Easy Ways To Save Energy

Easy Ways To Save Energy – Cold weather has arrived in Texas. Although extreme cold temperatures are rare in most of our state, cold weather still has an impact on energy bills. Across Texas, heating accounts for an average of 22 percent of household energy use. And with rising fuel prices, most US households can expect higher heating costs this winter.

Fortunately, there are simple ways to save energy. By saving energy, you not only save money, but also help keep the air clean. Energy is generated using fuels such as oil, coal and gas, which can affect air quality. Through simple measures, Texans can lower their energy use by reducing the need for energy production and consequently reducing emissions.

Easy Ways To Save Energy

Easy Ways To Save Energy

Check out the energy saving tips and infographic below and share it with your readers. As temperatures continue to drop, you and your neighbors can feel the warmth knowing you’re doing something good for the environment — and your wallets.

Save Energy And Keep Cool This Summer

1. Keep your heating system running efficiently. Schedule service and replace the air filter as recommended by the manufacturer. A dirty filter slows down the air, making the system work harder, wasting energy.

2. Turn off kitchen, bathroom and other fans within 20 minutes of finishing cooking or bathing.

3. About 30 percent of a home’s heating energy is lost through windows. Window coverings, such as close-fitting, insulating curtains or blinds, can reduce energy loss and improve home comfort. You can also use a heavy-duty clear plastic sheet over the frame or stick clear plastic film to the inside of window frames during the cold months.

4. Open the curtains on south-facing windows during the day so that sunlight naturally warms your home. Keep them closed at night to reduce the chill you may feel from cold windows.

Easy Ways To Save Energy Without Extra Effort

5. Adjust the thermostat. To reduce energy consumption, set the temperature to 68 degrees or lower in winter. A smart or programmable thermostat can make it easier to lower the temperature.

6. In winter, reverse the ceiling fan to direct warm air from the ceiling into the room; the blades should be set to low speed and rotate clockwise.

7. Heat your home to save up to 10 percent on your energy bills. Seal air gaps around windows, doors, pipes, chimneys, built-in lights and unfinished spaces. Make sure your home is properly insulated.

Easy Ways To Save Energy

8. Keeping a fireplace damper open is like keeping a window open, so close the damper unless there is a fire. If you never use the fireplace, plug and seal the flue. Check the gasket on the shock absorber and set it as tight as possible. Add caulk around the fireplace hearth.

Easy Ways To Reduce Your Electrical Consumption (and Save Money!)

Looking for more infographics to share on your social media channels or in your newsletter? Check out the Take Care of Texas website for lots of infographics on topics that will help your communities save water and energy, reduce waste, and keep air and water clean. View all blog posts in the Articles | section View all blog posts in the Online Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), the average consumption of electricity by an individual customer in 2018 was 914 kilowatt hours per month. The American Institute of Geosciences reports that more than 7 billion barrels of petroleum products are used daily in the United States. According to the EIA, total primary energy use in the United States has increased significantly since 1950, from around 35 quadrillion British thermal units (Btu) to just over 100 quadrillion Btu in 2018. These numbers may not seem surprising given how quickly the United States The United States has developed over the last few decades. However, both the production and consumption of energy have been shown to have a negative impact on our environment.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that natural gas, coal and nuclear power contribute to the generation of electricity in the United States, and almost every step in the power system can have an adverse environmental impact. Burning fuels can increase greenhouse gas emissions, discharges into water systems and resources can cause pollution, and animals and ecosystems can suffer. It is not always easy to find ways to reduce the negative impact of energy consumption on the environment. Both individuals and organizations can make a positive difference by finding ways to conserve energy at home and in the office. These measures not only help reduce potentially harmful environmental impacts, but can also save money and resources.

Solar panels collect the energy emitted by the sun. They are a much greener, more cost-effective alternative to fossil fuel-fired power plants. According to Live Science, solar panels allow photons to knock free electrons from atoms, generating a flow of electricity. Installation costs and energy savings vary by state as well as size. SolarReviews reports that for the average home, after tax credits, it costs just over $11,000 to install a 4kW system and just under $41,500 for a 20kW system. According to Energy Sage, solar panels can help consumers save $10-30,000 a year in energy costs. Beyond the significant savings associated with switching to solar energy, the environmental benefits are huge. Other than the purchase and installation of a specific solar system, any energy consumption from that system is actually free. The more a home or organization is able to use the energy harvested by solar panels, the less it has to rely on electricity from fossil fuels.

Abc’s Of Energy Efficiency

According to the Earth Day 2018 factsheet, Americans buy about 50 billion bottles of water a year, which equates to more than 13 bottles a month for every person in the country. Every person who uses a reusable bottle, such as a Nalgene bottle, can save over 150 plastic bottles a year.

It is important to consider how excessive bottle use negatively affects the environment. In an exclusive article, The Guardian reports that by 2021, the annual consumption of water bottles will exceed half a trillion, far more than recycling facilities can process, threatening oceans and other environments. In addition, the production of plastic bottles requires significant energy and often uses sources that have an environmental impact.

One person can make a positive, significant impact on the environment and reduce the use of plastic bottles to zero by choosing a reusable bottle. Every time people fill reusable bottles instead of buying plastic, they save money and energy.

Easy Ways To Save Energy

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, in 2010, 68% of light bulbs installed in U.S. homes were traditional incandescent bulbs

Easy Ways To Save Energy This Summer

. That percentage fell to just 6% in 2016, with 44% of light bulbs in American homes being more energy efficient compact fluorescent (CFL) lamps.

The U.S. Department of Energy notes that using Energy Star-compliant bulbs can save you $45 a year in energy costs. Similarly, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) can last 10 times longer while using only a quarter of the energy, helping consumers save money over time. LED lights also have a much longer lifespan than incandescent bulbs, which helps you save money. Simply put, energy saving light bulbs save you money.

How much it costs to heat a particular home or office may depend on the type of energy used as well as the location. Apartment List notes that the average cost of a gas heater is around $40 a month, while an electric heater costs around $160 a month. It’s important to remember how much energy – and money – you can lose heating an empty home or office. The DOE reports that as much as 10% of home heating and cooling costs can be saved by turning the dial down 7 to 10 degrees during a standard eight-hour workday. This can be achieved with a programmable thermostat that allows users to heat or cool their apartments on a schedule. Given that the EIA attributes more than half of household energy costs to heating and air conditioning, reducing this consumption is another way to save energy and money.

Those trying to save energy with a programmable thermostat may thwart their efforts if they don’t use energy efficient windows. According to the DOE, heat gain and loss through windows account for nearly a third of total heating and cooling use. Homeowners may assume that when their windows are closed, heat does not escape; but leaks around the windows themselves can allow air to escape. NerdWallet reports that window replacements can cost $500 apiece or more if new frames are needed, and it can take several decades for the financial costs to be recouped. However, installing more efficient windows is an effective way to save energy over time, even if the economic savings may not materialize initially.

Easy Bingo Game To Teach Kids To Conserve Energy

Home appliances are a significant source of energy consumption in a home or office. Wholesale Solar notes that the daily energy consumption of a dishwasher is 1,200 to 1,500 watts and an oven is 1,200 watts.

Home and business owners can help reduce their energy consumption by using Energy Star branded appliances that are more energy efficient and can help consumers save money over time, even if they can

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