Best Ways To Save On Electric Bill

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Best Ways To Save On Electric Bill

Best Ways To Save On Electric Bill

A large number of household appliances consume energy even when they are turned off. This is an easy way to save money.

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If you’re not using your appliances, you should unplug them — even when they’re turned off, they still consume power.

This story is part of Home Tips, a collection of practical advice to help you get the most out of your home, inside and out.

Not using the toaster today? unplug it. When you’re not actively using an appliance or device, it’s still drawing energy—even if it’s turned off. Many devices in your home, from printers to laptop chargers to coffee makers, still run certain functions when plugged in. This means they continue to drain power, increasing your monthly electricity bill.

However, there is an easy solution: unplug your appliance when you’re not using it. Unplugging them will stop the energy from draining silently and adding to your bill, saving both electricity and money in the long run.

Ways To Save Money On Your Electricity Bill

Below, we answer how much unplugging appliances in your home can actually save you, and whether the energy savings are worth unplugging and replugging appliances every day. (To maximize energy savings, we also have tips on how to use a space heater to cut your heating bills, lower your water bill, set the perfect temperature for your thermostat to save money, and energy-efficient laundry methods to reduce utility costs.)

It might seem counterintuitive to unplug an appliance. After all, they’re all turned off, so why would they absorb energy?

In fact, according to, your devices are actually still using energy even though they’re off but still plugged in. Whether the device is off or in standby mode, some of the most serious problems are:

Best Ways To Save On Electric Bill

The energy consumed by these devices when not in use is often referred to as standby power, but it has other names such as phantom load, shadow load, idle current and even vampire power.

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Many people are shocked to realize how much standby power can add up. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, standby electricity accounts for 5%-10% of residential energy use. Unplugging appliances can save the average household up to $100 a year.

However, how much you save may depend on how many devices you use and how you use them. For example, an educational experiment at Colorado State University found that a combo radio/CD player/tape player draws 4 watts of power continuously whether it is being used or not. Unplugging it when not in use can save 100x power over the life of the device.

A study published by the Natural Resources Defense Council (PDF) found that reducing the load on always-on devices could save consumers a total of $8 billion a year and avoid the use of 64 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity annually. It also has environmental benefits, such as preventing 44 million tons of carbon dioxide pollution. NRDC estimates the cost of an always-on device to be as high as $165 per year per household on average.

Investing in a smart plug can help you save energy by controlling power to almost everything you plug it into. This plug from Leviton is your first choice.

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The first step, of course, is to unplug anything that is inactive or infrequently used. One example of devices that can be easily unplugged include televisions and set-top boxes in guest rooms. It’s also usually easy to unplug media players such as radios or CD players when not in use. It also helps to get in the habit of unplugging your charger when you take your device off it. You might also be surprised at how many devices we plug into that we don’t even use anymore. Examples might include old cordless phones, old media players, or lamps that are more decorative than functional.

But unplugging and replugging everything can get pretty tedious, especially if your outlets are in hard-to-reach places. It will be hard to keep up if the outlets are not accessible. So you can also set up ways to make the process of cutting phantom loads more automated. You can plug your device into a power strip. This allows multiple devices to be turned off with just a tap of the power switch button. You can also use timers to plug devices into or smart outlets to automate when devices are connected to power. For example, you can set your TV’s power hours so that it’s only connected during peak usage times like evenings or weekends.

You may also consider purchasing Energy Star products. Many of these products are rated for lower standby power consumption than products that are not Energy Star rated.

Best Ways To Save On Electric Bill

With electricity bills getting higher and more erratic over time, finding ways to save money on your electricity bill is more important than ever. For example, in addition to unplugging devices in your home, you can also check out our guide on turning off lights when not in use. Another key way to improve your electric/heating bills is to know the ideal temperature you should set for your home. You can also check out our guide for quick tips on saving money on your gas and electricity bills, like turning off your water heater or changing your air filter. Super Bowl: How to Watch the Best Super Bowl Commercials Rihanna’s Halftime Show PlayStation VR 2 Unboxed Bing and AIChatGPT and Dating’s Best and Worst On-Screen Couples Netflix Password Sharing Crackdown

How To Save Energy At Home: 29 Tips You Need To Know

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In fact, EIA estimates that wholesale electricity in the Northeast may have increased by $100 from last year. Prices are also rising in other parts of the country.

If you’re looking for ways to reduce your utility costs, there are many simple steps you can take to lower your energy bills, from turning off the lights to cost-effectively doing laundry. Here are the top 23 ways to start saving now.

Dishwashers may use electricity, but they save energy, money, water and time over washing dishes by hand.

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According to the California Energy Commission, replacing handwashing with an ENERGY STAR-qualified dishwasher can save an average of 5,000 gallons of water and $40 in utility bills per year, not to mention 230 hours of time.

Opt out of the dishwasher’s heat dry cycle. Instead, leave the door open and let your dishes air dry. If your dishwasher has an air dry option, use that instead of heat drying.

According to the California Energy Commission, air drying panels can reduce dishwasher energy consumption by 15% to 50%.

Best Ways To Save On Electric Bill

If you have to reload, these dishwasher tips won’t save electricity because the dishes won’t get clean. That’s why you need to make sure your dishes are loaded properly.

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For example, you should place plates on the bottom rack, bowls on the top rack, and cups upside down. Large items such as pots and pans should be washed separately.

If you live in a part of the world that has hot summers, turn on the ceiling fan instead of touching the thermostat. Using a ceiling fan can make a room feel 10 degrees Fahrenheit cooler with just 10 percent the energy of a central air conditioner, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council.

If you haven’t already made the switch to LED lighting, now is the time. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, LED bulbs use at least 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs and last 25 times longer. This equates to substantial savings over time.

If you often follow your family from room to room and turn off the lights behind them, a little automation can save you time and money. One solution might be a motion detector, such as GE’s LED Plus line or Ring’s smart outdoor lights. They turn on when they sense someone in the room and turn off when no motion is detected.

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According to the California Energy Commission, if you turn off the burners early, the furnace will put out enough heat to finish whatever you’re doing and save electricity. This trick works for most dishes, but there are some exceptions.

Every time you open the oven door while cooking, the internal temperature drops by 25 degrees Fahrenheit. The oven then has to use more power to restore temperature. To save electricity, peek through the windows and rely on the light from your oven instead of opening the door.

If you’re heating or cooking something small, use a smaller appliance, such as a microwave or electric oven. These use much less electricity than ovens.

Best Ways To Save On Electric Bill

Dimming lights reduces wattage and output, which helps save energy, according to the U.S. Department of State.

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