10 Simple Ways To Save Water

10 Simple Ways To Save Water – Before we talk about water conservation, here are some facts and figures that will help you understand the importance of water conservation.

Water conservation is the need of the hour as water is a limited natural resource and to ensure that it is sufficient for all, we need to use water with more care to minimize water wastage. One cannot stress enough the importance of conserving water. Thus, here are some quick tips on how to save water or more importantly how to conserve water that we all should follow relentlessly. These simple tips for water conservation in our daily life can help us effectively deal with water scarcity issues.

10 Simple Ways To Save Water

10 Simple Ways To Save Water

Like to take super long showers? According to this research, a person can waste an average of 17 gallons of water. That’s right!

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If you multiply this number by all the members of your family, you will see how outrageous the wastage of water is. As such, one of the best water conservation practices you can do at home is to cut down on long showers.

This is one of the easiest ways to save water at home. Also, depending on the efficiency of your shower head, you can typically use up to 5 gallons (18 liters) of water per minute. To save water, taking a shower of 5 minutes or less is ideal and this simple change to your routine can help save up to 70 liters of water per shower. You can also replace your shower head with a low-flow shower head to save water.

One of the biggest sources of domestic water waste is flushing toilets. It is estimated that old toilets use an insane amount of water (5 to 7 gallons) per flush. Thus, by installing the latest water-saving toilet flush system, you can save 700 liters of water every year.

This method of conserving water is slowly gaining traction, as more and more people are becoming aware of how small steps to conserve water can have a greater overall impact on the environment.

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Moreover, by switching to a new model that uses less water to flush the toilet, you can not only significantly reduce water consumption but also save money on your water bill, which is a win-win for both you and the environment.

How many times have you left the faucet running while brushing your teeth or washing your hands and face or shaving? Too many times to count, right? So, if you’re serious about saving water, this is one of the most basic water-saving ideas you can implement wherever you go – from home (especially when brushing your teeth) to offices, restaurants and more.

You can save up to 20 liters a day by turning off the tap while brushing your teeth or washing your hands and face. This water conservation method can be easily implemented in every home and the benefit, like a water saving toilet – is two-fold i.e. water conservation as well as lower water bills.

10 Simple Ways To Save Water

Another common daily household chore that leads to significant wastage of water is running the tap while washing clothes and dishes. Here, one of the recommended water saving tips is to wait until the sink is full and wash the dishes together instead of washing them one by one under the running tap.

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Likewise, for machine washing, a full load of laundry is a water-efficient choice. Whereas, for hand washing, using less detergent will require less water for rinsing.

Turning off the faucet while washing clothes and dishes is an effective way to save water. This will save more than 50 liters of water per day. Also, if you are using a washing machine or dishwasher, following this tip can save water and electricity.

Besides turning off faucets when not in use, another way to save water is to do regular maintenance checks and fix/replace old leaking faucets, pipes, and toilets. By doing this, you can save 75 liters of water per day which is huge and is linked to all the water conservation efforts at your home.

Apart from the above 5 methods of saving water, some other tips for saving water at home include;

Simple Ways To Save Water

‘Save Water Save Life’ – This quote is true because all life originates from water. By following these simple water saving tips, you can avoid wasting water every day. And, this, in turn, can help us build a water-sufficient country where everyone has access to safe drinking water all year round.

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Copyright © 2021 Alpha UV. All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | CapsicumA made by parents, it is our duty to ensure a better future for our children. On World Water Day, discover ways you, as a family, can conserve water and work towards a sustainable future.

10 Simple Ways To Save Water

The United Nations celebrates March 22 as World Water Day to emphasize the importance of conserving water resources and raise awareness about the challenges we face today.

How To Conserve Water At Home

These facts indicate the problem of water scarcity. Therefore, parents should do everything possible to save water together with their children.

We can use the following methods to save water in different areas of our home and teach our children about the importance of water conservation.

By following these simple practices at home, you will not only help save water, but also inspire your child to be a responsible and caring human being.

According to water conservationists, that’s how much each of us in an average urban Indian household uses in a day. Sounds like a lot, doesn’t it? Imagine – cities like Cape Town in South Africa are suffering from acute water shortages, with water consumption reduced to 50 liters per person. Even in our country, there are many regions where some children have to walk for miles to get water, while others do a little bit every day.

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But let’s look at the bright side. All over the world, children are at the forefront of raising awareness about conservation efforts. From saving lakes to organizing garbage clean-up drives, children are the guardians of our environment. On World Water Day (March 22), what better way to talk to kids about impending water scarcity or involve them in conserving water for the future?

1. Involve them in decision making – When you know that a water crisis is big, it is a good idea to plan well so that you do not face a serious crisis at home. Encourage your young children to suggest ways to reduce water use at home. Sometimes, kids can come up with the most amazing ideas. Implement their ideas – this will inspire them to become more involved in water conservation efforts.

2. Make them aware of water supply — The next time your water bill arrives at home, make your children aware of the amount of water used in your home and encourage them to set monthly water consumption reduction goals. Praise your children if they save water and help reduce the family’s consumption. So that when there is a water shortage in the future, a strategy will be prepared to reduce the consumption of water for all members of the family.

10 Simple Ways To Save Water

3. Teach them not to waste water – During a water crisis, tell children that water will be scarce and they should use it wisely. Therefore, they should take a quick shower, not leave the faucet running while brushing their teeth, turn off all faucets tightly, and keep faucets in low-flow mode when cleaning their hands and washing their faces. Ask your children to fill only half a glass of drinking water when they feel thirsty and to drink more only if they need it. Collect the water you used to clean the vegetables and encourage the children to water their plants.

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4. Show them the value of small actions — even a simple and small effort can make a big difference. “In the school I attended, a blue drum is kept near the gate and children returning home are asked to empty whatever little water they have in their water bottles into this drum. The collected water is used for watering the school garden or for cleaning,” says Vinod. Such an exercise not only saves water but also shows children that a little can go a long way.

5. Talk to them about rainwater harvesting — Installing a rainwater harvesting system in your home or apartment building is an important step toward water conservation and can be a boon when water is scarce. To teach children the value of rainwater, ask them to keep buckets outside when it rains and use the water for cleaning and washing.

6. Take them to

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