Can Tsa Scanners See Inside Your Body

Can Tsa Scanners See Inside Your Body – When people addicted to drugs hit rock bottom, when they start stealing to pay for their drugs, they end up in jail.

• A man on his way to the Marion County Jail suffers a suspected overdose of OxyContin and alcohol and is taken to the hospital in time to save his life.

Can Tsa Scanners See Inside Your Body

Can Tsa Scanners See Inside Your Body

• An inmate in prison collapses and has to be hospitalized. Prison officers find heroin and other drugs on, or rather, in his cellmate.

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• A third man swallows several bags of cocaine shortly before his arrest. The bags burst. He dies in Eskenazi Hospital after collapsing in his cell.

“Opioid abuse, substance abuse, addiction, those are the things that are driving the massive increase in inmates,” said Tippecanoe County Sheriff Barry Richards.

Second, prison challenges only begin with an arrest. Supervisors must spend time, money, staff and other limited resources trying to prevent drug addicts from committing suicide while behind bars.

People with addictions go to great lengths to get their drugs in jail. Even the best patrol can’t find contraband swallowed in a balloon or stuffed into a body cavity.

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To combat this, many prisons across the country have switched to $200,000 TSA-style body scanners that can see items swallowed or hidden in the body.

Prison staff administered 27 doses of the life-saving overdose of Narcan from July 1 to August 30. That equates to an inmate overdosing about every other day for two months.

But he said he can only do so much. He said the Marion County Sheriff’s Department is facing a budget crisis, one that has forced him to make drastic cuts to inmate transfer and processing and hospital security. Other agencies will have to take up those tasks.

Can Tsa Scanners See Inside Your Body

Body scanners, Layton said, would help keep drugs and other contraband out of prison and reduce inmate overdoses.

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The devices are not cheap. Layton is calling on state officials to pay for the $200,000 scanners and other corrections and addiction needs using a $1.8 billion reserve fund.

“The serious addicts entering the Marion County Jail are at the highest level in the prison’s history,” Layton said.

Tippecanoe County Sheriff Richards and Vanderburgh County Sheriff Dave Wedding think scanners would also reduce smuggling and drug use among their inmates.

“Individuals are trying to sneak in the contraband,” Richards said, “and a full-body scan would help prevent this sort of effort by the inmates.”

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“We’ve had detainees hide drugs in different parts of their bodies,” said Wedding. “It happens all the time.”

In Hamilton County, scanners have been a permanent part of the booking process since 2015. Officials recently purchased a third scanner for the prison.

The devices emit low levels of radiation, which has led to health concerns and the need to rewrite state laws before the devices can be used in Ohio.

Can Tsa Scanners See Inside Your Body

But SecurePASS, the company that makes Hamilton County’s scanners, says radiation exposure is so low that it takes 400 scans to match a single chest X-ray.

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“It’s shocking what people carry with them every day just walking down the street,” Sloderbeck said. “Not necessarily on their person, but in their person.”

The Hamilton County detainees stand on a platform, one shoe in each hand, as the platform slides them past the scanning device. Within 10 seconds, a detailed head-to-toe image of the prisoner’s insides appears on a computer screen.

To the trained eye, the hidden pills, pipes, syringes and paraphernalia stand out among the shadows of bones and organs in the grey-black snapshot.

The Hamilton County device caught a woman trying to smuggle lipstick and eyeliner. Another was caught hiding a stash of coffee.

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And, of course, some still try to smuggle in drugs. On August 22, the Hamilton County body scanner caught an inmate with a bag of heroin.

“This is an insurance policy,” Sloderbeck said, noting that the overdose deaths of inmates could lead to costly lawsuits.

“I was a little surprised at the time it took for this type of instrument to become common.”

Can Tsa Scanners See Inside Your Body

Stephen Wagner, an Indianapolis attorney who has represented families and inmates suing Marion County, said he thinks scanners could help make prisons safer for inmates. The investment, Wagner said, would pay off.

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“If it saves two, three or even one life a year, it’s worth it,” Wagner said. “From a security point of view, they make sense.”

