Do Male Nurses Get Paid More

Do Male Nurses Get Paid More – Nursing is one of the few well-paid, predominantly female professions; Male nurses constitute only 13% of nurses. Overall, the average RN earns about $39.78 per year. Yet, despite holding fewer nursing jobs, men earn more than women in the field.

According to an American Journal of Nursing study of 294,000 nurses, male RNs earn $10,000 more per year than their female RN counterparts, although that gap narrows to $5,100 when adjusted for age, education and other factors. Special.

Do Male Nurses Get Paid More

Do Male Nurses Get Paid More

Male nurses work and interactions with their employers may account for the wage gap. These are some of the differences:

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Regardless of your gender or current salary, any nurse can benefit from understanding key ways to increase what they can earn. Here are five ways to increase your salary as a nurse:

If you enjoy your current position but want to increase your salary, try taking on more responsibility. Shift leader, charge nurse, nurse educator or manager or faculty positions usually come with a boost in earnings. Many facilities prefer to hire from within for these positions, so you already have an advantage.

Daily nursing allows you to have a flexible side gig outside of your full-time role. You can get extra shifts at your hospital or another employer of your choice. You also decide when you want to work.

If you’re ready to continue your education, advanced practice nurses such as certified registered nurse anesthetists, psychiatric nurses, pediatric nurses, and family nurse practitioners make the most money of all nurses.

Rethinking The Term “male Nurse”

Salaries between specialties vary greatly. If a higher salary is your goal, explore different specialties.

Cardiac electrophysiology lab nurse, catheter lab nurse, pain management nurse, and PICU nurse are some of the highest paying RN specialties.

Wages vary dramatically between regions. If relocating is an option for you, consider higher-income states or cities — but be sure to factor in the cost of living in each of those areas.

Do Male Nurses Get Paid More

Nurses in the Pacific region earn significantly more than nurses in the East South-Central region. Although the cost of living is higher, the salary difference can be as much as 58%.

Nursing Statistics In The Us

If you want to find out how much you can earn as a male RN or female RN, or to see what nurses are making in your area and across the country, Incredible Health’s Nurse Salary Estimator. Copyright © 2023, Los Angeles Times | Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | CA Collection Notice | Do not sell or share my personal information

Nurses treat a patient at UCLA Medical Center in Santa Monica. A new study finds that registered nurses earn more for women than for men.

When Linda Hippolyte first entered nursing, she thought everyone at her hospital was paid based on their experience and education.

But when she looked at other nurses’ salaries at Parkview Community Hospital in Riverside, she was surprised.

Chart: Nursing Pay Gap: Men Earn Far More Than Women

“You can really see the difference,” she said, noting that male nurses make more. “Why did this man, with the same experience, create more than this woman?”

For nurses, as for everyone else in the American workforce today, it pays to be a man.

New research shows that male registered nurses earn $11,000 more per year than RNs — and only half of that difference can be explained by factors like education, work experience and clinical specialty.

Do Male Nurses Get Paid More

That leaves a $5,148 salary gap that discriminates against women, who make up the majority of the nursing workforce, according to a study published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Assn.

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Nearly 2.5 million women — and the families they support — are shortchanged by the gender-based wage gap, the researchers who conducted the study said.

“Nursing has traditionally been a female-dominated profession, and it’s a big profession,” said study leader Ulrike Muench, a nurse practitioner and doctoral student at Yale University who studies nursing, health policy and healthcare economics at UC San Francisco. “A difference that affects a significant portion of the labor force.”

Muench and colleagues from Yale and Vanderbilt universities analyzed two decades of salary data from a national sample survey of registered nurses. Before the survey ended in 2008, it collected data every four years from more than 30,000 RNs across the country. In total, the study sample included responses from 87,903 full-time RNs, 93% of whom were women.

In the raw analysis, the researchers found that the average salary for men was $10,775 higher than for women. That discrepancy can be seen in every census year up to 1988. Although the gap appeared narrow in the mid and late 1990s, it widened again after 2000.

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Even after the panel accounted for factors such as location, hours worked per week, years of experience and nursing degree, men earned $5,148 more than women.

Nurses earn an average of $66,973 per year, which is 8% higher than men.

In some nursing specialties, the gap was even wider. In cardiology, for example, male RNs earned $6,034 more than their female counterparts. Only one specialty—orthopedics—did not have a pay gap large enough to be considered statistically significant.

Do Male Nurses Get Paid More

Workplace is also important. Nurses caring for hospital patients took home $3,873 more per year if they were men, the study found. In outpatient settings, men earned $7,678 more than women.

Is The Difference In Work Hours The Real Reason For The Gender Wage Gap? [interactive Infographic]

To see if the situation has improved since 2008, researchers compared the salaries of 200,000 RNs who participated in the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey between 2001 and 2013. In this sample, male 10% of nurses earned an average of $9,562 more per year than female based on an unadjusted analysis.

Peter McMenamin is a health economist for the American Nurses Association. Silver Spring, MD, said the study was “well done” and found the gender pay gap “staggering.”

“Any difference should reflect differences in experience and skill, perhaps cost of living, but not gender,” he said.

But McMenamin also notes that the limitations of the data used in the JAMA study may have overrepresented the extent of the wage gap — and that nursing, as a field, was more equitable than most.

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In 1963, when President Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act, women earned only 59.8 cents for every dollar men earned. Since then, women’s average wages have risen about 71%, while men’s wages have risen 35%, according to the National Equal Pay Task Force.

Overall, women in the U.S. now outnumber men by 78.8%, according to data released last week by the U.S. Census Bureau.

It is good to compare nurses. A 2013 Census report states that for every dollar a male registered nurse earned in 2013, a female RN earned 91.1 cents. The median income for men in this field was $67,990 and for women was $61,946.

Do Male Nurses Get Paid More

“Men always make more money than women,” says Deborah Burger, co-president of the California Nurses Association in Oakland. “Even in a female field, men still manage to make more money.”

Wanted: Male Nurses

The JAMA study results don’t hold true for Bob Stewart, a longtime cardiac nurse at San Joaquin Community Hospital in Bakersfield. In her workplace, a nurse’s salary is based on two things: the years you’ve worked and the nursing degree you’ve earned.

“Nobody thinks about it,” said Stewart, who became a registered nurse in 1983. “In routine patient care areas, it’s the same.”

Erika Beltran, a nurse at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital in Glendale, said she’s seen situations where nurses with years of experience like her are overpaid “because they’re men.”

Burger, who has worked as an RN for 43 years, wondered if an analysis of salaries for teachers — another field traditionally dominated by women — would reveal a similar disparity.

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In fact, the gender pay gap for registered nurses is on par with that of teachers, according to the Census Bureau. Women teaching in elementary and middle schools earned 91.4 cents for every dollar men did. In secondary schools, female teachers earned 92.9 cents for every dollar men earned.

Burger and other nurses involved in labor organizing argued that unionization prevented gender-based pay gaps because it made salary information public and standardized the way pay raises were calculated.

Muench said that union participation and whether female nurses took time off to have children are factors her team could examine in the future to understand why men’s wages are higher than women’s.

Do Male Nurses Get Paid More

Meanwhile, she said she hopes the new research will “start a conversation” between nurses and their employers.

A Guide On How Much Nurses Make In The Usa

Jan Boller, RN and associate professor at Western Institute

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