Active Directory Folder Permissions Best Practices

Active Directory Folder Permissions Best Practices – When you log into a local Windows computer (even if a file or folder is shared with other users within your network) and access an object locally, NTFS permissions apply and share permissions do not.

In other words, NTFS permissions are applied to users who are logged on to the network locally while share permissions are not applied.

Active Directory Folder Permissions Best Practices

Active Directory Folder Permissions Best Practices

No matter how restrictive the share permissions are set on your network, if you have access to the object and are connected to the workstation or server that “owns” the file or folder, you will be granted access.

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When using share permissions and folder permissions, note that different NTFS permissions can be applied to each folder within a shared folder. Working this way will ensure an authorization strategy for each type of data that is in an appropriate folder structure.

The answer is pretty simple, and it helps you determine the most effective form of permission for a shared folder.

Grant “Full Control” NTFS permissions to the “FileShare-Operatoren” group for a folder named MyFolder, as shown in the image below:

If you share MyFolder within the Windows network with the “FileShare-Operatoren” group using “Read” permissions and a user who belongs to this group tries to access the folder from the network, that user will only have “Read” access and not “Full Control”.

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However, if that user logs into the workstation or server where MyFolder is located, they will be granted “Full Control” permissions.

In the next two examples, we have shared folders on NTFS volumes. These shared folders contain subfolders that have also been given NTFS permissions.

The effective permissions for John and Maly for their home folder are “Full Control”. But John doesn’t have access to Maly’s home folder, and Maly doesn’t have access to John’s home folder.

Active Directory Folder Permissions Best Practices

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We use cookies to ensure we give you the best experience on our website. To continue using this site, click the ok button!OkPrivacy PolicyThe third step to properly manage data access on Windows file servers is to use security groups for assigning permissions.

A group consists of a set of users who have been granted certain permissions. This makes implementing and managing permissions easier than assigning permissions to individual users.

To give users access to data (whether the data consists of email distribution lists, file structures on file servers, or SharePoint spaces), administrators can create groups and assign them the necessary permissions.

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For example: You can grant a sales team employee direct access to the folder “\DepartmentsSales” with “Full Control” permission. In this way the user will be able to read the data and make changes to it. But what else will that user be able to do? With the “Full Control” permission, that employee can also assign and revoke permissions. It could potentially revoke access permissions for all other users, including administrators. Therefore, assigning such individual permissions is not considered a best practice and can lead to administrative nightmares. We recommend that you assign permissions through Active Directory groups. What if this user only needs permission to read the data? Should this access be the same for every single sales team member?

An authorization group is created for a department (e.g. Sales). At the same time, data regions (e.g. file services, SharePoint spaces and mail distributions) will be created.

These data areas will then be assigned the “Sales” group. For example, this group gets “Write” permission on the “Sales” file server folder and “Read” permission on the web server. The mail distribution group also takes care of using this group of authorization.

Active Directory Folder Permissions Best Practices

Permission groups should be built based on the structure of the organization, not on the requests and requirements of data objects.

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For each computer object (in our example each folder of the file system) the access requirements must be defined. For all underlying objects (in this case, multiple folders and files), this will be done implicitly through permission inheritance. This principle means that at least one security group must be created within Active Directory for each object that requires permission (e.g. each folder).

This assignment of permission groups dedicated to each folder with permissions has all the desired benefits for day-to-day operations and reporting.

For each folder it is possible to tell exactly who has what permissions and access to the data in that folder, such as which users are members of these particular permission groups.

We also know what a user’s permissions will be due to the uniqueness of assigning an object (folder) to a group of permissions.

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It is important to name your security groups succinctly and intuitively. With a proper naming approach, permissions can easily be associated with their specific groups, simplifying administration.

You can also nest security groups (add groups to other groups) to reduce the number of permissions that need to be granted individually to users or groups.

It can be said that there is a 1:1 relationship between objects (our folders) and groups within Active Directory, while there is a many:many relationship between users and authorization groups.

Active Directory Folder Permissions Best Practices

For now, we’ll ignore the fact that different groups are created for “Read” and “Write” permissions.

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For our example, we’ll create three security groups within Active Directory for each folder that requires permissions:

“Read” permissions are given when a user only needs to read the files within a folder. For example, all public information about a project in the “Project Office” folder or all listings with sales prices in the “\departmentsSalesItems” folder would be covered by “Read” permissions.

“Write” permissions will only be given if a user needs to edit files. It is important to keep in mind that granting “Write” permissions also gives the user permission to erase.

In the above two examples, “write” permissions would be given to staff members in Project Management or the Project Office who create and maintain information, as well as staff members in the sales team who specify sales prices based on to internal calculations.

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List permissions are required when a user needs rights to folders further down the file tree, but does not have “Read” or “Write” permissions to all folders higher up.

With Excel and some scripting knowledge, you can come up with an easy way to create and administer these security groups with folder permissions.

After you have created all the necessary security groups within Active Directory, you need to grant these groups permissions to all the appropriate folders. You should start with the highest folder in the hierarchy. In our example, that would be the “Sales” folder.

Active Directory Folder Permissions Best Practices

This will ensure that the folder will only have explicitly assigned permissions. If you disable permissions, you must also delete associated user accounts from Active Directory so that users no longer have access.

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Ii). In the second stage, the permissions for the administrators group have to be created. The following best practices are worth noting:

Iii). In the third stage, the security groups created for each folder must be assigned to the folder. The assigned permissions will be assigned as follows:

You should avoid setting the level for managed folders to go very deep within the folder structure. You can limit the folder structure to no more than the fifth level.

If there are no restrictions on the number of levels in the file structure for assigning permissions, the complexity of administration tasks increases exponentially. Suppose the average number of subfolders in a file system is 10.

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The administration and documentation complexity of the top level folder will be 10. If a second level is included, the complexity will increase to 10×10 or 100.

If we further assume that the average folder depth is 10 and that there are no restrictions on folder permissions, the management complexity will be 10 billion.

This means that an IT administrator could theoretically be required to manage 10 billion authorizations. This further complicates documentation, reporting, and changes.

Active Directory Folder Permissions Best Practices

The need to deny a user access to a specific folder does not mean that the “Deny” permission should be used, as this increases the complexity of administration, documentation and reporting by an unnecessarily large magnitude.

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For example, during each permission assignment, all “deny” groups within the main data regions should be audited.

When planning your folder structure, you should always keep this consideration in mind and structure your files with their permission groups in such a way that the “Deny” permission is not used at all.

In practice, this is easily possible if you present users with a folder structure and don’t capitulate to the requests of every member of staff.

When creating shares within a file system, you can restrict access to shares that have been granted “Share” permissions.

Assign Access Permission On A Shared Folder

In addition, to avoid unwanted login attempts, it is possible

About ricky

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