Educational Activities For Two Year Olds

Educational Activities For Two Year Olds – Discover fun developmental activities for two year olds! From educational activities to outdoor activities to crafts, get a list of ideas to do with your toddler.

I don’t stock sensory bins or organize card trays at home. I also don’t like how many toddler activities seem to be focused on

Educational Activities For Two Year Olds

Educational Activities For Two Year Olds

And I’m more interested in child-directed learning, not the “end product”. It’s not so much about creating a beautiful item as it is about allowing children to be curious and ask questions.

Easy Activities For 2 Year Olds

Still, even as a non-crafty mom, I wanted to provide my two-year-olds with developmental activities that encouraged their desire to learn and explore. After all, toddlers still have the same curiosity as when they were babies, but with the ability to perform more complex tasks.

You are more than ready to teach cognitive skills – you just need to do it in simple ways. You prefer to use common materials in your home and find simple activities to fit into your busy schedule. And you’re looking for things to do that your two-year-old will be doing in kindergarten that will make her brain.

Below, I’ve listed the best activities I did with my kids when they were this age. I’ve divided them into five categories for a total of 30 activities (making for a fun month-long challenge!) These activities are bound to keep your toddler busy and engaged.

However, I intentionally kept these activities realistic as well. You won’t need to buy science kits or abundant craft supplies. if you

Apple Activities For Toddlers

. We’re all busy, and we know two-year-olds don’t exactly sit still for hours at a time. They can certainly go at their own pace.

“I don’t even comment on blogs. But my toddler is going through the only dad’s desire phase and I’m trying to introduce new activities we can do together in our quality time and it’s really helped. Just wanted to say thanks for putting these ideas and resources together!” -Kaitlyn

Roll play dough into balls and count them one by one while placing them in a pile. Roll them into long threads and spell out the letters of your child’s name. Encourage fine motor skills by letting them pinch bits and pieces from a large doo ball.

Educational Activities For Two Year Olds

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Play & Learn Activities For Babies: 65 Simple Ways To Promote Growth And Development From Birth To Two Years Old: Fathi, Hannah: 9781645673989: Books

Take a sheet of paper, cut it in half and explain how the two parts make up the whole paper. After that, cut the two parts in half, creating quarters. Keep going, make figure eights.

After each round of cutting, assemble the paper so your child can see how all the pieces form the original sheet. You can also get these pizza toys to make it even more fun.

Using flashcards or index cards, write two sets of letters of the alphabet and ask your child to match them together. Start with a few at a time to avoid overwhelming her with all 26. Either way, keep the letters the same color so she knows she’s matching the letters by shape, not color.

Cut out tiny pieces of colored paper – for example, blue, red, yellow and green. Then, on separate sheets of paper, draw two circles on each sheet using different colored pencils. One sheet will have a blue circle and a red circle, while the other has a yellow and green circle.

Learn Colors Wall Printable Activity For Toddlers And Preschoolers

Finally, ask your child to glue the cut pieces into matching colored circles (eg green pieces into the green circle).

Using the three primary colors, show your child how to mix and match to create new colors. Some to try include:

Have your child practice numbers with dot markers. Print two sheets of paper in landscape format, with the numbers 1-10 along the side. Show her how to color the appropriate number of dots next to each letter, counting along with her.

Educational Activities For Two Year Olds

Free Printables: Make these activities even easier with these pre-made printables! You will receive a set to play the matching game, sheets to glue by color, printables to count with dot markers and examples of my workbook, letters and numbers.

More Than 15 Printable Fall Activities For Toddlers

Take the printable package below – at no cost to you. You’ll also receive my newsletters, which parents say they love:

“I loved this email, it came right when I needed it! Thanks so much for sharing your insights and helping me see things differently!” -Alejandra Marambio

Find a group of similar items and sort them by color. Some ideas include building blocks, magnets, cars – whatever you have stored in the box! Then, make different piles or lay out empty bowls, one for each color.

. Count toys like building blocks and pom poms, or snacks like crackers and carrots. Use every opportunity to count. Climbing a set of stairs? Count the steps you take. Pushing her on a swing? Count every time you give her a push.

Gross Motor Activities For Toddlers And Preschoolers

Play a game of sorting by size, using 10 pieces of paper strips, between 1 and 10 inches long. For example, you’ll have one piece that’s one inch long, then another that’s two inches long, and so on.

Once you have all 10 pieces, mix them up on the ground and encourage your child to arrange them in order, from smallest (1 inch) to largest (10 inches).

Collect some household materials or toys and experiment to see which sink or float. You can do this while taking a bath, or pour water into a large container, such as a bowl, water table, or kiddie pool. Find water-safe items with varying weights so your child can see different results.

Educational Activities For Two Year Olds

My kids played with a set of foam alphabet pieces, which they used to further learn about letters and numbers. I would also show them simple words to spell, or how certain letters go together to make their names.

Easy Arts And Crafts Activities For 2 Year Olds

Worksheets like the ones in my Letters and Numbers Workbook are another fun way to introduce your child to the alphabet. Start with capital letters and encourage him to “trace” with his fingers, before moving on to smaller letters to trace with a pencil or crayon.

Make a list of items your child is likely to find outside and help her collect her finds. Some ideas include leaves, twigs, rocks, pebbles or flowers. Bring a bag to store the items, and cross the item off your list once you find what you’re looking for.

The type of item during your nature walk. For example, my son loved finding baby pine cones, which our local park had plenty of. We would just make a pile of pine cones on a wooden base until we found almost all of them.

Collect a variety of leaves outside, line up your findings and talk about how each leaf looks and feels. You can talk about the different textures, colors or shapes, and describe why some are soft and green while others are brown and wrinkled. This will help build your child’s vocabulary!

Montessori Inspired Math Activities For Toddlers

Plant a seed and watch it grow over the next few days and weeks. Depending on the weather, you can start the seeds in small containers indoors, or sow them directly in the soil outside. And stick to large seeds like sunflowers or green beans – they’re easier to hold

At a children’s birthday party at a friend’s house, the children were intrigued with nothing more than a simple bucket of ice. They find an empty water cooler with only ice and water, grab pieces of ice and move them to the grass to watch it melt.

You can do something similar by placing some ice cubes in a bowl and going outside. Allow your child to grab the ice cubes and place them on the ground. Talk about the differences between how it melts on the grass versus the hot concrete.

Educational Activities For Two Year Olds

Find a spot in your backyard or park and pour water into the soil. You can even bring in kitchen play items or old kitchen utensils that you no longer use for your child to play pretend with the mud.

A Moon And Sun Theme For Toddlers — Montessori In Real Life

Take some sidewalk chalk and head to your sidewalk or park. Draw pictures, write words and practice coloring in shapes. The sidewalk chalk allows her to be creative, in a different way than the pencils and crayons she probably uses often.

Encourage your child to do chores with a simple sweep! Using painter’s tape (we have a bunch of this at home), create a square on your kitchen floor. Then,  with a child-sized broom, have her sweep all the dirt from the rest of the floor into that square.

Place a bowl and measuring cup filled with water on baking paper. (I like this oxo because it’s lightweight with a rubber grip for easy handling.) Next, have your child pour water from the measuring cup into the bowl.

Using two measuring cups, she can pour the water into one measuring cup, go back and forth easily. It can also spill small items such as dry rice, beans or sand.

Color Activities For Toddlers, Preschool And Kindergarten

With liquid droppers for kids like these, show your child how to collect water by pinching the dough and dipping the tip in a bowl of water.

So take her

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About ricky

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