Reporters Joseph Paul of the Lafayette Journal & Courier and Tori Fater of the Evansville Courier & Press contributed to this story.

“State of Addiction: Confronting Indiana’s Opioid Crisis” series is made possible through the support of the Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the vitality of Indianapolis and the well-being of its people.Whole- body imaging technologies can see through clothing to reveal metallic and non-metallic objects, including weapons or plastic explosives. They also reveal a person’s silhouette and the outline of underwear.David Mcnew/AFP – File Getty Images

New airport security scanners could become a popular alternative to body searches, but have also raised privacy concerns.

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Whole-body imaging technologies can see through clothing to reveal metallic and non-metallic objects, including weapons or plastic explosives. They also reveal a person’s silhouette and the contour of underwear.

That hasn’t stopped security officials from implementing them. The U.S. Transportation Security Agency (TSA) started using whole-body imaging at six airports this year, and there are plans to expand it to airports in several more U.S. cities later this year.

The TSA tested two technologies, including “millimeter wave” (MMW) technology that bounces radio frequency waves off humans to construct a 3D image in seconds. TSA also temporarily leased four “backscatter” units that use x-ray scanning, although the MMW method is currently faster.

Can Tsa Scanners See Inside Your Body

Early this year, TSA began deploying MMW as a primary screening technology alongside metal detectors at airports in San Francisco, Miami, Albuquerque, Tulsa, Salt Lake City and Las Vegas.

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Airports in 20 U.S. cities, such as JFK in New York City and LAX in Los Angeles, have used or plan to use MMW technology this year. Other countries have also started using or evaluating MMW for airport screening, including the UK, the Netherlands, Japan and Thailand.

The MMW and backscatter scans deliberately blur facial features, and the security officer viewing the footage is in a remote location where he or she cannot identify the passengers, said Lara Uselding, a TSA spokesperson. She added that the systems also delete scanned images after the viewings and have “no storage capacity”.

“Body scanners produce graphic images of travelers’ bodies and are an assault on their essential dignity,” said Barry Steinhardt, director of the ACLU’s Technology and Liberty Project. “The security measures announced by the TSA do not convince us that the technology is acceptable, and we question the supposed voluntary nature of these scanners.”

TSA pointed out that passengers can currently choose between the MMW screening and the more traditional search by a security officer with a wand. In fact, the new screening technology proved popular in tests conducted in January 2009.

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“More than 99 percent of passengers selected for Millimeter Wave screening chose to use the technology instead of the traditional pat-down procedure at Los Angeles International Airport,” Uselding said. “We saw the same percentage for use at JFK with MMW.”

A body scan that leaves no data may be less invasive than background checks that look through computer records of personal passenger information, said Bruce Schneier, chief security technology officer for British Telecommunications, who has published several books and testified on security issues before the US Congress.

However, Schneier raised two key issues: whether security officials are doing the right thing to address security concerns, and whether they are doing it right. His concern is that high-tech airport screening is too focused on specific threats.

Can Tsa Scanners See Inside Your Body

“I hate security where we have to guess a target and tactics,” Schneier told Live Science. He added that airport screening is the last line of defense against potential threats, while spending more money on intelligence gathering has benefits whether terrorists target an airport or a shopping mall.

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“Security is a trade-off,” Schneier said. “Every dollar we spend on airport security is a dollar not being spent anywhere else.” Sure, airport body scanners are looking for threats, but here’s what else these security devices can reveal in the process

Some of us remember when friends and family were able to walk you to your gate and you could fly a plane without going through a detailed airport security check. Now, of course, you need to worry about the TSA carry-on rules, including the liquid limit and food rules, and figure out what to pack in your checked luggage instead. And then there are the metal detectors, face scanners and body scanners. You know those machines are there for your safety, but they can still give you pause, especially the body scanner. After all, what exactly does it show? Are TSA agents allowed to see you naked?

Those are valid questions. You may also be wondering if body scanners are safe and if you can skip them if you sign up for Global Entry or TSA Pre-Check. We spoke to TSA experts to learn more about airport body scanners so you know exactly what

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