Active Directory Folder Permissions Management

Active Directory Folder Permissions Management – The third step in properly managing access to data on Windows file servers is to use security groups to assign permissions.

A group consists of a set of users who have certain permissions. This makes implementing and managing permissions easier than assigning permissions to individual users.

Active Directory Folder Permissions Management

Active Directory Folder Permissions Management

To give users access to data (whether the data consists of email distribution lists, file structures on file servers, or SharePoint spaces), administrators can create groups and assign them the necessary permissions.

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For example: You can give an employee of the Sales team direct access to the folder “\departmentssales” with “Full Control” permission. This allows the user to read the data and make changes to it. But what else can that user do? With the “Full Control” permission, that employee can assign and revoke permissions. It may revoke the access permissions of other users, including administrators. Therefore, granting such individual permissions is not considered best practice and can lead to administrative nightmares. It is recommended that permissions be granted through Active Directory groups. What if this user only needs permission to read data? Should this opportunity be the same for every member of the sales team?

A permission group is created for the department (for example, Sales). At the same time, data areas are created (such as file services, SharePoint spaces, and mail distributions).

The “Sales” group is assigned to these data areas. For example, this group has “Write” access to the “Sales” file server folder and “Read” permission on the web server. The mail distribution group also takes care of using this authorization group.

Permission groups should be created based on the structure of the organization, not the requirements and requirements of the data objects.

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Access requirements must be defined for each IT object (in our example, each folder in the file system). For all root objects (more folders and files in this case), this is done implicitly by inheriting permissions. This principle means that at least one security group must be created in Active Directory for each object that requires permission (for example, each folder).

Assigning specific permission groups to each folder with these permissions has all the necessary privileges for day-to-day operations and reporting.

For each folder, you can specify who has what permissions and access to the data in that folder, for example, users who are members of these permission groups.

Active Directory Folder Permissions Management

Furthermore, we know what the user’s permissions are due to the uniqueness of assigning an object (folder) to a permission group.

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It’s important to give security groups short and easy-to-understand names. With a proper naming scheme, permissions can be easily associated with their specific groups, making management easier.

You can also add security groups (add to other groups) to reduce the number of permissions that need to be assigned to users or groups individually.

It can be said that there is a 1:1 relationship between objects (our folders) and groups in Active Directory, and there is a many:many relationship between users and permission groups.

Currently, we ignore the fact that different groups are created for “Read” and “Write” permissions.

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For our example, we’ll create three security groups in Active Directory for each folder that requires permissions:

“Read” permissions are assigned when the user needs to read only the files inside the folder. For example, all general information about the project in the “Project Office” folder or all lists with sales prices in the “\ Departments Sales Items” folder are included in “Read” permissions.

“Write” permissions are granted only when the user needs to modify files. Note that assigning “write” permissions also allows the user to delete.

Active Directory Folder Permissions Management

In the two examples above, Write permissions are assigned to project management or project office staff who create and maintain information, and sales team staff who determine sales prices based on internal estimates.

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List permissions are required when a user needs rights to folders at the bottom of the file tree, but does not have Read or Write permissions to all folders at the level above.

With knowledge of Excel and some scripting, a simple way to create and manage these security groups with folder permissions can be built.

After all the necessary security groups have been created in Active Directory, these groups must be granted permissions to all relevant folders. You should start with the highest folder in the hierarchy. In our example, this will be the “Sales” folder.

This ensures that the folder has publicly assigned permissions. If you disable permissions, you must delete the associated user account(s) from Active Directory so that the user(s) no longer have access.

Active Directory Permissions Explained

Ii). In the second step, permissions must be created for the administrator group. The following best practices should be considered:

Iii). In the third step, the security groups created for each folder must be assigned to the folder. Awarded permits are awarded as follows:

You should avoid setting managed folder levels too deep into your folder structure. You can limit your folder structure to no more than five levels.

Active Directory Folder Permissions Management

If there is no limit to the number of levels in the file structure for assigning permissions, the complexity of management tasks increases exponentially. Let’s say the average number of folders in a file system is 10.

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Advanced folder management and document complexity will be 10. Adding a second level increases the difficulty to 10×10 or 100.

If we further assume that the average folder depth is 10 and there are no restrictions on folder authorization, the management complexity is 10 billion.

This means that an IT administrator could theoretically be required to manage 10 billion permissions. This further complicates documentation, reporting and changes.

The need to deny a user access to a specific folder does not mean that you should use the “Exclude” permission, as this would unnecessarily increase the complexity of management, documentation, and reporting.

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For example, all “deny” groups in parent data areas must be checked during each authorization.

Always keep this in mind when planning your folder structure and create files with their permission groups in such a way that the “Exclude” permission is not used at all.

In practice, this is easily possible if you provide users with a folder structure and don’t subject each employee to requests.

Active Directory Folder Permissions Management

When creating shares on a file system, you can restrict access to shares with “Share” permissions.

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Additionally, shares can be hidden (by putting a $ sign at the end of the share name) to prevent unwanted attempts to gain access.

In Windows Server 2012, the “access-based enumeration” setting allows a user to view a folder only if they have permission to view it.

Click here to download a checklist to help you use security groups to assign permissions.

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Scanning For Active Directory Privileges & Privileged Accounts

Managing Data Access on Windows Fileservers: Processes and Responsibilities Managing Data Access on Windows Fileservers: Assigning Users

We use cookies to provide you with the best experience on our website. Click “OK” to continue using this site! OkPrivacy Policy Administrators and compliance auditors often ask IT administrators to provide a list of file sharing permissions granted to a group or specific user. Here are some paid and free tools to help you save. It’s time to create reports.

Cjwdev’s NTFS Permissions Reporter is a nice tool that helps you export file and folder permissions. It displays group members (direct and nested) in the report; plus, you can choose the report format (tree or table) and also click different permissions in different colors. The tool is highly customizable and easy to use, but at first the interface may seem a bit overloaded and scanning for permissions may take extra time. This tool allows you to easily export report results to an HTML file. However, it only reports NTFS permissions for the folder; it cannot display user permissions.

Active Directory Folder Permissions Management

Netwrix’s effective permissions reporting tool helps ensure that employees’ permissions are aligned with their roles in the organization. IT provides file sharing and Active Directory permissions reporting, detailing who has access to what and how that access was obtained. This free tool is very simple and easy to use: You just need to enter the name of a user or group to check its permissions. Scanning is very fast and the HTML export function is straightforward. But it doesn’t show folder permissions; Such reporting is available in Netwrix Auditor for File Servers (20-day free trial).

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Active directory folder permissions report, permissions in active directory, active directory delegated permissions, active directory permissions tool, active directory permissions analyzer, active directory user permissions, active directory folder permissions, active directory home folder permissions, active directory permissions report, active directory permissions, active directory shared folder permissions, active directory folder permissions best practices

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