Dog Behavioral Therapist Near Me

Dog Behavioral Therapist Near Me – My name is Ashley Kutschke, your local therapist for the Bark Busters Dog Training Sudbury home and the North Bay region. I help families improve their lives by teaching them to have well-behaved dogs. My adoration for four-legged creatures is what landed me in the Bark Busters training academy.

After an intensive training program in beautiful Squamish BC, I began helping people better understand and communicate effectively with their dogs in Sudbury, North Bay and the surrounding areas. I grew up in the North and am grateful to have raised my family here. Geography can be a paradise for dogs, and many people have dogs.

Dog Behavioral Therapist Near Me

Dog Behavioral Therapist Near Me

I have the privilege of working ONE on ONE in clients’ homes, listening to their concerns and empathizing with their struggles. I take the time to explain what is causing their behavioral challenges and how we can address and resolve these challenges. After our first two to three hour session, I get to see the relief and delight clients feel when they realize how easy it can be to have a calm and relaxed canine companion.

Professional Dog Training & Behavior Therapy

Our natural methods do not require punishment or force. No dog needs to feel pain to learn. Nor do we turn humans into living care dispensers. Throw away the shock and prong collars, ditch the treat fanny pack, Bark Busters really are a better way to a better dog.

When humans and dogs form a pack, someone is always training, let’s make sure it’s not YOU who is training. Let me help you build trust and respect with your dog, and communicate in a way he understands.

I will do my best to help you achieve the lasting results you are looking for, when you do your part we cannot help but be successful. Our program offers lifelong training for your dog. If there are bumps in the road or if you fall off the track, make time for some extra help, at no extra charge. Even in tough cases like aggression and separation anxiety, I will work with you and find the solutions you need. Bark Busters trainers are all over the world, we are professionals working towards a common goal of helping dogs. We have a huge network of highly skilled professionals who are always ready to solve puzzles as a team. We are recommended by many veterinarians. Do you need to relocate to a different city? We can transfer you to the nearest trainer in your area, and rest assured that we have you covered.

Don’t waste any more time, stop barking, jumping, stop aggression and have a calm dog with excellent manners. It is invaluable, for your peace of mind and for your dog’s well-being.

What Is A Dog Behaviorist?

“My husband and I purchased a mixed breed puppy (Rotti/Lab x Belgian Malinois) who grew much larger than we anticipated, along with the high energy of the malinois. I knew I needed to get a handle on this big guy so headed to a puppy class. After I “graduated” I left frustrated and still get dragged by my pup with no idea what to do next. Then I called Ashley and she changed our world. You immediately see the love she has for animals and you really want to help you and make sure you have a clear vision and understanding of how to handle your dog in a calm and gentle way. Like anything, you have to put in the work, but the results will catch you off guard. our pup tries to herd around the yard, nipping and barking with us, after 1 lesson to work on this he stops doing it but it’s just a joy to be in the yard and play with it. The best thing is Ashley is always there for you so never you feel frustrated or you are not sure what to do next.If you need an eye na with your pup, call Ashley, you won’t be disappointed. THANK YOU Ashley from Sandy, Pat and Apollo.”

“Ashley is absolutely amazing. After only the first 15 minutes with Bella, our new 11 week old rescue lab/mix puppy, she was like a different puppy! And it was it only gets better from there! Ashley has been a real benefit to us as this is our first puppy. She has become more of a positive team player helping our puppy (and us), becoming well trained and happy and well mannered. We have learned how to manage and make changes to bad behavior, and Bella has responded so well to Ashley’s training! I don’t know what we would do without her and I definitely highly recommend Ashley being a part of your dogs life too. She is amazing and we are so thankful for her and Bark Busters! Thank you Ashley!!! !”

Contact us now! We would love to hear about your dog and discuss how we can help. Call: 1 866-418-4584 or Email using the form below.

Dog Behavioral Therapist Near Me

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Dog And Cat Therapy And Pet Insurance

Cookies are used to make this website work and to improve your experience. To learn more about the types of cookies this website uses, see our Cookie Policy. We need your consent to use marketing cookies. Marketing cookies are used to track visitors to websites. The intent is to display ads (via third-party services) that are relevant and engaging to individual users. Please check the box below to indicate your consent. Remember how happy you were if your parents gave you a dollar for every A on your report card? They made you want to do it again, didn’t they? That’s positive reinforcement.

Dogs don’t care about money. They care about praise—and food or toys. Positive reinforcement training uses a reward (treat, praise, toys, anything the dog finds rewarding) for desired behavior. Because the reward makes them more likely to repeat the behavior, positive reinforcement is one of your most powerful tools to shape or change your dog’s behavior.

Rewarding your dog for good behavior sounds pretty simple and it is! But to practice the technique effectively, you must follow some basic guidelines.

Sign up to receive our exclusive e-book full of important information about caring for your pet, including training techniques and answers to frequently asked questions.

Dog Training In Windsor, Chatham And Essex

Correct timing is essential when using positive reinforcement. The reward must occur immediately (within seconds) of the desired behavior, or your pet may not associate it with the appropriate action. For example, if you have your dog sit but reward him after he has sat back, they will think they are being rewarded for standing.

Dogs do not understand sentences. “Daisy, I want you to be a good girl and sit for me now” will probably earn you a blank stare. In fact, dogs learn first from our body language, so first work on encouraging your dog to “sit” or “down” before asking them with a word. While holding a toy or treat, move your hand above and slightly behind your dog’s head so they sit to look up and see it. When your dog is sitting, you can lure them into a down position by slowly lowering your hand and bringing the reward close to the ground between their front legs.

Once your dog is performing the behavior consistently, start adding the word “sit” or “down” in a calm voice and try not to repeat the word. Keep verbal cues short and uncomplicated.

Dog Behavioral Therapist Near Me

Everyone in the family should use the same cues, otherwise your dog may get confused. It may help to post a list of pointers where everyone can become familiar with them.

Common Behavior Problems Of Dogs & Cats & Solutions

Positive reinforcement is great for teaching your dog and is also a good way to reinforce good behavior. You can have your dog sit:

Give them a pat or “good dog” for lying quietly by your feet or slip a treat into a Kong type toy when they chew that instead of your shoe.

Be careful not to inadvertently use positive reinforcement to reward unwanted behavior. For example, if you let your dog out every time he barks at noises in the neighborhood, you are giving a reward (access to the yard) for the behavior you want to discourage.

It may take time for your dog to learn certain behaviors. You may need to use a technique called “shaping”, which means reinforcing something close to the desired response and then gradually requiring more of your dog before he gets a treat.

Dogs Get Anxiety, Too

For example, if you are teaching your dog to “shake,” you can initially reward him for lifting a paw off the ground, then for lifting it up, then for touching your hand, then for letting you hold his leg and finally, for “shaking hands” with you.

Positive reinforcement can include food treats, praise, petting, or a favorite toy or game. As most dogs are many

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