Active Directory User Report Powershell

Active Directory User Report Powershell – I have covered the PowerShell module, “ReportHTML” in a previous article (Create an interactive HTML report for Office 365 with PowerShell) where I used it to create Office 365 tenant reports. The module takes a bit of time to learn the syntax and formatting but it’s great if you’re not familiar with CSS/HTML as it does most of the heavy lifting for you. I prefer to generate reports using HTML because the data can be interacted with. You can filter your tables, search for items, change the table order, and even aggregate your data into bar and pie graphs.

My ultimate goal was to create an Active Directory overview report using PowerShell. I looked into the PSWinDocumentation but in the end I wanted the report to be interactive. I was looking for basic Active Directory items like groups, users, group types, group policy, etc., but I also wanted things like expiring accounts, users whose passwords are expiring soon, New modified AD objects, etc. Then I can get this report automatically emailed to me daily (or weekly) and I can see what has changed in my environment, and which users I need to make sure have their passwords changed soon. go

Active Directory User Report Powershell

Active Directory User Report Powershell

A summary report like this is also valuable for managed service providers because they can quickly and easily understand a new customer’s environment, as well as show the customer their own environment.

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Below is a screenshot of the Groups tab in the report. Since the report is in HTML you can go into the Active Directory group table and search for an item and it will filter the table in real time. If you click on the heading, “Type” it will order the table by group type instead of name. The chart below can also be consulted. When you hover over the pie chart it will display the values ​​and counts. So if you hover over the purple part in group membership, it will display “with members: 18”, so I know I have 18 groups that have members.

In the top right corner of my table I can search my table for items. Below I want to see all results with “brad”.

By clicking on a different heading I can change the sorting of the data. Here I change the data to order by “enabled” status, then “protected from deletion” and finally “name”.

The dashboard gives me a quick overview of the entire Active Directory environment. I can see the FSMO role holder, AD recycle bin status, and all valid UPN suffixes. It also displays membership for the domain and enterprise admin groups, and any objects in the Default Computers or Users OU. The next table displays every AD object that has been modified in the past “X” days. You can change the number of days by changing the variable at the beginning of the script. I can also see users who haven’t logged in recently as well as new user accounts that have been created. The Security Logs table displays all logs related to logon.

How To Find Disabled Active Directory User Accounts

As shown earlier, the Groups report displays membership and more for all my groups, domain and enterprise administrators. The following pie charts are dynamic and can be interacted with within the report itself.

The OU tab will display all my OUs, modification date, protection from accidental deletion, and Group Policy objects linked to that OU. The pie charts below provide a look at GPO links as well as OUs that are protected from accidental deletion.

The user report is very detailed, providing an in-depth look at your users and their account health. Instantly you can see the total amount of users, users whose passwords are expiring soon, any expired accounts, and users who haven’t logged in recently. The amount of days for each item (password expiration in less than X days) can be easily changed at the beginning of the script.

Active Directory User Report Powershell

The Active Directory Users table shows you all of your users and some of the most important user attributes. The next 4 tables will then display users with expired passwords, expired accounts, inactive users and newly created user accounts.

Active Directory User Account Password Expiry Email Notification Using Powershell

For the Group Policy report, you’ll see all your Group Policy objects, their status, modification date, and user and computer versions.

The Computer Report gives you the same overview as the Users Report. Here you can see the amount of computer objects in your environment, as well as a breakdown for computer operating systems. In my example environment I have many Windows 10 clients and more Server 2012 servers than 2016.

The 2 pie graphs below show the protection status against accidental deletion and enabled computers vs. being disabled. The last graph will give you a breakdown of the operating systems found in your environment. Here you can visually see how many Windows 10 devices are in my environment compared to other operating systems.

You can copy or download the script, and run it right out of the box on any computer/server with RSAT or Active Directory! But, I will explain 1 module it uses as well as the variables you can set if you want to change it to suit your needs.

Attack Paths In Active Directory: What You Should Know

The ReportHTML module is required to install the script. It will try to install the module if it doesn’t detect it by running install-module. You can also install it manually by running Install-Module ReportHTML in an administrative PowerShell console.

Unfortunately since I haven’t made this script into a function with parameters (yet!), some items are set using variables at the beginning of the script.

Because the script relies heavily on Active Directory, you’ll need to run it on a device with RSAT (as it gives you the Active Directory module) or a domain controller. You only need the Active Directory module to exist on the system it runs on.

Active Directory User Report Powershell

You can find the source code either below or on GitHub! On GitHub you can submit feature requests, bugs/issues and monitor when the code is updated.

Active Directory Queries With Powershell

My name is Bradley Wyatt; I am a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional and I am currently a Cloud Solutions Architect at PSM Partners in the Chicagoland area. Auditing Active Directory is perhaps the most important, but also the most difficult, task in Active Directory management. Active Directory contains a large number of objects and resources that need to be constantly monitored for unauthorized changes, application shutdowns, and more. ADAudit Plus helps IT administrators stay on top of their work by providing over 200+ pre-packaged audit reports that cover all AD objects.

In native AD, generating audit reports on Windows PowerShell can be attempted, however this will prove to be a tedious and time-consuming task with limited results. Here is a comparison of Windows PowerShell and ADAudit Plus creating audit reports on Active Directory objects.

Note: To get a comprehensive auditing report on the network, several such PowerShell scripts have to be run.

This is a sample report about disabled user accounts. As a network best practice, AD user accounts are disabled for a period of time before they are deleted. This list can show administrators which user accounts need to be deleted. If disabled users are continuously monitored, the administrator will be able to easily identify unauthorized re-enabling of user accounts.

Powershell Active Directory Delegation

There are several drawbacks to generating reports using Windows PowerShell to help audit a network:

ADAudit Plus audits the entire network and generates highly specific reports and real-time alerts if the network is compromised.

Active directory user activity report, active directory user login report, powershell active directory user, active directory user login history powershell, active directory user permissions report powershell, active directory user logon logoff report, active directory report powershell, active directory user report, active directory user permissions report, powershell active directory user report, active directory audit report with powershell, powershell get active directory user

About ricky

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