Program provides eligible students with grants and loans to help them pay for their tuition, books, mandatory fees, living expenses and transportation. Student loans are available to Canadian students with demonstrated financial need who are enrolled in degree, diploma or certificate programs at designated post-secondary educational institutions at home and abroad.

Why Are Student Loan Interest Rates So High?

The following table provides a summary of student loans for full-time and part-time students by province or territory.

Unlike traditional loans, student loans do not accrue interest while the borrower is in school, but rather interest begins to accrue after the borrower leaves school.

Borrowers are not required to make payments for the first 6 months after the end of their studies. From November 2019, the 6-month grace period is also interest-free.

Federal Student Loan Interest Rates

After 6 months, borrowers start paying off their loans in monthly payments, usually over a period of 114 months (9.5 years). Depending on their financial situation and income level, borrowers can revise their repayment terms to pay faster or extend the payment period to reduce their monthly payments (up to a maximum of 14.5 years).

Should You Accept All The Federal Student Loans You’re Offered?

The average student loan balance at the time of leaving school was $13,367 for the 2018 to 2019 loan year. The increase in available grants and students not having to rely as heavily on loans means that student debt remains relatively stable in the past years.

Differences in loan balances reflect each student’s specific situation. Loan balances are measured at the time of leaving school, which includes students who graduate as well as those who do not complete their program of study. Among the key factors accounting for the differences are the type and location of the institution, as well as the program of study. In the 2018 to 2019 loan year, the average student loan balance was $17,200, higher than that of college students ($10,242) and those attending private institutions ($11,041). This difference is partly due to the fact that university programs generally take longer to complete.

More than 330,000 borrowers received assistance under the Payoff Assistance Plan in the 2018 to 2019 loan year; an increase of 1% over the previous credit year.

The Repayment Assistance Plan (RAP) is available to help borrowers who are having difficulty repaying their student loans.

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A borrower does not have to pay off their student loan until they earn at least $25,000 a year. This income threshold is adjusted based on family size, meaning a family of four will not be required to pay until they earn at least $59,512. To stay on the RAP, borrowers must reapply every 6 months.

RAP offers different benefits depending on whether borrowers need short-term help soon after entering repayment or longer-term help after many years in repayment.

For the first 5 years of the RAP (RAP Stage 1), the government pays the interest that is not covered by the borrower’s monthly payment on their student loan. For borrowers with longer-term financial difficulties (over 5 years), the government starts contributing to both principal and interest (RAP Stage 2) so that the loan is fully repaid 15 years after leaving school. If a borrower already has more than 10 years of repayment when they first apply for RAP, they will be in Stage 2 from the start, meaning the government will contribute to both the interest and principal.

Federal Student Loan Interest Rates

The government pays both the interest and the principal

Student Loan Calculator Canada

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